The Club's Crews
Members Information
(Nappa) Kataoka, Natsuha
Abbasi, Ali
Acton, Max
Ahmad, M.F.
Ahmadnia, Amin
Aiken, Catherine
Aiken, Abigail
Akra, Ahmad
Allen, Oscar
Allen, Thomas
Allen, Dom
Allison, Jane
Anderson, Michael
Anderson, Forbes
Andrei, Bianca
Andrews, Tom
Angelico, Alessandro
Archer, Georgina
Ari, Ilsu Erdem
Arkwright, Cressie
Armstrong, Juliet
Arnold, Matthew
Attwood, Julia
Aude, Diana
Backhaus, V.S.
Backhouse, Kevin
Badelita, Vlad
Bader, Jakob
Baish, Rosie
Baker, Narelle
Banerjee-Shukla, Abhishek
Banhalmi, Bence
Barber, Duncan
Barber, F.R.
Barbieri, Pierpaolo
Barker, Joe
Barratt, Luke
Barrell, Alex
Bass, Lydia
Bass, Michael Peter Andrew
Bates, Charley
Bauer, Ulrike
Baumeister, Julia
Beardwell, John
Beary, Dominic
Bek, Zara
Beke, Csongor
Bell, Sam
Bell, Jamie
Bell, Tom
Bell, Chloe
Bennett, Hugh
Bentall (Catz), Lucy
Bentham, Archie
Berrens, Rebecca
Bessieres, Vivien
Bevan, Jonathan
Bifani, Kristina
Binder, Martin
birch, donald
Birch, D.E.
Black, Christopher
Blackburn, Simon
Blackburn, Sarah
Blacklay, Adam
Blake, Lauren
Blaukopf, Ben
Bloggs, Jo
Bolitho, Richard
Bolton, Jonathan
Booker, Emily
Booker, Harriet
Bowen, Zara
Boyle, Paddy
Boyle, Pollie
Bradbury, P.
Bradley, Dan
Braviner, Harry
Brenner, Fabian
Briggs, Joseph
Brigham, Daniel
Broadfoot, Danielle
Brooks, Will
Brown, T.A.
Bruce-Lockhart, Kate
Brumley, D.R.
Bryant, Ed
Bryden, M.K.
Bucic, Matija
Bullock, Richard
Burwood, R.P.
Butler, Anthony
Byrne, Matthew
Cairns, Jonathan
Callan-Smith, Angus
Calvert, P.R.
Campo, Laura
Canadine, George
Carr, Laurence
Carruthers, Madeleine
Casagrande, T.
Case, S.
Caulfield, Alex
Cavalleri, Luca Cavalleri
Chamberlain, Roderick
Chan, G.Y.
Chang, S-C.
Chao, L-Y.
Chapin, Charles
Chen, Tiffany
Chen, Jiasheng
Chen, Brian
Chen, Daniel
Cherskov, A.
Chesshyre, Bill
Cheung, Albert
Chi Hill, Cynthia
Chideock, Cass
Cho, Tae-Joon
Chow, Jij
Chui, Melchior
Chung, Ming-Chee
Church, Richard
Church, William
Clarke, Belinda
Clausen, Thomas
Clewes, Charlotte
Close, William
Cloughton, B.A.
Clouting, H. W.
Cochrane, S. J.
Cocks, Sam
Cody, K.M.
Coghill, Emily
Coker, Tom
Cole, G.
Coles, Alex
Colin, Domitille
Collins, Ellie
Collins, Sean
Collins, Toby
Colliver, Emma
Coombs, Jamie
Copland, Neil
Cornfield, Hannah
Correspondent, Mobile
Cottle, A.M.
Covell, Charles
Cox, Jacob
Craik, Bethany
Craik, Dan
Crawford, Mark
Crickhowell, Lord Roger
Cristofolini, Peter
Croft, Rachel
Crouch, Matt
Crouzet, Guillemette
Crowe, Matthew
Csenki, Adam
Cumming, Ruairidh
Cunliffe, Lord Roger
Currie, Jacob
Curtis, Charlotte
Cvijovic, Ivana
D'Souza, Brandon
Dalton, Michael
Darley, Dan
Davies, Jon
Davies, Fiona
Davison, Matt
Daws, Christopher
Day, Jacob
De-Fonseka, Sunith
de-la-Hunty, T.
de-Verdelhan, H.A.
Deakin, Phil
Dean, Will
Dear, Alexander
Dehabadi, M.H.
Dell'Anno, Laila
Dello (QCBC), Chiara
Demarco, Michael
Denby, L.C.
Dennis, Aileen
Devereux, Sara
Devine, Christopher
Dew, S.
Dewbery, Adam
Dewire, Rich
Di-Giovanni, Mark
Dienstbier, Martin
Dimofte, Tudor
Dingler, Felix
Dixon, Aurelia
Dixon, Savannah
Dixon, James
Doboš, Ronald
Dolezal, Petr
Donaldson, D.
Donaldson, Alex
Dong, Shida
Doshi, Finale
Dougall, Adam
Downing, Becca
Drake, Paul
Drummond, C.R.
Duan, Honey
Dumitru, S-F.
Dunleavy, C.S.
Dupont, J-S
Dutton, Peter
Dyer (Caius), Ben
Eales, Oliver
Earl, John
Easterbrook, Emma Reiko
Eccles, T.
Edgeley, James
Edirisinghe, Tisal
Edwards, Chloe
Edwards, Olivia
Edwards, Jonathan
Edwards, Iain
Edwards-Classics, Daniel
Edwards-Medic, Daniel
Ehrlich, David
Elliott, Luba
Elliott, Sarah
Elsby, Christopher
Erelt, Edward
Ergene, Kerem
Evans, Steven
Evans, Angela
Evans, Bronwen
Everington, Sam
Farquharson, Andrew
Feilden, F.H.
Ferguson, Anna
Fernandes, Artur
Ferrari-Braun, Agustin
Ferreira, Barbara
Ferreira-Bruco, Maria Eduarda
Figliuoli, Isaac
Firman, Andrew
Fisher, Graham
Fisher, Andrew
Fisher, Al
Fisher, Luke
Fisher, Amalie
Fiske Harrison, Isabella
Fitzgerald, Martin
Flanagan, Colm
Fleming, Patrick
Fletcher, Will
Fletcher, Richard
Ford, Peter
Fort, Stanislav
Fortune, M.D.
Foster, Rob
Fox, Laura
Frances, Clare
Franklin, Charles
Franklin, Olivia
Franklin, Ruth
Freckleton, I.
Frieberger, Julia
Friend-Smith, Oliver
Fries, Jacob
Frigot, Rachel
Frith, Thomas
Frost, Mina
Fu, Nancy
Galloway, Miles
Gammie, K.A.
Gao, William
Garcia, Gonzalo
Gardiner, Clare
Garrod, Bryn
Garrod, Raphaële
Gayfer, Andrew
Ge, Yimin
Gerrard, Samuel
Gibson, S.
Gibson, Alec
Gillett, Jack
Gillham, Charles
Gillis-Buck, Eva
Gjorgjieva, Julijana
Gladhaug, Mikkel
Glasman, S.
Glass, Jonathan
Goddard, Jason
Godwin, Liv
Gog, Julia
Goldmanis, Maris
Gomersall, Daisy
Gonen, Illan
Gooch, Stu
Goodson, Mike
Gordon, Ben
Gordon, G.S.D.
Gordon, Emily
Gorey, Declan
Graff, Thomas
Grant, Imogen
Green, Kimberley
Green, Christopher
Grenfell-Shaw, John
Grewcock, Rachel
Griffiths, Matthew
Grose, Lizzie
Grudzien, Piotr
Gruessing, Florian
Guo, Zheng
Guthauser, Henriette
Gutstein, B.
Hadziabdic, Amna
Halasz, Gabor
Hall, Phoebe
Hallikeri, Prithviraj
Halski, Adam
Hamilton, A.J.
Hamilton-Craig, Christian
Hampson, T.
Hampson, Josh
Han, Harry
Hankey, Martin
Hanna, Edmund
Hannon, Roisin
Hansen, Niels-Jakob
Harbrecht, Hannes
Harding, Chris
Hardy, W.J.
Haria, Keval
Harrison, Michael
Harrison, A.
Hayward, Tom
He, Qiurui
Heath, Joanna
Hedley, S.R.
Hele, Timothy
Hempel, Anne
Hennock, Tim
Henshall, Nicola
Hepsaydir, Leyla
Herbert, Tom
Herbert-Owen, Hannah
Hermanowicz, Maciej Tomasz
Hermoso-Buxan, Xose Luis
Hernandez-Heras, Francisco Javier
Hewer, Amy
Heygate, Catherine
Hickey, Sarah
Higgins, Jos
Higgs, Edward
Hill, Elizabeth
Hirschberger, M.A.
Hitzig, Zoe
Hnatova, Silvia
Hobson, Esther
Hodzik, Ena
Hoegner, M.F.
Hoffmann, Patrick
Hogley, Andrew
Holland, Daniel
Holm, Laura Engell
Holyoake, A.J.
Horler, Phil
Howard, George
Howarth, C.N.
Howat, Tom
Hu, D.
Huang, Elizabeth
Hui, Wai In
Hume, Robert
Hunter, Krisztian
Husza'r, Ferenc
Ibata, Neil
Ingram, Chris
Irving, Jess
Jackson, Hannah
Jackson, Sam
Jackson, Ben
Jafferji, Z-A.
Jamroz, D.P.
Jane, Dan
Janssen, Emma
Jarman, Ben
Jayasekera, Shavindra
Jenkins, C.R.T.
Jenkins, C.L.
Jenkins, Freya
Jenkins, Penelope
Jiao, N.
Joeris, Benson
Johnson, Chris
Jones, David
Jones, Magnus
Jule, Amélie
Kacidhja, Artin
Kahr, Franziska
Kalaji, Ali
Kama, Mihkel
Kamcev, Nina
Karailiev, Andrey
Karp, Steven
Karwa, S.
Kasas, Alexander
Katta, Pawan
Kaye, Nigel
Kearney, Lily
Kebschull, Justus
Kenneally, Ben
Kenyon, Catherine
Kesawani, Sharvil
Kesek, Blanka
Khan, Hadi
Kiely, John
King, Richard
King, James Harmsworth
King, Meryl
King, Tom
Kingsbury, Nick
Kisil, Konstantin
Kitchovitch, Stephan
Kittle, Samuel
Klatzow, J.J.
Knight, S. M.
Koh, Amy
Koid, Jasper
Kokkinos, Ares
Konstantinov, Vladimir V
Kotecha, G.
Kovacova, Basha
Koziolek, Nic
Kristensen, F.
Kucera, Jiri
Kuhaudomlarp, Sue
Kuo, J.
Kwan, John
Lackner, Sara
Laffan, Will
Lam, Katie
Lam, Jade
Lambert, Matt
Laohakunakorn, Nadanai
Lau, Stella
Lau, Peter
Lawrie, Charlie
Lazar, Ionut
Lea-Cox, Andrew
Leach, Peter
Leake, James
Lee, Jenny
Lee, Kelvin
Lee, Dohun
Lee, Yi
Lee, Jonathan
Leung, Jane
Lewars, J.A.R.
Lewis, Andrew
Lewis, Aaron
Li, W.
Li, J.
Li, Jeffrey
Li, B-R.
Liebenow, P.A.
Lings, Sam
Little, Rory
Littlewood, Dan
Liu, Angela
Liu, Ros
Liu, Hans
Livesey, Rick
Lloyd-Price, Rhodri
Loesch, Steffen
Loh, Howard
Lonborg, A.V.
Long, Jason
Lovering, Tom
Lowish, David
Lubel, Jess
Lucas, Sarah
Lueg, L.F.
Luu Hoang (Catz), Kim Ngan
Lyster, Olivia
MacGinnis, George
Maclean, Sophie
Maffioli-Brigatti, Giorgia
Magnani, Lavinia
Mah, Song Wei
Mahajan, Aprajit
Maidment, Sarah
Maierhofer, Georg
Main, Jonathan
Makepeace, Ewan
Makwana, Dhruv
Malmberg, Hannes
Maltarp, Damien
Malz, D.H.
Man, Emily
Manion, Alex
Manns, R.P.C.
Mantyk, Tomasz
Marcus, Charlie
Markovic, Ognjen
Marshall, Penny
Marshall, Ethan
Marston, B.S.
Marvel, K.
Marway, Prabhvir Singh
Mashhour, H.
Masset, Paul
Matache, Andrei
Mazac, Dalimil
McCreadie, Anna
McDougall, Ralph
McFarlane, Oli
McFarthing, Andrew
McGinn, Sorcha
McInroy, G.R.
McKelvie, Mark
McLean, Callum
McManus, Michael
McMillan, Danny
McTiernan, Thomas
Mears, George Mears
Medvedev, Igor
Mehmet, Dilan
Meisl, Georg
Menasche, J.P.
Menell, Natasha
Merchant, Sophie
Merchiston, Giles
Mertes, Stephan Christian
Mi, Emma
Michael, Sophia
Mietke, A.
Milanova, Sonya
Mills, Josh
Mills, Jack
Milos, Grzegorz
Mindel, Samuel
Mitchard, M.
Mitchell, Reggie
Moore, Gillian
Moore (Newnham), Myfanwy
Moorhead, JP
Morgunov, Alexey
Morris, Ben
Moshiri, Kian
Moss, Sean
Mountain, John
Mui, Connor
Mulder, Ruward
Mummert, Brian
Munro, Rachel
Mycroft, Chris
Nagarajan, Aady
Nanayakkara, Dilini
Nash, Louise
Neirami, J.
Nelson, Nicolas
New, Charlotte
Newbold, Craig
Newton, Dan
Nguyen, Michael
Nicol, Jonathan
Nie, Yining
Noble-Nesbitt, Keith
North, Becca
Novello, Stefano
Nulsen, Joel
Nunis, Valerie
O'Dea, Vicky
O'Neill, Thomas
O'Neill, Alistair
Oglethorpe, R.L.F.
Olley, Katherine
Orger, Michael
Outhwaite, Aaron
Ouzounellis-Kavlakonis, Theodoros
Overington, Rachel
Page, Marie
Painter, Sally
Palazzo, Miranda
Palmer, Izzi
Pancratz, Sebastian
Paraoan, Vlad
Paraskevopoulos, M.
Paren, Rowena
Paris, Joseph
Parish, Roisin
Park, Gahee
Parmar, Preeyan
Patel, Samarth
Patel, Amar
Patterson, Robert
Patterson, Emma
Payne, Josh
Peacock, Ed
Pearson, Sam
Peck, Martin
Peng, Gunnar
Perciun, Dan
Perrin, Amelia
Peterson, Geneva
Peterson, Sarah
Petersson, Karl
Pfeffer, Kate
Phillips, Anthony
Phillips, Matt
Phillips, William
Phillips-Robins, Alasdair
Pickard, Andy
Pilbeam, Natalya
Pilecki-Silva, Iwo
Pink, Thomas
Plisco, Erin
Plummer, Barney
Pohl, Alexa
Ponsonby, Clive
Pooley, Tony
Pope, Allen
Porter, Lynsey
Poseidon, Katherine
Povey, Xander
Preiss, Philipp
Price, Thomas
Prince, Mattis
Pringle, Ryan
Procter, M.J.
Pruitt, Tera
Prusa, Jan
Przykucki, M.J.
Pugh, D.F.J.
Pycroft, Thomas
Quie, Alexandra
Rafey, Will
Ratneswaren, T.
Rawlins, Francesca
Reizenstein, Jeremy
Remoundos, Dennis
Rher, Ruben
Ricarda-Chorus, Talea
Richards, Prof. J.
Richardson, Brian
Ries, M.
Riley, E.A.L.
Roach, Charlotte
Roberts, Olivia
Roberts, D.R.R.
Roberts, Hannah
Roberts, Marcus
Robinson, Peter
Robson, Stephen
Robson, Julia
Romer, Cornelius
Rosales-Ortega, Fabian
Rose, Tom
Roslington, James
Ross, Peter
Routh, Alasdair
Rowe, Jake
Rowe, Sam
Rowley, Peter
Russell, Amelia
Rychlik, Thomas
Sach, Gemma
Safka, Dan
Saleh, Maryam
Salgård Cunha, Pedro
Salgård Cunha, Emma
Salovaara, Jackson
Sampson, Jo
Sankey, Mark
Sault, Alex
Savage, Kathryn
Savvas, Katerina
Savvas, M.
Schaefer, Pia
Schaffner, Felix
Schmalian, Misha
Schmid, Michael
Schmidutz, Tobias
Schoefer, Sebastian
Schortz, Oskar
Schreuder, Anne
Schuwerk, J.A.
Schwitzer, William
Scott, James
Scott-Brown, James
Sendles-White, Lauren
Sendula, Andrea
Serjeantson, Richard
Shearme, Robert
Shepherd, Sam
Shepherd, Jacob
Sherrington, Rob
Shorrock, Polly
Shotton, Jack
Sikes-Sheard, Robyn
Sills, Graham
Silver, Jonathan
Simmonds, Michael
Simpson, Fergus
Simpson, Harry
Siviter, Jamie
Skilbeck, Olivia
Skittrall, Jordan
Skramic, Marija
Smart, Simon
Smith, Emma
Smith, James
Smith, Esther
Somers, Andy
Song, Tony
Sosnina, Sophia
Southern, Andrew
Spasojevic, Igor
Spataru, Vlad-Titus
Spencer, Richard
Springbett, Lysander
Squires-Parkin, Charlotte
Staben, Julian
Stanford, Lianne
Stanojevic, Milos
Stasinskas, Karolis
Steensma, Jiske
Stevenson, Owen
Stewart, M. P.
Stockwell, Harry
Stoev, Martin
Stokes, Philippa
Stone, Chris
Stoneman, Sarah
Strange, Alex
Straub, Ludwig
Strawson, James
Streat, Hannah
Stril, Arthur
Strong, Nicholas George Strong
Stroud, Rob
Sturley, Blaise
Suarez-Castillo, M.
Sugden, Andrew
Summers, Alex
Summers, Julia
Sun, Alan
Swartz, Cliff
Swartz, Dale
Switzer, Shelby
Sworder, Richard
Syder, Kirsty
Sye, Alex
Syed, Anas
Syeda, Seema
Tailor, Kishan
Talbott, Neil
Tan, Lewis
Tang, Charlene
Tang, H-L.
Tanner, James
Tatton-Brown, Oliver
Tavarela-Mendes, Catarina
Taylor, Harold
Taylor, Sarah
Taylor, Chris
Taylor-Coronel, Sofia
Taylor-Jones, Kerrie
Teubner, Jonathan
Teychenne, Gabrielle
The Website Manager,
Thomas, L.R.
Thomas, Nathaniel
Thompson, Daniel
Thompson, Erica
Thomson, Louise
Thorne, Will
Thornton, Michael
Thurston, Em
Tiefensee, Christine
Tims, Jonathan
Tomczak, Mika
Tonna, Laurence
Tóth, Bálint
Trinh, Kien
Trippel, Pierre
Troyas-Martinez, Carla
Tudeau, J.
Tulloch, Rob
Tungadi, Trisna
Turpin-Aviram, Sayana
Twigg, David
Valentin-Schuler, Florian Schuler
Vallina-Garcia, Isabel
van-de-Graaf, Lea
van-Rijn, M.E.
Vaughan, James
Verachtert, Ramses
Vial, Charles
Vilenskiy, Ilya
Vofely, Rozi
Voigt, Janina
von-Aderkas, Eleanor
Voysey, Isobel
Vranjesevic, Filip
Waguespack, Aline
Wahab, Shahid
Walker, Matthew
Walker, Daniel
Wall (née Hann), Rebecca
Walsh, M.P.
Walter, Lars
Wang, Mary
Wasti, Akhass
Watanabe, Mia
Watson, Alex
Watson, Alexander
Watts, Matilda
Way, Georgia
Weaver, Lilie
Webb, R.C.H.
Weiler, Alessa
Weimann, Laura
Weissang, Emily
Weisz, Ben
Welling, Orian
Were, John
Westwood, Callum
Whelan, Harry
White, Zara
White, Dave
White, J.H.
Whitton, Will
Wible, Zoe
Williams, Jonathan
Wilson, Tom
Winter, Patrick
Winter, Alina
Withers, Rob
Withers, Peter
Witteveen, Joeri
Wong, Andy
Wong, Alfred
Wood, Henry
Wood, Alex
Woolford, Julie
Wright, Laura
Wright, Nick
Wrixon, Juliette
Wu, Jieyuan
Wu, Amy
Wu, Sophie
Wylie, Rebecca
Xiao, Jasmine
Xie, nam
Xie, Fei
Xie, Catherine
Xu, Robin
Xu, Yunlong David
Yan, Ziqi
Yang, Qi
Yao, Chen
Yao, Ye
Ye, Orson
Yiu, Ho Lam
Yoon, Chris
Yuan, Terence
Zazycki, Elizabeth
Zermanos, Terezija
Zhang, A.Y.Q.
Zhang, Qingyue
Zhao, Jacky
Zhao, Amy
Zhao, Peng
Zhu, Alison
Zhu, Y.
Zolotareva, Anastasia
Zorn, Nicolas
Zviazhynski, Bogdan
Jump to race results
Andrew Lea-Cox, AM
Rupert the Bear
Bow side competence (0 to 5) 1
Noviced in
Rowing Career
According to our records , Andrew Lea-Cox has rowed in 43 events with First & Third (or BPBC) at a highest level of 1st men's VIII and most recently on 20 Jun 2010.
Number of posts
Most recent post
7 May 2007 10:08pm, re: Members' poll: How to tan?
Posts as
Andrew, Just to put the record straight, Come on, be reasonable, Rupert, I seem to have started quite a debate..., Just because we didn't have as much money as you, Never been so drunk after a "treasure hunt"..., ALC, Rupert the Bear, Just got my ticket, Ultimate decidor, fellow hypothermic, even more cheese, confused
Member of:
2004 - 2005
2nd men's VIII, May Term 2005
Full results record
2002 - 2003
Cambridge Autumn Head (Lower College IV+) : 11:31   1st Of 8 2nd IV's and below (2nd men's IV at str)
University IVs (Lower IVs) : Raced 5 rounds: Beat Emma II (5 s) in the final (2nd men's IV at str)
Cambridge Winter Head (Senior VIIIs) : 8:38   4th overall, 2nd college VIII (1st men's VIII, mp for hc at 2)
Emma Sprints : Raced 4 rounds: beat Clare Mixed in the final (2nd mixed VIII at 6)
Fairbairn Cup (Senior VIIIs) : 15:20   7th; 5th college VIII (1st men's VIII at 2)
Cambridge Head-2-Head (1st division) : 18:16   1st overall (Men's 1st Lent VIII at 2)
Head of the Nene (Senior3 VIIIs) : 18:39   Winners of S3 8+, 5th overall, 1st College VIII (Men's 1st Lent VIII at 2)
Robinson Head (1st division) : 8:36   Overall winners (The Lent VIII at 2)
Lent Bumps : Up 1 - Bumped LMBC; 2nd in division 1 (Men's 1st Lent VIII at 2)
2nd Trinity Challenge Sculls (Shell) : 14:10   15th of 22 men's shells (Andrew Lea-Cox in his single scull)
Peterborough Sprint Regatta (Senior3 VIII) : Won (beat Fitz and Bradford) in the heats and Scratched (due to illness) in the final (1st men's VIII at bow)
Peterborough Sprint Regatta (Senior2 VIII) : 3rd of 3 (beaten by Downing and Cambridge 99's) in the final (1st men's VIII at bow)
May Bumps : Up 2 - Bumped Jesus and Emmanuel; 7th in division 1 (1st men's VIII at bow)
FaT vs BPBC Cricket Challenge : Beat BPBC by 47 runs (First and Third 1st XI)
2003 - 2004
Cambridge Autumn Head (Upper College IV+) : 10:57   4th in Upper IVs (1st men's IV, Light IV crew with Lea-Cox for Thorne at str)
Cambridge Autumn Head (Lower College IV+) : 11:01   2nd in Lower IVs (1st men's coxed IV at str)
Head of the River IVs (Senior3 IV+) : 22:25.52   45th of 51 S3 (academic) IV+; 332nd of 504 finishers (1st men's coxed IV at str)
University IVs (1st division) : Beat Jesus I (30.1s) in the qualifying and Lost to Peterhouse (10s) in the 1st round (1st Men's Coxed IV at str)
Intra-FaT Ergo Challenge : 12:37.4   3rd (1st men's IV, minus Colvin at str)
Fairbairn Cup (Lower VIIIs) : 16:14   25th overall, Winners of Lower VIIIs (2nd men's VIII at str)
Cambridge Head-2-Head (1st division) : 19:12   4th of 14 Lent Div 1 VIIIs (1st men's VIII at 2)
Head of the Nene (Senior3 VIIIs) : 18:40   2nd in S3, 7th overall (1st men's VIII at 2)
Lent Bumps : Rowed Over - ; 2nd in division 1 (The Lent VIII at 2)
2nd Trinity Challenge Sculls (Shell) : 11:38   11th Men's Shell (Andrew Lea-Cox in Stump)
Maiden Sculls : Raced 3 rounds: Beat Geoff Roberts (Emma) by 1 3/4 Lengths in the final (AML in his single scull)
Lowe Double Sculls : Lost by 21 sec in the 1st round (Ingram/Lea-Cox)
Concept 2 Sprint Relay (Men's 1st Mays) : 11:52.9   Winners (1st men's VIII at 5)
Cambridge Head-2-Head (Men's Novice 2x) : 22:07   Won as only entrant! (Ingram/Lea-Cox)
Bedford Regatta (Senior3 VIII) : Beat Univ (ox) 1 3/4 lengths in the 1st round and Lost to Oriel (Ox) 3/4 Length in the 2nd round (1st men's VIII at str)
Bedford Regatta (Senior2 VIII) : Lost to St Edwards School (1 length) in the qualifying (1st men's VIII at str)
Cambridge 99's Regatta (1st division) : Lost to Churchill (1 length) in the semi finals and Beat Fitzwilliam (2 lengths) in the plate final (1st men's VIII at bow)
May Bumps : Stayed level - Bumped Queens', bumped by Queens'; 7th in division 1 (1st men's VIII at bow)
FaT vs BPBC Cricket Challenge : Won by 4 wickets (First and Third 1st XI)
2004 - 2005
University IVs (Light IVs) : Lost to Pembroke by 5s in re-row (after a dead-heat) in the semi finals (1st men's IV, Australian Rhythm at 2)
Head of the River IVs (Senior3 IV+) : 21:40.43   248th overall, 81st of 158 IV+, 27th of 56 in S3A, 1st of 8 college IV+ (1st men's IV at str)
Head of the Nene (Senior3 VIIIs) : 18:33   5th of 19 men's S3 VIIIs; 2nd of 10 colleges; 16th overall (1st men's VIII at 2)
Robinson Head (1st division) : 8:10   2nd (1st men's VIII at 2)
Lent Bumps : Rowed Over - ; 2nd in division 1 (1st men's VIII at 2)
Lowe Double Sculls (Men's 2x) : beat Stewart/Palmer (Jesus/Hughes hall) by some lengths in the semi finals and beat carthik/leonard easily in the final (Double Sculls, Lea-Cox/Sills)
FaT vs BPBC Cricket Challenge : Won by 18 runs (First and Third 1st XI)
2005 - 2006
FaT vs. BPBC Golf Challenge : Lost, 3 to 6 (First and Third golf team)
May Bumps : Up 3 - Bumped LMBC III, Clare II and Christ's II; 9th in division 3 (3rd men's VIII at 2)
FaT vs BPBC Cricket Challenge : Lost to BPBC by 15 runs (First and Third 1st XI)
2009 - 2010
FaT vs BPBC Cricket Challenge : Won by 8 runs (BPBC 1st XI)
Number of events: 44 Total number of races: 78
Bumps record
Number of races: 24
Rowed over 16 times
Bumped up 7 times
Greatest rise in single bump:
1 (Lent Bumps 2003 , May Bumps 2003 , May Bumps 2006 )
Greatest rise over all four days: 3 (May Bumps 2006 )
Got bumped down once
Greatest fall in single bump: 1 (May Bumps 2004 )
Greatest fall over all four days: 0 (, Lent Bumps 2004 , May Bumps 2004 , Lent Bumps 2005 )
Highest finish position: 2 (Men's 1st Lent VIII at 2; Lent Bumps 2003 )
Lowest finish position: 43 (3rd men's VIII at 2; May Bumps 2006 )
Bumps aggregate: Up 6
Average position change per row: 0.250
Recorded bumps:
Bumped LMBC (Men's 1st Lent VIII at 2; Lent Bumps 2003 , Thursday)
Bumped Jesus (1st men's VIII at bow; May Bumps 2003 , Friday)
Bumped Emmanuel (1st men's VIII at bow; May Bumps 2003 , Saturday)
Bumped by Queens' (1st men's VIII at bow; May Bumps 2004 , Thursday)
Bumped Queens' (1st men's VIII at bow; May Bumps 2004 , Friday)
Bumped LMBC III (3rd men's VIII at 2; May Bumps 2006 , Thursday)
Bumped Clare II (3rd men's VIII at 2; May Bumps 2006 , Friday)
Bumped Christ's II (3rd men's VIII at 2; May Bumps 2006 , Saturday)