First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Group Attributes

Title: Black Prince Boat Club
Email: bpbc at
No. of members: 180
Description: First and Third Alumni Boat Club
Owned by: FaT Association managers (group)
Any club member may join this group
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Current group members

  1. Ali Abbasi
  2. Catherine Aiken
  3. Jane Allison
  4. Michael Anderson
  5. Forbes Anderson
  6. Alessandro Angelico
  7. Ilsu Erdem Ari
  8. Matthew Arnold
  9. Julia Attwood
  10. Kevin Backhouse
  11. Rosie Baish
  12. Luke Barratt
  13. Alex Barrell
  14. Charley Bates
  15. Ulrike Bauer
  16. Dominic Beary
  17. Jonathan Bevan
  18. Sarah Blackburn
  19. Simon Blackburn
  20. Emily Booker
  21. Paddy Boyle
  22. Pollie Boyle
  23. Richard Bullock
  24. Matthew Byrne
  25. Raf Carbonell
  26. Laurence Carr
  27. S. Case
  28. Alex Caulfield
  29. Cass Chideock
  30. Jij Chow
  31. H. W. Clouting
  32. Tom Coker
  33. Hannah Cornfield
  34. Mark Crawford
  35. Rachel Croft
  36. Matthew Crowe
  37. Jacob Currie
  38. Dan Darley
  39. Jon Davies
  40. Christopher Devine
  41. Rich Dewire
  42. Tudor Dimofte
  43. Becca Downing
  44. Honey Duan
  45. John Earl
  46. James Edgeley
  47. Tisal Edirisinghe
  48. Iain Edwards
  49. Christopher Elsby
  50. Kerem Ergene
  51. Bronwen Evans
  52. Angela Evans
  53. Steven Evans
  54. Graham Fisher
  55. Andrew Fisher
  56. Al Fisher
  57. Will Fletcher
  58. Richard Fletcher
  59. Peter Ford
  60. Rob Foster
  61. Laura Fox
  62. Mina Frost
  63. Gonzalo Garcia
  64. Bryn Garrod
  65. Raphaƫle Garrod
  66. Charles Gillham
  67. Jonathan Glass
  68. Liv Godwin
  69. Maris Goldmanis
  70. Mike Goodson
  71. Matthew Griffiths
  72. Lizzie Grose
  73. Florian Gruessing
  74. Josh Hampson
  75. Sophie Harper
  76. Tom Hayward
  77. Tom Herbert
  78. Elizabeth Hill
  79. Andrew Hogley
  80. Daniel Holland
  81. Phil Horler
  82. Chris Ingram
  83. Ben Jackson
  84. Dan Jane
  85. Ben Jarman
  86. Mihkel Kama
  87. Justus Kebschull
  88. John Kiely
  89. S. M. Knight
  90. Will Laffan
  91. Jade Lam
  92. Andrew Lea-Cox
  93. James Leake
  94. Jenny Lee
  95. Ros Liu
  96. David Lowish
  97. Kate MacGregor
  98. Sophie Maclean
  99. Damien Maltarp
  100. Emily Man
  101. Paul Masset
  102. Anna McCreadie
  103. Thomas McTiernan
  104. George Mears Mears
  105. Igor Medvedev
  106. Sonya Milanova
  107. Jack Mills
  108. JP Moorhead
  109. John Mountain
  110. Rachel Munro
  111. Chris Mycroft
  112. Yining Nie
  113. Keith Noble-Nesbitt
  114. Becca North
  115. Thomas O'Neill
  116. Michael Orger
  117. Aaron Outhwaite
  118. Sally Painter
  119. Sebastian Pancratz
  120. Preeyan Parmar
  121. Robert Patterson
  122. Ed Peacock
  123. Martin Peck
  124. Alasdair Phillips-Robins
  125. Andy Pickard
  126. Natalya Pilbeam
  127. Iwo Pilecki-Silva
  128. Barney Plummer
  129. Clive Ponsonby
  130. Lynsey Porter
  131. Katherine Poseidon
  132. Xander Povey
  133. Tera Pruitt
  134. Will Rafey
  135. Francesca Rawlins
  136. Sophie Rickards
  137. L. O. Robinson
  138. Peter Robinson
  139. Stephen Robson
  140. Julia Robson
  141. Tom Rose
  142. Jake Rowe
  143. Amelia Russell
  144. Jo Sampson
  145. Mark Sankey
  146. Pia Schaefer
  147. James Scott-Brown
  148. Andrea Sendula
  149. Robert Shearme
  150. Michael Simmonds
  151. Simon Smart
  152. Emma Smith
  153. Andy Somers
  154. Andrew Southern
  155. Richard Spencer
  156. Charlotte Squires-Parkin
  157. Jiske Steensma
  158. Philippa Stokes
  159. Chris Stone
  160. James Strawson
  161. Alex Summers
  162. Alan Sun
  163. Cliff Swartz
  164. Richard Sworder
  165. Neil Talbott
  166. Sarah Taylor
  167. Erica Thompson
  168. Will Thorne
  169. Rob Tulloch
  170. Daniel Walker
  171. Matilda Watts
  172. Lilie Weaver
  173. John Were
  174. Jonathan Williams
  175. Emma Wilton
  176. Patrick Winter
  177. Rob Withers
  178. Amy Wu
  179. Orson Ye
  180. Nicolas Zorn

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