The Club's Results

Fairbairn Cup 2006

1st men's novice VIII rowing as 3rd men's VIII (Lower VIIIs)

Coxed by: Jij Chow

Fastest 3rd VIII (24th College VIII)
Time: 16:11.6
first race as seniors, and its a real pity that its our last race together as a team that's bonded so well from being complete newbies at the start of term to something resembling a proper crew! i dont know the exact details but we did take down a fair few senior crews, no small task for a team only 8 weeks into their rowing careers

all in all, a solid row, even though we didnt take m2 like we wanted to i think you guys can be proud of the performance you put in. its been a great term and i'll be a lucky man next term to cox a boat half as dedicated and driven as nm1 of mich 2006! (Jij)
Loving the photos - I've never seen a crew row Fairbairns in just all-in-ones before! (BJ)

1. More of the same
2. Seb concerned about ...
3. Going home