First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members Section


The current list of member groups is shown below. To join any of them or create any groups of your own you must log on to the website. Use of the groups is subject to these rules and guidelines.

Official groups | Crews & Squads | Public groups | Private groups | Dormant groups

"Official" Groups

Administrators (5)
Those with access to administration pages
FaT Association managers (2)
Group for the managers of the First and Third Association (alumni)
Novice Captains (7)
Contact us if you would like to learn to row for 1st and 3rd.
STCS secretary (1)
Steering Committee (12)
Steering Committee
Talbott Cup Race Secretary (1)
The Committee (17)
Members of the club's committee

Club Officer Email Addresses

Alumni Relations Officer (1)
Captain (1)
Computing Officer (2)
Coxing Captain (1)
Head Coach (1)
Logistics Officer (1)
The officer in charge of kit and lard
Men's Captain (1)
Men's Novice Captains (3)
Secretary (1)
Senior Treasurer (1)
Social Secretary (1)
Sponsorship Officer (1)
The officer in charge of sponsorship - currently held by the Overall Captain
Vice Captain (1)
Water Safety & Equipment Officer (1)
Welfare Officer (1)
Women's Novice Captains (4)
Womens' Captain (1)

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