Photo Gallery

May Term 2010, by crew

Pictures Arranged by Crew

1st men's VIII

1. Under the bridge
2. Rowing up to the start
3. Victory Lap

1st women's VIII

1. Off to the finish
2. Rowing over
3. Sternfour

2nd men's VIII

1. Practice Start
2. Bowfour Practice Start

2nd women's VIII

1. W2 holding off Christs
2. W2 start
3. W2

3rd men's VIII

1. Bumped on the corner
2. Approaching Ditton
3. Chased down Plough R...

3rd women's VIII

1. Clearing
2. Conceding
3. Holding off the crew...

4th men's VIII

1. Passing First Post
2. Approaching First Po...
3. FaT M4 chasing Catz

5th men's VIII

1. M5
2. Rowing home
3. Looking back

Fellows' VIII

1. Our fantastic fellow...

Henley IV+

1. Chasing Agecroft
2. Side by side with LMBC

Miscellaneous pictures

1. Pembroke M1 chasing ...
2. Pem W1
3. Pem W1