The Club's Results

Fairbairn Cup 1997

2nd men's VIII (Lower VIIIs)

Coxed by: Alice Dearden-Cobbett

Winners of Lower VIIIs; 17th of 57 men's VIIIs
Time: 15:06
Credit goes to them for being hard! (Matt)
This was a fantastic row with Clive setting an excellent rhythm and everyone working really hard behind. We had nothing like the experience of the 1st VIII and only Beary (who had noviced that term yet lied his way into the senior squad!) was remotely powerful. However, we finished within a minute of their winning time and beat many 1st VIIIs as well as all the 2nd VIIIs and every Oxford college bar Oriel.

One of my most satisfying race results (Ingram)