The Club's Results

Fairbairn Cup 2021

1st men's VIII (Senior VIIIs)

Coxed by: Máté Fehér

Time: 15:39.7
With two subs on the day of the race arranged the day before this was a bit of a scratch crew. It also felt like a scratch crew with the boat struggling to maintain acceptable speed past the railway bridge. Fun was had, honour and glory not so much.
(Xander Povey)
We had hoped we could build off our Winter Head results, but unfortunately injury and illness struck us down at the worst possible moment, leaving us two men down with three days to go. Mihailo and Xander stepped up to fill these gaps, and to their credit, by the pre-paddle on Friday morning the boat felt just as good during the bursts as they always did. Undeterred by Jesus' decision to "request" extra time due to starting behind us (from a race they run?!?), we moved well off the start.

Outside the combined boathouse, Leo "FOUR YOU'RE DEEP" Versteegen decided to make it known to the houseboat opposite that now would be a good time to repeat what happened two years prior and pull out to block the boats behind us. However the houseboat owner didn't get the message, probably because the chosen medium of communication was a big rhythm-busting crab. It took us at least until Green Dragon for the boat to feel good again, and by the end of the reach, the typical second-half troubles struck with the boat feeling heavier and heavier every stroke. We fought hard to the end but sadly failed to defend our title (and to add insult to injury, got beaten by the same people who won said title and hadn't trained for two years...)
(Patrick Winter)