The Club's Crews

May Term 2011

If you have an official crew list that is not on the website then please contact me.

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1st men's VIII
in Black Prince
bowPeter Ford
2Matthew Griffiths
3Ali Abbasi
4Justus Kebschull
5Paul Masset
6James Strawson
7Allen Pope
strJacob Fries
coxRichard Sworder
1st women's VIII
in Valkyrie
bowCatherine Heygate
2Kerrie Taylor-Jones
3Nina Kamcev
4Julia Attwood
5Sara Lackner
6Rachel Croft
7Anne Hempel
strJulia Robson
coxPreeyan Parmar
2nd men's VIII
in Black Prince
bowAaron Outhwaite
2Jacob Day
3Tae-Joon Cho
4Yimin Ge
5Alex Barrell
6Thomas O'Neill
7Simon Smart
strGonzalo Garcia
coxPenelope Jenkins
2nd women's VIII
in Denys Lawrence
bowSue Kuhaudomlarp
2Marie Page
3Raphaële Garrod
4Sarah Lucas
5Lydia Reeves
6Prof. J. Richards
7Rebecca Wall (née Hann)
strCharlotte Curtis
coachC.S. Dunleavy
3rd men's VIII
in Black Prince
bowJames Smith
2Peter Rowley
3James Scott-Brown
4Jack Mills
5Josh Mills
6Sam Jackson
7James Vaughan
strJack Shotton
coxAlasdair Routh
4th men's VIII
in Richard Church
bowMichael Thornton
2Lewis Tan
3William Phillips
4J.M. Walker
5Ferenc Husza'r
6Alec Gibson
7Christopher Elsby
strSteven Evans
coxRachel Croft
The Grad VIII
in Titan
bowAli Kalaji
2Joeri Witteveen
3D.R.R. Roberts
4R.P. Burwood
5James Harmsworth King
6G.S.D. Gordon
7Joe Barker
strOrian Welling
coxCatherine Heygate
coachAllen Pope
6th men's VIII
bowJames Dixon
2Richard Sworder
3Sam Cocks
4Alex Wood
5Georg Meisl
6Matthew Griffiths
7Preeyan Parmar
strVlad Paraoan
coxPeter Ford