Photo Gallery

Mich Term 2002, by crew

Pictures Arranged by Crew

1st men's VIII

1. Only about 4.5k to g...
2. Near the start
3. Poised at the catch

1st women's VIII

1. Racing past the boat...
2. Pulling hard
3. At The Catch

2nd men's VIII

1. If you shut your eye...
2. Rolling into strokes...
3. Full crew ... Airsho...

1st men's novice VIII

1. At the start
2. 1st Novices rowing a...
3. Storming Up The Reach

1st women's novice VIII

1. These air shots make...
2. Preparing for an air...
3. Having Fun

2nd men's novice VIII

1. Practicing the course
2. Rowing Over On Friday
3. Half the crew showed...

2nd women's novice VIII

1. It's catching
2. At the start
3. A close race


1. Using the shiny new ...
2. At the catch

3rd women's novice VIII

1. Formal 2
2. Formal 1

BPBC 1st men's VIII

1. Splendid isolation
2. On the recovery
3. Maris & Al

Light IV

1. The Light IV

1st women's IV

1. Rowing past Emma BH

2nd men's IV

1. The victorious 1st C...

BPBC 1st women's IV

1. At the catch