Photo Gallery

Mich Term 2007, by crew

Pictures Arranged by Crew

1st men's VIII

1. Bryn wants out
2. Over
3. No pain

1st women's VIII

1. rowing home
2. bow four
3. almost done

2nd men's VIII

1. Guns....... there!!!!
2. And the winner is......
3. The catch(s)

3rd men's VIII

1. M3 from a bridge
2. M3 past Emma footbridge

1st women's novice VIII

1. W2 from a bridge
2. W2 past Emma footbridge
3. Danny and Julia

4th men's VIII, NM2's first senior race

1. M4 from a bridge
2. M4 outside the boath...

2nd women's novice VIII

1. On the Reach in the ...
2. Almost there...
3. Taking Chesterton a ...

3rd women's novice VIII

1. Why can't he just lo...
2. Still huddling...
3. Post race huddling

4th men's novice VIII

1. Back in the boat
2. Chaos 2
3. Chaos

BPBC 1st men's VIII

1. BPBC from a bridge
2. BPBC past Emma footb...

BPBC 1st women's VIII

1. Still rowing with ma...
2. Check out the macons
3. black prince women

BPBC 2nd men's VIII

1. BPBC II from a bridge
2. BPBC II past Emma fo...

Light IV

1. Out of Ditton roughl...
2. Bit of a mess
3. Not crashing

4+A, outside four

1. Under Hammersmith
2. As seen in Varsity
3. 1st men's IV

1st women's IV

1. Wreaking havoc
2. Winding it up
3. Overtaking the boys

Men's IV+ 'B'

1. Under Hammersmith
2. Under Hammersmith
3. Racing past marshall...

The Bowsboat

1. 2nd women's IV


1. 3rd men's IV

BPBC 1st men's IV


BPBC 1st women's IV, in JCBC's Tony Willson


Miscellaneous pictures

1. FaT lightweights
2. black prince men
3. Strawson's tongue