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Novice Fairbairns Videos by Bryn - Tue 17th May 2005, 10:27pm
I know it's taken a while, but I've finally found out how to get some srcf user space and how to use it. Way back at the time of Novice Fairbairns I took some videos of all the crews and I've now added links to them on the results page. I hope all these links work!

If you want to see what your rowing was like a term ago you can have a look. I have to say that the videos aren't very good and that my newfound computer expertise (yes, that's right) doesn't extend to knowing a way of compressing them, so they're all around 10MB.

And just so that I can get extra practice with links, they're all here as well:

1st novice men's VIII
2nd novice men's VIII
3rd novice men's VIII
4th novice men's VIII

1st novice women's VIII
2nd novice women's VIII
3rd novice women's VIII

It's probably not worth it unless you have a fast connection (which I don't, so I haven't checked if any of this works...). (5 replies...)
Bumps pages by KSS - Fri 13th May 2005, 2:36pm
Is it at all possible to have the bumps pages play the Radio 1 'Top 40' tune on loop when people browse them? Or perhaps just when they are looking at the bumps tables? I think it would add a lot to the site. (2 replies...)
BUSA by Give us some competition!-jo - Tue 10th May 2005, 10:18pm
Hi everyone, was at BUSA last week competing in Novice (ARA novice) events and it struck me that your girls were way better than most of the crews we came up against, especially in the iv+ event. I was suprised that only a few crews from cambridge bothered entering (magdalene and CUW) especially since Durham entered a huuuuge amount of boats. How come so few college crews enter? Discuss. (20 replies...)
Book by AHLF - Sun 8th May 2005, 8:20pm
I'm sure I have seen a book at some point which I thought was by Denys Lawrence which includes all sorts of useful information about Boat Clubs including a chapter on captaincy. Does anyone else have any recollection of such a book, and if so, do you have any information about it? (3 replies...)
Where have all the photos gone? by Amelia - Wed 27th Apr 2005, 9:25pm
Lots of photos of happy smiling post-victory people have been taken this year. Not all of them have made it onto the message boards. Those of us without digital cameras of our own, and who have yet to pay Honey for JET prints, are starved of visual evidence of FaT dominance.

So all of you people out there with relevant boatie photos taking up space on your data sticks, please post them!!
Blades again by no voice - Sun 24th Apr 2005, 8:29am
Congratulations FaT women. Blades again at City of Oxford Bumps.

Death or glory (1 replies...)
London Marathon by mjb - Sat 23rd Apr 2005, 2:49pm
Were there any FaT/BPBC people in the London Marathon on Sunday, other than those listed below ?

So far, I've found times for
Dan Darley         2.54.49
Becca Downing      4.11.47

For Comparison ...
Sir Steve Redgrave 4.21.36
(11 replies...)
Club money by just out of interest - Thu 14th Apr 2005, 1:14pm
Is it the whole comittee who decide what the moeny for the year's going to be spent on, or the overall captain/both captains?
Only because it occurs to me we are quite in need of some new boathouse equipment, ergs [of which 3 of which have some kind of fault/weirdness, four of which are pretty unusable] & sliders? And how about another [even secdon hand] scull [maybe one designed for slightly lighter people :)?] or just magpie being fixed. Oh, and some clams. They're approximately £2 each.. :)
And, further to a conversation I was having the other day, what about some women's croker blades? Also, wouldn't it be worth saving our money and investing in new men's/women's 8s [especially with the demise of bp3] rather than novice shells?
Hope this doesn't start too much of a fight, it is largely out of curiosity, just wondering what the thinking is behind our latest boat buying spree? (28 replies...)
The Committee by RTT - Fri 1st Apr 2005, 9:46am
Having read the forthcoming events info, I am amazed to discover that our Committee is organising nearly everything in the rowing world. Who would have thought that 1+3 ran the Head of the Nene? Or the Pembroke Regatta? Interestingly Guy appears to be kicking up his heels and leaving Simon Blackburn to organise the GoR again this year. What I want to know is, how do they manage? No wonder JW always seems to be awake into the small hours before early morning training!

Also, are they organising Henley this year, and if so
a) Will 1st Trinity get pre-qualified for the Grand as is traditional?
b) Can I get a Stewards pass? (8 replies...)
Boat Race times by Bryn - Mon 28th Mar 2005, 4:25pm
In the build-up to the race on ITV they said that the Boat Race was timed to take place when the stream was at its quickest. But the BBC website says that Goldie beat OUBC by 3s.

So at least one of these has messed up:
(i) ITV (for not knowing about tides)
(ii) the BBC (for not being able to time a boat race)
(iii) Robin Williams (for not being able to pick the fastest crew)
(iv) me (for missing something obvious)

Can someone in the know help me out? (2 replies...)
3rd Annual Pre-Boat Race Pub Crawl by mjb - Sat 26th Mar 2005, 10:31am
Sunday service on the trains, meant I arrived at Putney half an hour late, only to find out that the Duke's Head didn't open until 12 anyway.
The intrepid group of pub crawlers (Ingers, Graham, Bron, Sarah, me) contented themselves with watching some random boats do practice starts off stakeboats on the river next to us until the pub finally decided to open.
Lunch was taken at the Crabtree where Mr. Walker arrived for his habitual late start, followed by Anna and Tom.
A push along the Hammersmith bend saw us acquire various extra hangers-on, including Amelia, Catherine, Becca, Henners and Guy and we made it to Cygnet BC for the Blackburn Bonus Pint around 1730 before completing the course a little after 8pm. Back to Blackburn's for pizzas where Graham, perhaps realising he'd finished the pub crawl, promptly fell asleep.
Hopefully a fun time was had by all.
The justice by Long overdue - Fri 18th Mar 2005, 11:23pm
Is there going to be a Justice meeting this term? Or has there been one that has just passed me by in my post BCD haze? (14 replies...)
FaT Men for Headship by shocked by Caius - Thu 10th Mar 2005, 7:07pm
My Goodness! To help Lilie make up numbers (and finally resurrect my profile on the social scene) I went to formal with the Caius 1st Men last night. Most of them were decent folk, but their captain was pretty much the epitomy of arrogance and the recurring presentation of Headship medals unnecessary. (I apologise for failing the Mission Abduct Dave's Pride by the way.)

I suggest to whomever this may concern post Henley, to incorporate in the 1st Men's Lent training a formal swap with their Caius counterparts. There is so much to be said for a race rowed on pure hatred!
Plea for Pretty Photos by Rich/Dan - Thu 10th Mar 2005, 2:16pm
I'm looking for a photo or two of Cambridge rowing to put into a document that I'm writing. The criteria are:
- Must be taken by a club member (i.e. not Jet, so we can use it without copyright issues)
- Preferably showing people rowing well
- Preferably showing lots of crowds on the bank
- Preferably in summer

Can anybody help?

Separately, if anybody can find a photo thats shows off a company sponsoring one of the boat clubs (e.g. their name very obvious on a splashtop) then that would be fab too. (7 replies...)
Calling mathmo students by Dan - Wed 9th Mar 2005, 4:08pm
Erm, I used to be a mathmo student but sadly am no longer either a student, or any good at maths.
Can any of you give me an equation to link watts with 500m split on an erg (I guess put the split in seconds makes it easier). The concept site has data but no formula...
article=watts_conversion (6 replies...)
w horr vs bumps by jo - Tue 1st Mar 2005, 4:57pm
totally random i know but does anyone know if bumps end on same day as women's tideway? (12 replies...)
Anyone good with Photoshop? by Dan/Rich - Mon 28th Feb 2005, 2:17pm
We're looking for someone who can spare an hour or so and has access to paint/photo software to doctor a picture for us. I don't think this will take too long but neither of us have anything on our computers that will do this (and can't install new stuff at work). If you can help please drop me an email and I'll explain more...
Thanks (5 replies...)
BOP REQUESTS by KSS - Mon 28th Feb 2005, 1:50pm
Anyone got any NEW beats they want to feature in the JPD Lent Bop mix? Rupert will be there so the more we get, the less likely S-Club Juniors will be to appear.

As ever JPD and I will read your requests with interest and then totally disregard them in favour of our own tastes. (4 replies...)
Multicultural crews by Just wondering... - Fri 25th Feb 2005, 10:18am
I'm one of two home students in the 2nd Lent VIII, leaving seven overseas students and a total of six countries represented in the boat (or seven if you count Wales...). Has FaT ever produced such a mutlicultural boat before? (8 replies...)
Chris Harding by Martin - Wed 16th Feb 2005, 12:32pm
Anyone have a contact email address for Chris Harding? (1 replies...)
Bit of a test by Martin - Tue 8th Feb 2005, 3:33pm
Apologies for random posting - just trying out browsing & posting from my new phone. Seems we could be expanding the bumps coverage this year!

Incidentally, my new phone number is 07813 711665 and should be working... (1 replies...)
Women's 'VIIIs' by Bryn - Mon 7th Feb 2005, 3:34pm
Am I the only one surprised by the number of people in all but the 1st women's VIIIs?
CUBC Technique by jo - Tue 14th Dec 2004, 10:38am
I am living under the cloud of DREADFUL technique at uea so i went to have a look at the CUBC technique page that was so good in getting wolfson into shape....and i can't find it! has it disappeared from the cucbc pages forever or is this temporary? Has anyone got any links to other resources similar? its only 4 and a bit months to BUSA!
cheers guys (3 replies...)
Crossing over by Lilie - Sun 5th Dec 2004, 10:38pm
After nearly being crashed into by a city VIII at the cross over point [well ok it wasn't that close but it could have been!] Can I just ask - why? Why, at an arbitrary point in the river do we have switch sides? Seems a bit odd.. and dangerous, to me. (2 replies...)
Bop Requests by jpd - Wed 1st Dec 2004, 11:29am
No S Club Juniors please. (18 replies...)
T-Shirts by Becca - Sun 31st Oct 2004, 1:09pm
This is primarily for the benefit of Tom and John, and relates to a conversation about t-shirt slogans that we had several yrs ago...:
I'm currently rowing with a girl from Oriel. They did come up with the t-shirt slogan: 'L'Oriel, because we're worth it'
ARA library by Simon - Fri 27th Aug 2004, 12:31am
The ARA has copies of old British Rowing Almanacks available for people to look at in Hammersmith. Some of the older ones (e.g. early 1900s) have detailed descriptions of races at Henley and on the Cam involving Trinity boats. If anyone in the club is keen enough to come and look through these and get information (e.g. for this website) then let me know and I shall try to arrange something.
strokesider (female) for S4 eight by Sarah - Mon 9th Aug 2004, 10:26am

I'm currently coaching and coxing the Mortlake intermediate squad. We are going to Stourport Regatta this weekend, but one of the girls is ill so won't be able to come.
the main problem is the eight - on saturday we have a straight final (non-qualifying) at 3.50pm
so is there ANYBODY out there that knows a female with less than 4 points who could help us out?
we could probably manage if you are a bowsider as we have someone who can swap.
Stourport is just south of Birmingham, we could probably pick up someone anywhere en route from SW london

please email me asap if you can help? (3 replies...)
2nd VIII clip by ipe - Wed 30th Jun 2004, 3:24pm
I've put up a video clip of the 2nd Men's VIII doing a practice start, taken by Chris Stone during the May bumps.

It's a 7.3mb mpg file, here (1 replies...)
LARD Top Tens for the year by Lard Man - Thu 17th Jun 2004, 3:46pm
Here we have Top 10 users in the fields of LARD, Items and Lard per Item coefficient


    Name Lard Items Coeff
 1. djh  4680  231   20.3   LARDiest Man, Best Coefficient
 2. cm   3880  430    9.0
 3. jpd  3211  621    5.2   LARDiest Triallist, Most Items
 4. tdc  2996  364    8.2
 5. ccsi 2515  491    5.1
 6. mjb  2460  578    4.3
 7. rb   2402  243    9.9
 8. wat  2254  221   10.2
 9. amd  2212  306    7.2   LARDiest Woman
10. twr  2155  253    8.5   LARDiest Bufty
17. accw 1393  178    7.8   LARDiest Cox


    Name Lard Items Coeff
 1. jpd  3211  621    5.2   LARDiest Triallist, Most Items
 2. mjb  2460  578    4.3
 3. ccsi 2515  491    5.1
 4. agrs 1522  476    3.2
 5. cm   3880  430    9.0
 6. tdc  2996  364    8.2
 7. arr  1344  322    4.2
 8. amd  2212  306    7.2   LARDiest Woman
 9. egh  1638  285    5.7
10. js   1806  266    6.8
11. twr  2155  253    8.5   LARDiest Bufty
13. djh  4680  231   20.3   LARDiest Man, Best Coefficient
19. accw 1393  178    7.8   LARDiest Cox

Coefficient (min. 20 items)

    Name Lard Items Coeff
 1. djh  4680  231   20.3   LARDiest Man, Best Coefficient
 2. hsc  1318   82   16.1
 3. wgk  1689  107   15.8
 4. jwg   987   66   15.0
 5. jwe  1968  142   13.9
 6. riap  601   46   13.1
 7. elt   413   32   12.9
 8. ctmn  623   53   11.8
 9. jl   1064   92   11.6
10. df    371   35   10.6
27. twr  2155  235    8.5   LARDiest Bufty
34. accw 1393  178    7.8   LARDiest Cox
42. amd  2212  306    7.2   LARDiest Woman
53. jpd  3211  621    5.2   LARDiest Triallist
(6 replies...)
May Term Lard by The Lardmeister - Wed 16th Jun 2004, 4:41pm
A new term, and a new LARD competition.
Here's the Lard Standings for the term so far ... :o)
Name  Lard  Items
djh   634    22
rb    298    24
hsc   260    15
ccsi  218    36
jpd   201    17
tdc   159    26
gm    150    12
aml   141    16
arr   137    20
jwe   126     6
js    123    17
wat   109     8
acl    91    11
amd    86    17
agrs   81    10
cema   73    11
rjm    64    11
djtn   62     7
cm     57    12
ad     57    15
twr    56    12
mjb    55    24
pjh    49    10
mhs    48     5
elt    46     7
djb    35     8
sat    34    20
bjg    32     4
wgk    30     5
riap   29     2
hd     24     3
kn     23     1
jl     21     2
sjc    18     4
dw     18    12
jwg    17     2
dn     15     2
csd    12     3
mw     12    14
pks     8    13
rhd     6     1
cc      6     2
epp     6     5
rka     6    32
tf      3     3
(18 replies...)
The Stomp by Anna - Tue 15th Jun 2004, 12:59pm
The Stomp, come to it. Please. I know it means getting up early but you can go back to bed and it's really poor that we're outnumbered by a bunch of tree hugging muppets when there's so many of us.

Tomorrow and Saturday are our chances to make it up so get your arses out of bed and get stomping.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen and GOOD LUCK to all our crews today. (19 replies...)
Camera Found by Martin - Mon 14th Jun 2004, 10:26am
My camera is found. Thank you to everyone who expressed pity or helped to track it down.

It was safely stowed away in a top secret location in Great Court. :-)
drunk lbc SAYS... by glass vandal - Sat 12th Jun 2004, 9:23pm
Mr Law is a legend.
Those of you who didnt see my pink shoes, study the photos. they are legendary.
What a good dinner. nuff sed.

thanks to hattie for dealing with mich-term-me
drunk lbc SAYS... by glass vandal - Sat 12th Jun 2004, 9:21pm
Mr Law is a legend.
Those of you who didnt see my pink shoes, study the photos. they are legendary.
What a good dinner. nuff sed
May Term Bop Requests by KSS - Tue 8th Jun 2004, 11:07am
Get imaginative or else it'll be four hours of S Club Juniors and Belinda! You have been warned... (32 replies...)
Eton boy and his hat by Esther - Fri 4th Jun 2004, 9:39am
Why isn't there a picture of eton boy and his hat anywhere? it seems ridiculous that there isn't one... (5 replies...)
Punting vs. Maggie by Maggie Beater - Fri 28th May 2004, 5:10pm
Thursday 17th of June marks the day when justice will be meted out to all Red Scum everywhere, by proving our superiority on yet another stretch of the Cam. Sign up on the diary page now to enter a crew in the inaugural punting race vs Maggie. They reckon they've got it sorted, so i hope to see a couple of elite squads of punters on the list, to prove FaT greatness [which shouldn't be a problem anyway, as I get to make up the rules :)] (4 replies...)
Can you help please by Dan - Fri 14th May 2004, 12:37pm
Does anyone know if TOPS is still active and if so who is the current president or secretary or whatever? (TOPS = Trinity Outdoor Pursuits Society).
If so either reply to this message or email me direct.
Kit Suggestions by KSS - Sat 24th Apr 2004, 8:38pm
Does anyone have a burning desire for any additional items of kit that are not currently available on the kit order? Speak now... (3 replies...)
Crew Hall by Rupert - Fri 23rd Apr 2004, 10:38am
I need your suggestions for what to do about crew hall this may term, given we can't use the minstrel's gallery. Can we find a room near the kitchens? Or how about a picnic?? (80 replies...)
Google Ranking by dw229 - Thu 15th Apr 2004, 1:42pm
It have recently noticed that typing my full name into Google yields my rower profile as the number one result! Fame at last, amongst all the Daniel Walkers in all the world...

Anyway, is this a general FaT phenomenon and what's changed, other than this site's immense popularity... (19 replies...)
Lent 04 LARD Requests by The Lardmeister - Wed 17th Mar 2004, 2:02pm
I'm going shopping for LARD tomorrow, so if you have any sensible suggestions or old favourites, can you put them down here. (15 replies...)
Celeb Boat Race by Simon - Sun 29th Feb 2004, 9:09am
Oxford won the celeb boat race on the Tideway this afternoon. The crews clashed around Fulham football ground and the race was halted for a restart. Oxford seemed to be coping better with fairly splashy Tideway conditions and moved away to about a length and a half lead by the finish at Hammersmith Bridge. (2 replies...)
Bumps photos online by Amelia - Thu 26th Feb 2004, 12:09pm
Bumps photos taken yesterday and Tuesday can be viewed online at and also at (password CAM). There are some quite good ones, especially individual pictures of the 2nd women after bumping yesterday.
Going to get wet... please help! by Lilie - Fri 20th Feb 2004, 10:15pm
Would anyone like a bit of a laugh? id like to go out sculling, (i guess it's too late to ask for this [thurs] afternoon?) but need a "competent" bank steerer - ditto me and erica in a pair this sunday (this should be especially funny, i would imagine..!) so if any of you want to witness me/me + erica drowning in the cam, please let me know..!
Lilie vlw26
p.s i have quite a nasty timetable, but can do this weekend mostly.. and then i guess after bumps. (3 replies...)
A cox for the 2nd Women by You know you want to, Chris! - Tue 17th Feb 2004, 5:26pm
Ode to Chris Pedder

Thou that hast more experience in steering a boat than God has in guiding the stars,
we beg thee, we plead with thee,
once more amongst the ranks of mortals to cox us.
In this our darkest hour when all have failed us,
it is but the halo of your glory that may lead us to the end of the tunnel.
Reliant we are,
in thy valiance we trust,
our hopes
and our lives
on the river Cam. (20 replies...)
Lent Term Bop Requests by KSS - Mon 16th Feb 2004, 1:22pm
Tell me what you want, I might put it in... (4 replies...)
Please buy me some nice lucozade :) by Berry Fiend - Wed 11th Feb 2004, 12:08pm
please can we have some dark berry lucozade for the lard cupboard?? i like it lots :) (12 replies...)
Topical teaser by Esther - Tue 23rd Dec 2003, 12:12am
Spot the celebraty in the recent Regatta... (1 replies...)

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