First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Pain... Lactic acid..! Emma, Thu 3rd May, 8:41pm
The rowing is nothing special but just listen to that soundtrack.
From an old message board BJ, Thu 26th Apr, 3:35pm
He just seems to have got the club wrong... (1 comment...)
So this is why we go so fast... apparently male, Thu 19th Apr, 7:50pm
...the college's female rowers look like men.
Chocolate training RTT, Mon 16th Apr, 9:04pm
If the reported heart rate increases are true, maybe we should start doing all UT2 training in the lard cupboard?
FaT memorabilia on eBay Sam Z, Wed 11th Apr, 4:08pm
Apparantly FaT 10th May VIII won blades in 1970... (30 comments...)
CUBC at the HoRR dw229, Sun 1st Apr, 12:49am
Stroke is hanging at the catch. Unforgivable. He'd better sort it out by next weekend... (3 comments...)
Google Maps - NY to Dublin Mike, Fri 30th Mar, 10:24am
Rich and Dan's next potential challenge? Check out step 23... (1 comment...)
Doctor Who? RTT, Fri 23rd Mar, 11:09am
I have just discovered the Doctor Who was at some point in the past / future a member of FaT. The trousers are unmistakeable. (1 comment...)
FaT W1 rowing over head Jane, Tue 13th Mar, 9:25pm
Listen carefully at 12 seconds in for some classic Iain
Dangerous coxing Andy, Mon 12th Mar, 4:52pm
It's a hard life being a cox.

Also, am slightly displeased at the appearance of a certain Peter Brandt video on youtube... (3 comments...)
Grape Plasma dw229, Sun 11th Mar, 8:57pm
Something all Physics geeks will appreciate!
Great bumps footage Phil, Fri 9th Mar, 3:10pm
Awesome (6 comments...)
Cambridge Evening News, Monday 5/3/07 Amelia, Mon 5th Mar, 4:53pm
Report on Saturday's racing (somebody clever could perhaps add a picture of the actual newspaper report). There was also a snippet in the sports section of the Telegraph today.
Cambridge Evening News, Friday 2/3/07 Amelia, Mon 5th Mar, 4:52pm
Report on Thursday's racing.
Lents Photos Neil C, Mon 5th Mar, 8:19am
I didn't want to spam this site with 100 photos, so here they are. Includes W1 getting their University Medals, M1 racing past the P&E and then stopping off there, and the Fair Maid of Kent leaving the Boat House,

Part II is here (4 comments...)
The starting cannons from JPD, Fri 2nd Mar, 11:34am
Jon Davies has created a video of the starting cannons being fired - like you've never seen them before. Awesome. (2 comments...)
CUBC to enter the eights head Simon, Fri 2nd Mar, 10:29am
One rowing headline away from the Cam this week is CUBC's decision to enter the eights head which this year is the weekend before the Boat Race.
An interesting approach to tapering, but maybe JPD can comment on whether in previous years (CUBC have held their penultimate week camp in Nottingham for the past 15 years) the crews have spent the weekend before doing a 5k on the Trent.
My guess is that this may have been linked to the cutting of funding to triallists who refused to join the GB squad for winter training in Reading. Maybe this is an attempt to point out to GB Rowing that they're just as good as Leander.
Another thought is that last year's wash up suggested they couldn't cope with either the Tideway itself or the pressure of a busy race day. (3 comments...)
W1 bump Emma Neil Copland, Wed 28th Feb, 10:12pm
Video taken on my camera from grassy. (1 comment...)
Something to keep BPBC off the streets? Simon, Thu 1st Feb, 11:54pm
Might clash with the Mays though...
Google search Bryn, Thu 11th Jan, 7:13pm
Type 'french military victories' and click 'I'm feeling lucky'. (This courtesy of Sam Lings.) (1 comment...)
Cracknell enters Coast to Coast Jane, Tue 9th Jan, 9:20pm
Cracknell reckons he's tough enough to crack NZ... (5 comments...)
National quiz championships Simon, Sun 31st Dec, 9:11am
Given BPBC and F&T's pub quiz skills, someone in the club might do well in this...
Quick change RTT, Mon 11th Dec, 7:51pm
Proof that women don't actually need hours to get ready for a night out. (1 comment...)
99 things to do in cambridge... insomniac, Mon 11th Dec, 1:08am
The wonders of youtube...
Newsmap Simon, Wed 29th Nov, 6:56pm
A different style of news aggregator
Nautical jousting Emma Leadbetter, Sun 19th Nov, 4:09pm
Three pictures demonstrating why french people and rowing should never mix.
Familiar name commenting on a BBC story Simon, Tue 14th Nov, 2:10pm
doublejeu Neil, Mon 13th Nov, 6:38pm
a game (1 comment...)
Yorkshire Airlines YouTube, Sun 22nd Oct, 12:08am
A classic video!
Line Rider jmg, Fri 20th Oct, 1:27pm
1 comment...
Travel time maps Simon, Tue 3rd Oct, 10:12pm
Juggling Tae Bo Mike, Fri 29th Sep, 11:33am
"Remember - if you feel faint or light-headed, that means you're just not working hard enough."

A vital addition to any serious training plan. (1 comment...)
How Unique Is Your Name? Becca, Tue 15th Aug, 9:08am
There are 33 of me (4 comments...)
Human Powered boats Simon, Tue 1st Aug, 11:35am
link takes you to the one of the photo pages but the whole site is worth a look as well
Dolmio Ads jmg, Mon 26th Jun, 10:06pm
Bizarre, but brilliant - number 4 is my favourite (needs sound, which is not safe for work!)
Searching flickr for "First and Third" Simon, Mon 26th Jun, 6:44pm
Brazilian Footballer name generator Beccildo, Thu 22nd Jun, 9:15am
world cup related fun (7 comments...)
Regatta Radio
http://www.regattaradio.comfrom Simon, Tue 20th Jun, 3:56pm
Official radio station for HRR, available online and on 106FM in Henley. Features me as breakfast show co-host.
surname database newton, Sun 4th Jun, 11:54am
what's the social status of your surname?

57% of people have a social status superior to moi :( (4 comments...)
Google Trends Richard, Sun 14th May, 6:36pm
See how many people are searching on google for different things. (5 comments...)
Deal or No Deal I just beat the banker, Thu 11th May, 2:26pm
For all those people who have never seen the tv programme, this is the underlying game.
Fortune Telling Service BJ, Fri 5th May, 8:05am
Surprisingly accurate...
A website for Waugh, Chappell and Boon? RTT, Sat 29th Apr, 2:22am
Bumps board game Simon, Mon 24th Apr, 4:50pm
Surely the club needs one for the Captain's Room?
People's Petition silent majority, Thu 20th Apr, 2:47pm
A chance to stand up (fairly anonymously!) and be counted.
Pimp my snack Simon, Fri 14th Apr, 4:27pm
1 comment...
River Crossing Game Neil, Thu 6th Apr, 11:00am
Click on the big blue button to start...

Everybody has to cross the river, but there are rules:
1. Only 2 people on the raft at a time.
2. The father can not stay with any of the daughters without their mothers presence (or he will beat them).
3. The mother can not stay with any of the sons without their fathers presence (or she will beat them).
4. The thief (striped shirt) can not stay with any family member if the Policeman is not there.
5. Only the Father, the Mother and the Policeman know how to operate the raft.
6. To start click on the big blue circle on the right.
7. To move the people click on them. To move the raft click on the handle. (2 comments...)
Historic Programmes RTT, Wed 5th Apr, 1:02am
Should the RTT regatta include pillow fighting this year? (1 comment...)
Jet2 Lazy Frogs jpd, Tue 4th Apr, 11:50am
I would now like to encourage you all to consider Jet2 for your travel needs (although their "hit the slopes flying" advert sounds like a bad idea to me). (1 comment...)
BBC boat analysis 3 rower, Sun 2nd Apr, 8:57pm
I find the description of a 3-rower very interesting.
Times for the Times
http://petebiddlecombe.livejourna...from Right back?, Mon 27th Mar, 2:27pm
To those of you that, like me, fail to complete the Times Crossword on a regular basis, this site may be invaluable. Updated daily, it explains the wordplay to the harder clues, especially useful if difficult (literary etc) references are involved.
Love every... jmg, Tue 14th Mar, 9:16am
This from The Slug
Remote coaching Simon, Tue 28th Feb, 12:44pm
Currently used for battle, I see this having coaching/captaincy uses... captains can monitor who's out on the lash, and coaches can stay at the boathouse and see if people are quiching.
Fun with Google Simon, Mon 27th Feb, 5:07pm
Go to Google UK. Type in "Downing Boat Club". Click "I'm Feeling Lucky". (18 comments...)
Face Recognition (!) TallJenna, Mon 20th Feb, 9:01am
Hours of fun to be had for the vain/celebrity obsessed/curious amongst you...just stick in a photo of you or a mate, and hey presto, you get told which celeb you most look like! Genius....
Extreme Rowing Martin Y, Sun 19th Feb, 4:51pm
just like real rowing, apart from the sharks and the constant backing it down
Oddest Japanese fighting game RTT, Tue 7th Feb, 8:17am
OK we all know the Japanese have an unhealthy obsession with young girls. We also know that they produce some incredibly strange computer games. I guess it is therefore only natural that they'd make a beat-em-up where young girls fight each other, but one where you also have to take pictures of your opponents' panties? (If you don't believe me, watch the video).

P.S. I did not stumble across this page because I searched for "panty shot"
Gizoogle Holla!, Thu 22nd Dec, 4:34pm
Every site is better this way.... (1 comment...)
House Lights Santa Claus, Sun 4th Dec, 8:46am
Possible boathouse decorations for the Christmas Head? (1 comment...)
Amusing Crush Calculator M Parker, Fri 2nd Dec, 7:57am
Requires sound for full effect. And a sense of humour...
News item on beer goggles Simon, Fri 25th Nov, 12:31pm
one for the bop?
Comedy Bow Man jpd, Sun 13th Nov, 8:20am
How did he get in there?!?

(CUBC I racing at the Fours' Head) (1 comment...)
Rich and Dan on the BBC!! Martin, Sat 12th Nov, 12:32am
Floating boathouse Simon, Thu 3rd Nov, 10:01am
Let's get one of these... we could take it down to the reach during bumps and get a great view of the racing.
Cricket. On Ice. Mike, Wed 2nd Nov, 4:53pm
This might be something that the international multisport wing of FaT/BPBC might be interested in: cricket, in Estonia, in February, on ice. They have a competition for teams from Cambridge and Oxford on the weekend of 16-19 February, followed by all sorts of "extra-curricular" activities including snowmobiling, snow rally karting, and (I kid you not) Kalashnikov shooting.

Anyone interested in putting a team together?
Cat bowling Simon, Wed 2nd Nov, 11:29am
Halloween related bowling game...
On the Moon TallJenna, Sat 22nd Oct, 9:37pm
Hmmm....hope i'm not the only one to find this series pretty hilarious....if you liked the Kenya song and all the badger stuff, you might just get it! This link's to the first episode but there are two more, if you're not confused enough yet.....
Haptic clothing RTT, Fri 30th Sep, 8:29am
LBCs, are you reading this?
A crew races at a head race Simon, Sat 24th Sep, 12:18am
Great ejector crab photos, interesting captions, and another race to add to the list of those we should try - makes Grassy look easy
Google Print search Simon, Thu 22nd Sep, 8:58am
Searching for First and Third throws up too many results...
A puzzle;p/youxi/...from Neil, Thu 15th Sep, 5:26pm
Mystic Meg Martin, Thu 15th Sep, 3:26pm
Google Maps Pedometer Brian, Thu 25th Aug, 4:00pm
Switch to Hybrid view and double-click the map to calculate distance for a running/ cycling/ rowing route...

Site doesn't seem to "jump to" cambridge correctly using the GeoCode name, so the full URL above should zoom to Cambridge.
Old rowing photos Erica, Sat 9th Jul, 2:44pm
Can we identify the places in the photos? There's one which looks like a view of the Plough and crews going round Ditton (rowing to the start) but is "the finish line" Top Finish or somewhere else?

A further challenge would be to identify the flag, which doesn't look much like a cat and buns. Any takers? (1 comment...)
Do you know what's next?
http://www.prognosticate.comfrom Simon, Fri 1st Jul, 5:23pm
Good time-waster
LMBC did not invent the blazer Simon, Wed 29th Jun, 12:50pm
LMBC sometime claim to have invented the blazer. Looks like the Navy beat them to it. (1 comment...)
Newspaper report on the 1888 Lents
http://www.cabg05071.pwp.blueyond...from Simon, Wed 22nd Jun, 6:05pm
The far right column reports on the enquiry into the death of a rower in the 1888 Lent bumps.

The myth is that it involved 2nd Trinity and the St John's BC and led to the folding of the former and 200 year censure of the latter (and the formation of Lady Margaret BC to avoid this ban). Unfortunately the truth is less spectacular - you have to ask whether bumps would still be taking place if the Coroner had directed the jury towards manslaughter.
he he he he he! he he he he he!, Wed 15th Jun, 10:19am
a recommendation

not bumps related, but too funny not to post here. cath - am v sorry, suspect yu will be asked to remove this shortly. (3 comments...)
Row? Across the Channel? Simon, Tue 7th Jun, 7:35am
"Are you a sailor? Would you row across the Channel?" said Fred Caygill, from the Maritime Coastguard Agency.
Fixing the slide/calf connection problem Simon, Sun 5th Jun, 12:14pm
Finally, a solution to the problem of slides in the backs of your legs...
Amazing Clock Bryn, Sun 29th May, 12:51pm
I don't know how or why I found this, but I liked it.
I told you so Simon, Fri 20th May, 7:36pm
Could be useful... There is now a website group ready for you to astonish the rest of the club with your Mystic Meg abilities -
This is motivation! Tudor, Thu 19th May, 11:54am
We'll just have to convince him to do a masters here...
Reds have a sporting advantage Mike, Thu 19th May, 7:33am
Not applicable to college rowing, obviously...
Penny bridges etc. Jenny penny "benny", Thu 12th May, 8:26pm
What to do with all those pennies acquired at formal hall...
So this is whereJeff Mackowiak's been... Simon, Thu 12th May, 6:13pm
Apologies to anyone who doesn't know Jeff and thus won't get it.
He's even wearing his Hawks club tie! (1 comment...)
Italian Stallion Dan N, Thu 12th May, 12:12pm
Revising for my law exams I constantly questioned my sanity, until I read this report and realised that, yes, there is no point in trying to make any rational sense of anything...
Videos from back yonder
www.rowtv.comfrom Esther, Tue 10th May, 8:15pm
I've only just discovered this page. it has videos from all the major events over that last few years. including FaT II glorious victory in City Sprints in 2001 with some well dodgy steering by what may be yours truly. It also has videos of steph whooping my arse at wallingford last weekend.... (3 comments...)
Yahoo! News - photos Simon, Mon 9th May, 7:27am
Stupid Puzzle Chris, Sat 7th May, 10:56pm
Not an evening well spent
Physics of rowing Rupert, Fri 6th May, 12:38pm
So this is what the dark side are planning... (2 comments...)
Oxford Looniversity Mike, Wed 4th May, 4:30pm
No-one ever said you had to have brains to be admitted to Oxford. (2 comments...)
Punch a politician!
http://www.punchaceleb.comfrom Amelia, Tue 3rd May, 6:37pm
Does your vote count? vlw, Mon 2nd May, 10:07pm
interesting way to promote voter apathy?
Pledge bank Simon, Mon 2nd May, 3:44pm Matt, Mon 25th Apr, 1:16pm
Rigging for spanners Simon, Sun 24th Apr, 4:14pm
Retro Toys Quiz Neil, Wed 20th Apr, 2:38pm
To aid procrastination... (41 comments...)
Who Should You Vote For? Sarah, Wed 20th Apr, 1:34pm
In case you are having trouble deciding. (7 comments...)
Save Toby
http://www.savetoby.comfrom Chris, Fri 15th Apr, 6:57pm
Empty your wallets

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