The Club's Results

Fairbairn Cup 2003

3rd men's VIII, Gradish VIII (Lower VIIIs)

Coxed by: Andy Wong

34th overall, 4th of 11 Lower VIIIs
Time: 17:15
We all thought it went rather well despite most of the crew having indulged in plenty of festive cheer at the BA Christmas Dinner the previous night. It took us a while to get warmed up as we'd been sitting on the water for about an hour and only had a few strokes to practice, except "Judas" at bow who had a whole course to warm up as he'd already raced the course that morning in another crew. By the time we reached the end of the reach I thought we were oing much faster and some good pushes through the corners kept the momentum up and we all thought it felt pretty good. We were of course the top third VIII, and the only 2nd VIIIs that beat us were our own low-commitment VIII (ft a fresh Mark S) and Jesus and Downing, so we were the in the top 4th of 11 lower eights and also beat St Eds 1. and err... Pembroke Women Justyn informs me. We floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee... (Neil)

1. Gradishes at the catch
2. Grads at the Start
3. The Gradishes at the...