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Web Links

Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

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Sticky Wicket gf, Sun 20th Apr, 10:10pm
Basically the old Game & Watch Donkey Kong game... which can only be a good thing. (4 comments...)
BBC guide to using the ergo Simon, Fri 18th Apr, 8:15am
Good grief! How many mistakes can you make in one guide?

Obviously aimed at "gym ergers". (4 comments...)
You Are An Idiot
http://piv.pivpiv.dkfrom mjb, Fri 18th Apr, 7:59am
Quality. You need sound to appreciate it properly.
The Website Font - "Georgia" busy reinstalling things, Tue 11th Mar, 4:52pm
The font that the website is designed to be displayed with no longer seems to come with Internet Explorer, nor is it available from Microsoft's website.

Follow the link to get the "Georgia" font if you don't have it on your computer. (4 comments...)
The Boat Race Simon, Mon 10th Mar, 12:42pm
I think this is our 100th link.
a) The poll is back. Website veterans will remember well the 2001 poll - I think it's been fixed since then but it's still vital to keep Cambridge above 50%.
b) You used to be able to change the logo in the top corner so you could have it light blue... can you still do this? I can't see how...
Slime football Neil, Mon 17th Feb, 9:52pm
From the same site as Andy's 'Gridlock', try World Cup slime football. Pretty straightforward until the semi-finals, it then becomes much tougher.

It looks as though this site might contain many more entertaining games, but can anyone read the lingo? (7 comments...)
New "blacker" black Simon, Thu 6th Feb, 11:30pm
Surely an idea for the next Black Prince? (2 comments...)
The smoke hammer
http://www.thesmokehammer.comfrom snowball, Tue 4th Feb, 2:28pm
If you want the latest on the state of the nation...
Your ideal job Can can dancer, Mon 3rd Feb, 3:29pm
The Lightweight Nation! RTT, Sun 2nd Feb, 5:30pm
You can create nations of your own too, and decide government policy etc. (1 comment...)
Mr T's website mjb, Fri 31st Jan, 9:49pm
if MC Peck was Mr. T, the website might look a bit like this ...
You British amuse us Dubya, Tue 28th Jan, 11:15pm
hehehehehe (1 comment...)
Slime Volleyball gf, Tue 21st Jan, 1:33pm
Infuriating but fun. (5 comments...)
Look and Read dw, Fri 17th Jan, 9:04am
Classic. Absolutely classic. Courtesy of a current thread on CUCBC. Who can't remember the annoying boy from Geordie Racer or the scary knight in Dark Towers? (assuming you are as old as me) (1 comment...)
Nice Tits Keef, Tue 14th Jan, 1:15am
What a refreshing change... (1 comment...)
Definately one for the photo album Anything to do with being short, Sat 4th Jan, 4:15pm
Browsing jet photographic re:Mays, and this has to be the one for the girlies to buy. (2nd men, there is nothing decent - id=7215 is probably the best).
Time for a bit of creativity And they say PhD students do no work, ha!, Fri 20th Dec, 10:14am
A very enjoyable waste of time, but I have no idea why....
Jacko Baby Drop Game Neil, Wed 18th Dec, 11:54am
According to The Telegraph, these games are 'sick' and 'despicable'...
Fight club
http://www.googlefight.comfrom getting in there before Simon..., Fri 13th Dec, 3:19pm
another complete classic from google... (9 comments...)
The Proof That Rowing Is Evil Nostradamus, Wed 4th Dec, 12:14am
Speaks for itself really
Superhero Name Generator Mighty Brain, Fri 29th Nov, 1:43pm
Get your own super-name from here.
Pluck My Tash pheasant plucker, Fri 29th Nov, 12:19pm
The most bizarre flash game that the BBC have ever come up with. Can you pluck Mark Lawrenson's upper lip fast enough to prevent his moustache growing back? Add in corner flags coming out of his ears and badgers invading the screen, and you've got one messed up game...
GooglePeople Mike, Fri 29th Nov, 12:08am
Googlism in reverse. Enter a question such as "Who is boat club captain?" and get a list of possible answers. Sixth on the list is, impressively enough, Andrew Fisher. But not before three Boar's Head members. And check out who follows Andrew on the list... (33 comments...)
http://www.googlism.comfrom mike goodson is a volunteer captain with black mountain fire department and works for the state of nc, Mon 25th Nov, 1:19pm
Another great way to find descriptions of your favourite everyday objects:

what is rowing? rowing is fun. rowing is the best sport on the planet.

what is first and third? first and third is absolutely free. first and third is a tall order but we're more than capable of doing it. first and third is particularly well suited to popular styles where there is usually a bass drum hit on the first beat.

who is martin peck? martin peck is pissed.

who is graham fisher? graham fisher is working up to twenty years experience and is a certified canoe.

who is john earl? john earl is a bit of a pratt. john earl is out on bail this morning. john earl is now deceased. (41 comments...)
Afterlife Telegrams gf, Mon 25th Nov, 11:38am
The best use for the terminally ill since Bill Hicks' plan for more realistic film stunts...
Smurf name generator Naughty Smurf, Thu 14th Nov, 2:14pm
I'm sick of googlisms.
Shonky or Drongo Sheila Squealer, Thu 7th Nov, 12:49am
As the Ashes get underway, and England hurtle towards yet another humiliating series defeat, find out your Aussie nickname, courtesy of the good ol' BBC.
Dog Harmonics gf, Thu 31st Oct, 6:12pm
Simple but amusing.
I'm feeling peckish... Simon, Fri 25th Oct, 11:58am
C.Y.B.O.R.G. Machine Intended for Killing and Exploration, Mon 21st Oct, 7:43pm
"Just enter your name below and the Cyborger will tell you what your name would mean if you happened to be a shallow imitation of humanity with a dark purpose."

boatie : Biomechanical Obedient Android Trained for Infiltration and Exploration

Not far wrong I reckon... (2 comments...)
Prior-Art-O-Matic a normal pair of shoes, Mon 21st Oct, 2:40pm
rowing is a contraceptive device that has no moving parts!

first and third is a saucepan that lasts forever!

dubya is a strain of bacteria that cleans itself!

the peckster is a parachute that can be bolted onto a cufflink and responds to ambient light changes.

hours of fun... (32 comments...)
Lost in Translation Mike, Mon 14th Oct, 5:29pm
Enter some text and see it translated back and forth between English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

Did you know you are a member of "in the first place and the third association of the boat of threeness"? (4 comments...)
Guess the Dictator or Sit-Com Character Simon, Sat 21st Sep, 9:55am
Astonishing... but it can be beaten! (8 comments...)
Real email stories from Hoaxbusters Rich, bored at work, Tue 17th Sep, 3:56pm
I got an email this morning, which I thought was probably a hoax, so I went to the Hoaxbusters website to check it out. It was indeed a hoax, but more interesting were the other hoaxes, some of which were quite amusingly silly. Best of all, however, was this page of emails that looked like hoaxes but weren't. The two at the bottom are simply fantastic (do go to the links after reading the report), although with the depth of knowledge and the competitiveness in the club, I'm sure we can beat three seconds... (1 comment...)
Pull-O-Meter Becca, Mon 16th Sep, 5:36pm
Useful to find out what chance you have of pulling at the bc bop.
I scored 58%.... (28 comments...)
Real-Time Testing of Internet Filtering Henry, Thu 12th Sep, 10:10am
It seems that has been blocked by Chinese censors. There must obviously be some potentially harmful information on it. (3 comments...)
Porrasturvat - Stair Dismount Mike, Wed 4th Sep, 1:24pm
A delightfully twisted little game. Unfortunately you have to download (~2MB) and install it before you can play, but it's definitely worth it.

I've managed to get around 140000, but there are far higher scores to be had...
Angry Strudel RTT, Wed 28th Aug, 10:15am
After many many hours spent searching for this, I have found it. Angry Strudel Productions is the internet home of ...... The Bleets. Original Farmer Material. Get the song and get ready for the Mich Term Bop.
The Bar Tab Challenge Neil, Fri 5th Jul, 1:03pm
This is a gift - an easy quiz game with £250 up for grabs if we can get into the top 10. There is no limit to the number of players on a team, and all players' scores are added together, so the more the better. To play, email me ( so I can add you to the team list. (14 comments...)
Which footballer are you? David Seaman, Mon 24th Jun, 1:14pm
You've saved England more times than anyone but unless you're joining Status Quo, you need to lose the ponytail. You're a decent bloke who always does the right thing. But the error-count is slowly on the up. (13 comments...)
For all you aspiring world dominators... RTT, Sat 22nd Jun, 4:09pm
In particular check out the Doomsday device section and the "featured lair" in the Evil Realtor.
Space Merchant Realms Simon, Fri 21st Jun, 8:16pm
A game for all those of you who now have nothing to do for a while. The website explains it all!
Happy as always In my single scull, Mon 10th Jun, 8:35am
Cheer up - you would have thought it was the first Stroke of the start or something!
Cambridge Purity Test Dubya, Sun 9th Jun, 9:09am
Probably seen it before, but it's amusing anyway. 155% (17 comments...)
Instant highlights gf, Fri 7th Jun, 3:56pm
Why wait for the evening programmes to relive the game?
BBC games ipe, Sun 2nd Jun, 12:10am
Full of great games. The celebrity arm-wrestling selection is particularly good, especially Kylie vs Posh.
Ooops... forgot http://
http://www.coffeebreakarcade.comfrom still bored, Sat 1st Jun, 10:16pm
that should work??
The Ultimate in Time Wasting
www.coffeebreakarcade.comfrom bored in library, Sat 1st Jun, 10:13pm
This one has many games to waste away your day, can be a bit slow though.
Shockwave ipe, Fri 31st May, 7:16pm
Loads of games available here to waste your time on, especially the stylish Tetris.
Pong dw, Fri 31st May, 7:06pm
Another game to waste time on....however the computer cheats on this one I think :(
Fly the 'copter Jon, Wed 29th May, 9:02am
So, now that crazy golf has been defeated, a new challenge for those stuck indoors revising... (6 comments...)
Crazy Golf dw, Tue 28th May, 7:43pm
Excellent revision avoidance (26 comments...)
World Cup Trading
http://www.tradeworldcup.comfrom Simon, Tue 28th May, 11:14am
Virtual "betting" (no real money involved) on the world cup - including on the outcomes of games while they are in progress. Anyone planning on working on a city trading desk can practice their skills here... (25 comments...)
Make your own personalised quizzes!
http://www.quizyourfriends.comfrom Sarah, Tue 28th May, 10:08am
Joe Cartoon
http://www.joecartoon.comfrom Iain, Thu 23rd May, 3:36pm
A totally hilarious site... if slightly peverse. (2 comments...)
Fly The Copter Mike, Thu 23rd May, 3:31pm
A simple little game, yet infuriatingly addictive. I won't post my high score here, as it is slightly embarassing... (2 comments...)
Row, Row, Row Your Boat dw, Sat 18th May, 12:57am
This site must have been made by a twisted individual. I just can't understand the mentality of some people... :)
Midget-tossing Iain, Thu 16th May, 1:51pm
So funny, especially the music.
BBC's Test The Nation Phillip Schofield, Mon 13th May, 4:47pm
On Saturday night, 70,000 people joined in the BBC's IQ test. Leaving aside arguments about whether IQ really is a measure of intelligence and about the statistical significance of these results, there are some quite fun findings. Particularly satisfying (for those that are satisfied by that kind of thing) is the high incidence of intelligent people in Cambridge. As a subset of that, how intelligent is your average First And Third rower? The test is still there, so let's find out. For the record, it reckons my IQ is 130...
Lycos Fight Club mjb, Sun 28th Apr, 2:10pm
A two-player fighting game.

"Lycos Fight Club is your break from the monotony of everyday life, your chance to thrash your friends in an online feast of punches, kicks, blocks and special moves.

Personalize your bout with a victory chant and, as the victor, deal that final killer blow with a well-timed spirit-breaking insult."
Saladometer gf, Tue 23rd Apr, 11:38am
These boards have gone a bit quiet recently, haven't they? (and not just once people went to Ireland) (14 comments...)
BBC Two logos Simon, Wed 27th Mar, 3:43pm
Maybe out of place on 1&3, but as we mourn the passing of the balloon from BBC 1, here are the BBC 2 logos...
Bumps fines gf, Tue 19th Mar, 10:35am
Inspired by the recent achievement of a week's racing without any penalties, this spreadsheet takes a look at the fines handed out by CUCBC over the last ten sets of bumps (Mays 97 - Lents 02 inclusive).

At just 5.17quid [Martin - why does this message board reject the pound symbol?] for each of our 88 crews, 1st & 3rd are one of the best-behaved clubs on the river. True to form, Downing are 33rd out of 34.

A few notes:

1) Due to limited data, the fines for Lents 98 cannot currently be attributed to particular crews within a club, and hence are shown here spread evenly across the days and with a gender split in proportion to the number of crews racing within that club.

2) Where a fine is payable by a club rather than a crew (e.g. failure to provide marshal), it has been split by gender according to number of crews.

3) Amazingly, our 58 May crews have never been fined on a Wednesday. (15 comments...)
A Tribe of Toffs gf, Fri 1st Mar, 7:34am
As it's the pseudonym source of the moment... (6 comments...)
Star Wars...
telnet://towel.blinkenlights.nlfrom Sam, Thu 28th Feb, 10:23pm
They Fight Crime! Mike, Wed 27th Feb, 4:02pm
He's a suicidal one-eyed romance novelist who knows the secret of the alien invasion. She's a man-hating winged politician with only herself to blame. They fight crime!
Hobbit name generator Mungo Gamgee-Took of Bywater, Wed 27th Feb, 3:33pm
Does exactly what it says on the tin... (1 comment...)
Is your computer too slow? jmg, Wed 20th Feb, 8:58am
Satire Wire
http://www.satirewire.comfrom ipe, Thu 14th Feb, 4:40am
It's keeping me amused at 4:30 in the morning.
Rowers' nude for thought Mike, Mon 11th Feb, 1:56pm
Here's where you're going wrong boys (and girls)
The Original Smoothy
../photos/2002/ltbeother.shtml?21from mcp, Fri 8th Feb, 12:43am
The Univeristy lightweight women's cox poses for the cameras...... And I need a new caption ;-) Suggestions?! (2 comments...)
Tampax sponsors ITV period drama RTT, Wed 6th Feb, 11:42am
Spoof news site. Kept me awake between lectures (sadly not during).
the law of the playground your mum, Fri 1st Feb, 2:08pm
Search an alphabetical list of playground insults. Some of these are inspired - there's got to be some T-shirt ideas in there somewhere... (1 comment...)
Gill and Vashka Dan Walker, Wed 30th Jan, 5:43am
Mad. Check out the photo report on the Trinity boys... (2 comments...)
English Grammer (sic) World Pedant, Fri 25th Jan, 6:39pm
Hilarious for no other reason that the fact that they have spelt 'Grammar' incorrectly all over the place.
The LMBC website
http://www.lmbc.netfrom mjb, Fri 25th Jan, 1:47pm
Laugh at the Maggie Scum.
Edit their Message Boards. (3 comments...)
Just a Tip
http://www.justatip.comfrom dw, Fri 25th Jan, 9:52am
Highly amusing. What mischief can we get up to now...... (1 comment...) ipe, Wed 23rd Jan, 3:24pm
Where else can you buy a Russian fighter jet for 150,000? The best site to spend your student loan. (3 comments...)
Big Brother III application form Simon Blackburn, Mon 21st Jan, 5:28pm
Available until Feb 8th, the details - and the mind-boggling form - for Big Brother III.

Now where's that camcorder?
Not really a link, more of a plug... Superstar DJ (ahem...), Sun 20th Jan, 11:09am
...Cambridge University Radio has just started going out live on 1350 medium wave. For those of you unlucky to be outside our broadcast area, there's always the classic RealAudio way of listening via the website. Enjoy :) (4 comments...)
How long have you got? ccsi, Thu 17th Jan, 9:11pm
Find out when you'll fall off your perch.

I will apparently kick the bucket on May 17 2058, aged 81. Most likely of cancer or heart disease. (although a 5% homicide chance!) (11 comments...)
Every Rule You'll Ever Need
http://www.everyrule.comfrom Simon, Thu 17th Jan, 1:49pm
A useful little site for settling arguments - nb the 'Shotgun' rules and the massive list of drinking game rules.

I've asked them to add the bumps. (4 comments...)
Wrote. Yesterday's News, Today.
http://www.wrote.orgfrom Mike, Thu 17th Jan, 9:18am
Amused me a lot. Now can anyone out there tell me what "Oterque quarterque beati quis onte ora patrum, Trojae sub moenibus altis" means when translated into English? (7 comments...)
STI@home RTT, Sun 13th Jan, 2:46pm
Remember the SETI@home rush we had a while ago? Well, this is the next step. Rather appropriate for rowers, I feel....
Bushwhacked! dw229, Wed 9th Jan, 10:45am
Quite old now, but a classic realaudio file, courtesy of Chris Morris.
The Crocodile Hunter
http://www.crocodilehunter.comfrom Simon, Wed 2nd Jan, 11:25am
Strewth! Little blighter... you see, if I just poke this dangerous snake with a stick, he gets angry...
So You've Been Dumped
http://www.soyouvebeendumped.comfrom Simon, Mon 31st Dec, 11:05am
Does exactly what it says in the title.
Find out your personality type Psychologist Chris, Sun 30th Dec, 1:12pm
A bit sad, but this is normally quite accurate and insightful. I reckon I will not be the only INTP type on this list (even though it's a very rare type on a national basis). (16 comments...)
Dictionary News Simon, Fri 21st Dec, 3:07pm
Good to see that the races are in the Dictionary. Tragically, no sign of the Mays.
Pun of the Day Simon, Fri 21st Dec, 12:12pm
The source of my powers...
Black Prince chainmail gf, Thu 20th Dec, 6:08pm
One for the KSS, methinks.
Black Prince launcher gf, Thu 20th Dec, 6:07pm
Black Prince - "As good as Atlas Agena". Which is nice to know.
The Rowing Vortal
http://www.rowingvortal.comfrom Rich, Thu 6th Dec, 12:17pm
The new funky bit of the rowing service - particularly recommended are the video clips (Fun/Humour/Video Clips), not much to do with rowing, but pretty amusing in some cases (2 comments...)
Olympic Golds at Trinity Martin, Thu 29th Nov, 5:20pm
A list of Olympic Gold Medallists of Trinity College, including 11 for rowing. (1 comment...)
Ronglish gf, Wed 21st Nov, 4:31pm
Sadly not yet an option on the MML Tripos.
Spank the Monkey sat, Fri 16th Nov, 5:41pm
How fast can you spank yours?!!
Bananaman dw229, Thu 15th Nov, 10:48pm
A must for all Bananaman fans out there. Includes downloadable theme tune!
Word oddities and trivia gf, Thu 15th Nov, 5:13pm
Includes the fantastic solutomaattimittaamotulos and dord. (2 comments...)
Smilie Games gf, Thu 15th Nov, 9:56am
Good apart from the racing game, which is too bloody difficult.
TV Go Home gf, Thu 15th Nov, 9:51am
Home of the infamous Nathan Barley.

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