The Club's Crews

Members Information


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Name Jo Mulvaney, JF
Nickname Jo
Side cox
Noviced in 2001
Sex Female
Status Buftie

1. Grads row past the b...
2. Past Midsummer Common
3. Looking good through...

Rowing Career

According to our records, Jo Mulvaney has rowed in 3 events with First & Third (or BPBC) at a highest level of 1st men's VIII and most recently on 3 Dec 2004.


Number of posts  17
Most recent post  21 Jun 2005 12:09pm, re: It's less knitt...
Posts as  jo (exmagd), jo, jo (UEA), Give us some competition!-jo, mine's a pint, sympathetic to bury bound, no, really!, not a valentines day fan, appalled cox

Official crews and main results

2004 - 2005
Mich Term Fairbairn Cup (Invitation VIIIs): 16:18   1st invitational 3rd VIII, 29th overall (BPBC 3rd men's VIII)
  Fairbairn Cup - IVs (College IVs): 12:53   13th College IV, 18th overall (1st men's IV)

Full results record

2003 - 2004

Head of the River Race (Senior4 VIIIs): Cancelled (starting 171st) (1st men's VIII, coxswain)

2004 - 2005

Fairbairn Cup (Invitation VIIIs): 16:18   1st invitational 3rd VIII, 29th overall (BPBC 3rd men's VIII, coxswain)
Fairbairn Cup - IVs (College IVs): 12:53   13th College IV, 18th overall (1st men's IV, coxswain)

Number of events: 3
Total number of races: 3