The Club's Results
Fairbairn Cup
Time comparison
All the Fairbairn Cup results in our archive are listed in time order. Note that for most events the conditions (weather and stream) affect results significantly so it is only for interest.
The crews from Mich Term 1999 are shaded - locate 2nd men's VIII (Lower VIIIs)
- BPBC 1st men's IV, 2023 (Invitational IVs): 12:34 5th
- BPBC 3rd men's VIII, 2010 (Invitation VIIIs): 12:45.14 Race cancelled. Time may be work of fiction.
- BPBC 1st men's IV, 2022 (Unknown category): 12:49 16th, 5th invitational IV
- 1st men's VIII, 2000 (Senior VIIIs): 13:23 7th of 44 men's VIIIs
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2000 (Senior VIIIs): 13:32 13th of 44 men's VIIIs
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2001 (Senior VIIIs): 13:38 4th overall, beating Boar's Head, Gonville and 1st and 3rd
- 1st women's IV, 2018 (Invitation VIIIs): 13:46 2nd, 4th overall Women's IV
- 1st men's VIII, 2001 (Senior VIIIs): 13:46 3rd equal college VIII
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2004 (Invitation VIIIs): 14:04 1st
- 1st men's VIII, 2007 (Senior VIIIs): 14:04.36 1st
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2009 (Invitation VIIIs): 14:08.12 2nd Fastest Invitational Men's VIII
- 1st men's VIII, 2009 (Senior VIIIs): 14:09.88 2nd Cam college, 8th overall
- 1st men's VIII, 2008 (Senior VIIIs): 14:10.34 1st
- 1st men's VIII, 1997 (Senior VIIIs): 14:15 1st overall
- 1st men's VIII, 2012 (Senior VIIIs): 14:16.5 6th in College VIIIs
- 1st men's VIII, 2024 (Senior VIIIs): 14:20 3rd college VIII
- 1st men's VIII, 2010 (Senior VIIIs): 14:23
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2010 (Invitation VIIIs): 14:24 Race cancelled. Time may be work of fiction.
- 1st men's VIII, 2019 (Senior VIIIs): 14:32 Fastest Men's VIII
- 1st men's VIII, 2006 (Senior VIIIs): 14:37.4 5th College VIII
- 1st men's VIII, 2015 (Senior VIIIs): 14:37.5 5th Cambridge College, 11th overall
- 1st men's VIII, 1998 (Senior VIIIs): 14:42.54 5th of 52 men's VIIIs, 4th college VIII
- BPBC 2nd men's VIII, 2001 (Lower VIIIs): 14:43 22nd overall, beating all college 2nd VIIIs
- BPBC 1st women's IV, 2023 (Invitational IVs): 14:44 3rd
- 1st men's VIII, 2004 (Senior VIIIs): 14:44 7th College VIII, 10th overall
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2008 (Invitation VIIIs): 14:44.12 1st Invitational crew - 9th overall
- 1st men's novice VIII, 2000 (Lower VIIIs): 14:52 35th of 44 mens VIIIs
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2006 (Invitation VIIIs): 14:53 2nd Invitational VIII (10th overall)
- 2nd men's VIII, 2012 (Senior VIIIs): 14:53.7 3rd in College 2nd VIIIs, 19th Overall
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2002 (Invitation VIIIs): 14:56 1st (apparently), no hang on; 2nd (maybe)
- 1st men's VIII, micklethwaite for carver, blackburn for glass, 2000 (Senior VIIIs): 14:57 3rd of 35 men's VIIIs
- 2nd men's VIII, 2009 (Senior VIIIs): 14:59.02 Fastest 2nd VIII
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2007 (Invitation VIIIs): 14:59.22 13th, 1st invitational VIII
- 1st men's VIII, 2018 (Senior VIIIs): 15:01 8th, 6th Cambridge College, 12th overall
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2011 (Invitation VIIIs): 15:01 2nd invitational VIII, 11th overall
- 1st men's VIII, 2005 (Senior VIIIs): 15:01 3rd College VIII, 5th Overall
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2003 (Invitation VIIIs): 15:03 4th overall, Winners of Invitation VIIIs
- BPBC 2nd men's VIII, 2004 (Invitation VIIIs): 15:05 Fastest 2nd VIII, 15th overall
- 1st men's VIII, 2011 (Senior VIIIs): 15:06 10th in College VIIIs
- 2nd men's VIII, 1997 (Lower VIIIs): 15:06 Winners of Lower VIIIs; 17th of 57 men's VIIIs
- 2nd men's VIII, 2001 (Lower VIIIs): 15:07 25th of 35 men's Cambridge college VIIIs, 6th of 10 2nd VIIIs
- 1st A men's VIII, 2014 (Senior VIIIs): 15:08.5 11th in Category (+1:02.7)
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2005 (Invitation VIIIs): 15:10 1st of 8 Invitational VIII's, 6th overall
- 1st men's VIII, 2022 (Senior VIIIs): 15:13 6th in Category
- 2nd men's VIII, 2007 (Senior VIIIs): 15:13.85 18th overall, 12th college VIII, 1st Second VIII
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2012 (Invitation VIIIs): 15:14 2nd invitational crew; 24th Senior VIII overall
- 1st men's VIII, 2002 (Senior VIIIs): 15:20 7th; 5th college VIII
- 1st men's VIII, 2003 (Senior VIIIs): 15:21 8th overall, 3rd college VIII
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2024 (Invitation VIIIs): 15:23 11th Invit VIII
- BPBC 2nd men's VIII, 2010 (Invitation VIIIs): 15:25 Race cancelled. Time may be work of fiction.
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2014 (Invitation VIIIs): 15:25.6
- 2nd men's VIII, 2010 (Lower VIIIs): 15:26
- 1st men's VIII, 2016 (Senior VIIIs): 15:26.2 20th, 11th Cambridge college M1
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2021 (Invitation VIIIs): 15:27.9 5th
- 2nd men's VIII, 2015 (Senior VIIIs): 15:28.2 2nd M2
- BPBC 2nd men's VIII, 2009 (Invitation VIIIs): 15:32.89 Misleading
- 2nd men's VIII, 2013 (Senior VIIIs): 15:33.7 13th College VIII
- 1st men's VIII, 2023 (Senior VIIIs): 15:37 15th
- 1st men's VIII, 2021 (Senior VIIIs): 15:39.7 14th
- 2nd men's novice VIII, 2000 (Lower VIIIs): 15:48 40th of 44 men's VIIIs
- Gents VIII, 1997 (Lower VIIIs): 15:48 32nd of 57 men's VIIIs
- 1st men's VIII, 2013 (Senior VIIIs): 15:48.1 15th College VIII
- 1st women's VIII, 2009 (Senior VIIIs): 15:52.12 1st college senior VIII
- BPBC 3rd men's VIII, 2015 (Invitation VIIIs): 15:53.7 Does it really matter?
- 2nd men's VIII, 2011 (Senior VIIIs): 15:56 2nd 2nd eight, 33rd overall
- BPBC 2nd men's VIII, 2011 (Invitation VIIIs): 15:56 32nd, top invitational 2nd VIII
- 2nd men's VIII, 2002 (Lower VIIIs): 15:58 21st; 2nd of 9 college 2nd VIIIs
- 2nd men's VIII, 1998 (Lower VIIIs): 16:00.6 31st of 52 men's VIIIs; 5th fastest end VIII
- 2nd men's VIII, 2006 (Lower VIIIs): 16:01.3 4th 2nd VIII (23rd College VIII)
- 2nd men's VIII, 2014 (Lower VIIIs): 16:06.1 3rd in Category (+0:39.6)
- 2nd men's VIII, 2008 (Senior VIIIs): 16:06.28 3rd second VIII
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2019 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:08 6th Fastest Men's Invitational VIII
- BPBC 2nd men's VIII, 2003 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:10 24th overall
- 2nd men's VIII, 2016 (Senior VIIIs): 16:10.2 31st, 2nd Cambridge college M2
- 1st men's novice VIII rowing as 3rd men's VIII, 2006 (Lower VIIIs): 16:11.6 Fastest 3rd VIII (24th College VIII)
- BPBC 2nd men's VIII, 2012 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:14 8th invitational crew; 41st overall
- 2nd men's VIII, 2003 (Lower VIIIs): 16:14 25th overall, Winners of Lower VIIIs
- 1st women's VIII, 2024 (Senior VIIIs): 16:16 6th Women's college VIII
- BPBC 3rd men's VIII, 2004 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:18 1st invitational 3rd VIII, 29th overall
- BPBC 2nd men's VIII, 2007 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:20.36 40th, 1st invitational second VIII
- 2nd men's VIII, 2018 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:21 28th, 7th M2
- 1st men's novice VIII, 2014 (Lower VIIIs): 16:21.3 Fastest "M3"
- 1st men's VIII, 2017 (Senior VIIIs): 16:22 20th, 13th Cambridge College M1
- 3rd men's VIII, 2007 (Senior VIIIs): 16:23 41st, 1st third VIII
- 1st women's VIII, 2000 (Senior VIIIs): 16:23 18th of 31 women's VIIIs
- 1st men's novice VIII, officially the 2nd men's VIII, 2004 (Lower VIIIs): 16:24 5th College 2nd VIII, 31st overall
- 2nd men's VIII, 2019 (Senior VIIIs): 16:25 24th fastest Men's VIII
- 1st women's VIII, 2010 (Senior VIIIs): 16:27
- 2nd men's VIII, 2005 (Lower VIIIs): 16:27 4th of 9 Second VIIIs, 20th of 37 College VIIIs
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2010 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:28
- 1st men's VIII, 1966 (Senior VIIIs): 16:28 11th
- BPBC 2nd men's VIII, 2006 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:29.9 10th invitational VIII (37th overall)
- 2nd men's VIII, 2023 (Senior VIIIs): 16:35 4th M2
- BPBC 2nd Mixed VIII, 2021 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:39.3 2nd
- BPBC 2nd men's VIII, 2014 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:41.3
- Gents VIII, 1998 (Lower VIIIs): 16:41.38 39th of 52 men's VIIIs
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2017 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:42
- 1st women's VIII, 2006 (Senior VIIIs): 16:42.5 2nd College VIII
- 2nd men's VIII, 2017 (Senior VIIIs): 16:45.1 30th
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2012 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:46 2nd fastest women's VIII
- 1st men's novice VIII, Peacock subbing for Stein, 2001 (Lower VIIIs): 16:46 32nd of 35 men's Cambridge college VIIIs
- 2nd men's VIII, 2022 (Lower VIIIs): 16:53 7th College M2
- 3rd men's VIII, 2016 (Senior VIIIs): 16:55.1 38th
- 1st women's VIII, 2001 (Senior VIIIs): 16:56 21st of 32 women's VIIIs
- BPBC 3rd men's VIII, 2011 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:57 50th
- BPBC 1st men's VIII, 2013 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:57.8 38th of 52 Men's VIIIs
- 3rd men's VIII, 1997 (Lower VIIIs): 16:58 46th of 57 men's VIIIs
- 1st men's novice VIII, 2018 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:59 31st, 1st M3 (time only)
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2009 (Invitation VIIIs): 16:59.8
- 1st women's VIII, 2004 (Senior VIIIs): 17:01 5th College VIII, 7th overall
- BPBC 3rd men's VIII, 2014 (Invitation VIIIs): 17:02.8
- 1st men's novice VIII, 2024 (Lower VIIIs): 17:05 11th 2nd College VIII
- 1st women's VIII, 2008 (Senior VIIIs): 17:07.63 5th
- 3rd men's VIII, 1998 (Lower VIIIs): 17:08.23 44th of 52 men's VIIIs; 2nd fastest 3rd VIII
- 2nd men's novice VIII rowing as 4th men's VIII, 2006 (Lower VIIIs): 17:09.5 Only 4th VIII (30th College VIII)
- 1st women's VIII, 2013 (Senior VIIIs): 17:09.8 2nd college crew, 4th overall
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2004 (Invitation VIIIs): 17:15 2nd invitational VIII, 9th overall
- 3rd men's VIII, Gradish VIII, 2003 (Lower VIIIs): 17:15 34th overall, 4th of 11 Lower VIIIs
- 3rd men's VIII, ad interim M3, 2021 (Lower VIIIs): 17:15.4 1st
- 3rd men's VIII, 2005 (Lower VIIIs): 17:18 2nd of 3 Third VIIIs, 30th of 37 College VIIIs, beat the girls ;)
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2011 (Invitation VIIIs): 17:18.7 7th overall, 2nd in Invitational
- 1st men's novice VIII, 1998 (Lower VIIIs): 17:19.55 47th of 52 men's VIIIs
- 5th men's VIII, 2015 (Lower VIIIs): 17:23 1st M3 or lower, 49th overall
- 1st women's VIII, 2012 (Senior VIIIs): 17:23 8th in College VIIIs
- 1st women's VIII, 2007 (Senior VIIIs): 17:23.95 5th
- 4th men's VIII, 2015 (Lower VIIIs): 17:27.1 2nd M3 or lower, 50th overall
- 3rd men's VIII, 2017 (Senior VIIIs): 17:28.6 38th, 2nd fastest M3
- 1st men's novice VIII, 2023 (Senior VIIIs): 17:29 2nd M3
- 2nd men's VIII, 2021 (Lower VIIIs): 17:32 18th
- 3rd men's VIII, NM1/NM2 Composite, 2008 (Senior VIIIs): 17:36.23
- BPBC 2nd men's VIII, 2005 (Invitation VIIIs): 17:37 10th of 14 Invitational VIII's, 44th of 51 Men's VIII's
- BPBC 2nd men's VIII, 2008 (Invitation VIIIs): 17:37.85 13th in Invitational VIIIs, 51st Overall
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2014 (Invitation VIIIs): 17:38.4
- 3rd men's VIII, 2015 (Senior VIIIs): 17:39.4 52nd
- 1st men's novice VIII, 2019 (Senior VIIIs): 17:40 29th Fastest Men's VIII
- 1st women's VIII, 1998 (Senior VIIIs): 17:43.45 12th of 32 women's VIIIs
- 2nd men's novice VIII, 2018 (Invitation VIIIs): 17:44 35th, 1st M4
- 2nd men's novice VIII, 2014 (Lower VIIIs): 17:44.3 Beat Jesus NM1
- 1st men's novice VIII, 1997 (Lower VIIIs): 17:48 53rd of 57 men's VIIIs
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2007 (Invitation VIIIs): 17:48.68 15th, 2nd invitational VIII
- 1st women's VIII, 2005 (Senior VIIIs): 17:51 3rd of 23 college 1st VIIIs
- 1st women's VIII, 2011 (Senior VIIIs): 17:52 8th in College VIIIs
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2006 (Invitation VIIIs): 17:52.4 4th Invitational VIII (16th overall)
- 1st women's VIII, 2022 (Senior VIIIs): 17:56 12th in Category
- 2nd men's VIII, 2000 (Lower VIIIs): 17:56 32nd of 35 men's VIIIs
- 1st women's VIII, 2023 (Senior VIIIs): 18:01 12th
- 3rd men's VIII, 2013 (Senior VIIIs): 18:07.3
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2016 (Invitation VIIIs): 18:07.8 14th, 3rd invitational W1
- BPBC 2nd women's VIII, 2012 (Invitation VIIIs): 18:08 25th out of 37 women's VIIIs
- 1st women's novice VIII, 2024 (Lower VIIIs): 18:10 5th Women's College 2nd VIII
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2013 (Invitation VIIIs): 18:13.8 16th of 28 women's VIIIs
- 1st women's VIII, 2014 (Senior VIIIs): 18:15 8th in Category (+1:12.5)
- 4th men's VIII, Gent's VIII, 2003 (Lower VIIIs): 18:19 40th men's VIII
- 1st women's VIII, 2002 (Senior VIIIs): 18:21 10th of 18 college 1st VIIIs
- 1st women's VIII, 2000 (Senior VIIIs): 18:25 10th of 21 women's VIIIs
- M4 – Novice-Senior boat, Mixed NM2 NM3 NM4 and senior boat with a Novice Homerton CBC rower, 2019 (Senior VIIIs): 18:28 1st M4; 31st overall
- 2nd women's VIII, 2014 (Lower VIIIs): 18:32.1 2nd in Category (+0:23.1)
- Women's novice VIII A, 2000 (Lower VIIIs): 18:43 Best ever performance by 1st and 3rd women's novices in Fairbairns!
- 4th men's VIII, NM2's first senior race, 2007 (Senior VIIIs): 18:46.39 59th, 1st Fourth VIII
- 1st women's novice VIII rowing as 2nd Women's VIII, 2009 (Lower VIIIs): 18:49.99
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2003 (Invitation VIIIs): 18:53 Won Invitation VIIIs
- 4th men's VIII, 2005 (Lower VIIIs): 19:01 Only 4th VIII, 37th of 37 College VIIIs
- 2nd women's VIII, 2004 (Lower VIIIs): 19:05 4th 2nd VIII, 31st overall
- 1st women's VIII, 2016 (Senior VIIIs): 19:14.5 27th, 17th Cambridge college W1
- 2nd women's VIII, 2008 (Senior VIIIs): 19:18.55 4th second VIII
- 3rd men's VIII, 2009 (Lower VIIIs): 19:19 54th
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2005 (Invitation VIIIs): 19:32 4th of 6 Invitational VIII's, 23rd of 34 Women's VIIIs
- 4th men's VIII, 2017 (Senior VIIIs): 19:35.9 55th
- 2nd women's VIII, 2007 (Senior VIIIs): 19:41.18 30th, 3rd fastest 2nd VIII
- 3rd men's VIII, 2000 (Lower VIIIs): 19:43 35th of 35 men's VIIIs
- 1st women's VIII, 2017 (Senior VIIIs): 19:48.6 28th
- 2nd women's VIII, 2006 (Lower VIIIs): 19:53.5 5th 2nd VIII (25th College VIII)
- 1st women's novice VIII, 2018 (Invitation VIIIs): 19:54 27th, 25th Cambridge College
- 3rd women's VIII, (aka NW1), 2008 (Senior VIIIs): 20:12 1st in category (3rd VIII), 32nd overall
- 1st women's novice VIII rowing as 3rd women's VIII, 2006 (Lower VIIIs): 20:17.7 Only 3rd VIII (27th College VIII)
- 2nd women's VIII, 2011 (Senior VIIIs): 20:32 23rd in College VIIIs
- 1st women's novice VIII, 2023 (Senior VIIIs): 20:42 10th W2
- 1st women's novice VIII, 2021 (Lower VIIIs): 20:43.6 12th
- 2nd women's VIII, 2005 (Lower VIIIs): 21:09 4th of 8 Second VIIIs, 26th of 31 College VIIIs
- 2nd women's VIII, 1998 (Lower VIIIs): 23:36.33 31st of 32 women's VIIIs; 5th fastest 2nd VIII
Crews with no recorded time
- BPBC 1st women's VIII, 2017 (Invitation VIIIs):
- 1st men's VIII, 1996 (Senior VIIIs):
- 1st men's VIII, 1999 (Senior VIIIs): Event postponed
- 1st women's VIII, 1999 (Senior VIIIs): Event postponed
- 2nd men's VIII, 1999 (Lower VIIIs): Event postponed
- The Pothunters' VIII, 1999 (Lower VIIIs): Event postponed
- 1st women's VIII, 1997 (Senior VIIIs): 7th of 24 women's VIIIs
Full Mich Term 1999 Fairbairn Cup results
2nd men's VIII Fairbairn Cup results archive