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27th Apr '05Small boats winsby mcp
This afternoon has seen superb success for FaT in the CUCBC small boats regatta!!

In the men's events Dan Holland and Tom Coker have won the men's Foster-Fairbairn pairs and Andrew Lea-Cox and Graham Sills have won the Lowe Double Sculls.

There was drama in the women's Foster-Fairbairn pairs - the FaT on FaT final was declared a dead heat! Amelia, Catherine, Erica and Lilie are all being awarded the win.

No doubt more details will follow under Results. (1 reply...)
5th Mar '05Alumna wins WeHoRRby SJB
Congratulations to Steph Richards who coxed Leander Club to victory at the Women's Eights Head of the River in London. The crew won by just 0.38 of a second in a 19 minute race.

Steph novice coxed with First and Third in 1999 and was cox of Goldie in 2002. (5 replies...)
3rd Apr '05Lent Term roundupby ALC
First and Third entered a very impressive 6 men's VIIIs and 4 women's VIIIs into this year's Lent Bumps.

The 5th and 6th men's VIIIs unfortunately didn't get on, but the 5ths were the fastest non-qualifiers and were very unfortunate to just miss out on being the only 5th boat in the Bumps. The 3rd and 4th women also put in a valiant effort, but didn't get on.

W2 got on comfortably and were all set for an exciting Bumps, but due to a series of unfortunate circumstances beyond their control, things just didn't quite go to plan and they rowed over.

W1 really stole the show, going up a tremendous 6 places to their highest ever place on the river. Some fantastic rowing leading to some well-deserved blades! Many thanks go to Iain Law for all his efforts in coaching them.

The men's lower boats were fantastic last term, showing a superb level of training and commitment. The 4th VIII were unlucky to go down 2, whilst the relatively experienced 3rd (gent's) VIII narrowly missed out on blades, going up 3.

This year we tried a new idea of keeping the majority of the 1st novices as a crew through into Lent Term, and they raced as the 2nd VIII. These guys really showed a great attitude towards their training, and with the help of Tom Rose, came through as an excellent team. Come the races, they were unfortunate to get caught up in Wolfson's misshaps. Clearly the stronger crew, Wolfson bumped them, then had equipment failure the next day, causing us to unexpectedly 'row past', only for them to bump back on the last day.

The 2nd VIII also went on to put a very repectable performance in the HoRR, coming 286th overall and 15th in the novice division.

The 1st men once again started behind a Caius crew which had been looking a little unsettled throughout the term, but had suddenly made 2 substitutions a week before Bumps and were therefore a bit of an unknown quantity, as were Downing. It was quickly clear that the subsititutions had really helped Caius and that Downing were never going to pose much of a problem.

It is dissappointing that we couldn't get Caius in the end (particularly for those members of the crew for whom it was the 2nd or 3rd year they'd tried), but all the hard work and commitment showed by the crew was definitely worth it. We certainly reinforced our solid 2nd place on the river and will be ready and waiting for Caius next year.
17th Mar '05STCSby jrts
The weather was perfect for the Challenge Sculls this year - cool, sunny, and with a firm head-wind adding interest and pain down the Reach.

FaT put on a good show: forming 2/3 of the Clinker division (sadly the lower 2/3); entering every event (even the ladies doubles without having been out together before); and Graham Sills stroked his way to 3rd in the Mens Singles in 12:11.

Whether or not people took the traditional scenic route, I hope 'twas all good fun :p
28th Feb '05Lent Bumps Resultsby cema
Up-to-the-minute news from our correspondents on the towpath.... (21 replies...)
25th Feb '05W2 get onby KSS
W2 get on
21st Nov '04BIRC 2004by gf
Have spotted the following FaT people on the BIRC results page. Apologies if I've missed others or should have used some cunning part of the website's results service to register these...

6:36.3 S Robson (3rd of 25 in 35-39 Lwt)
6:45.7 S Blackburn (79th of 158 in Open)
6:45.9 G Sills (11th of 47 in BUSA Lwt)
6:51.3 A Hogley (93rd of 158 in Open)
7th Nov '04Head of the River Foursby jpd
First and Third men came 249th in 21:40, making them the fastest Cambridge college crew ahead of Clare by just over a second and beating a Granta crew in the process.

First and Third women came 447th in 23:39, placing them second of the Cambridge college women's crews behind Magdalene (who beat three Osiris crews!).

Black Prince men came 213th in 21:22 whilst Black Prince women came 488th in 24:27.

Elsewhere, the first three coxless crews belong to CUBC whilst the first two coxed crews belong to OUBC so all bets are off for the Boat Race, although Cambridge have a slight early edge for the reserve race; CUBC V won S1+, whilst Isis IV won S2+.

CULRC and CUWBC both have work to do as their Oxford counterparts put on a strong showing; Osiris crews won WS2+ and WS3+ academic pennants. Black Prince also have work to do as Boar's Head won the W3+ club category. (26 replies...)
2nd Nov '04Queens' ergsby cema
Both novice men and women will be in action at Queens' this evening. This is the first big event for most novices and any club support would be welcome. The event is held in the Fitzpatrick Hall at Queens' from 16.30 until 23.30 (1 reply...)
31st Oct '04University Fours weekby mcp
We have five crews racing this week in the University IVs. For the crews and the results through the week check out our Uni IVs results page.

The CUCBC website gives full details of the draw (pdf file) and timetable.

Our crews would be delighted to have support for their races. The 1st women and 2nd and 3rd men's IVs begin tomorrow:

1st women, 1st division: 1.40pm vs. Trinity Hall
2nd men, 1st division: 2pm vs. Wolfson
3rd men, 2nd division: 2pm vs. Downing II

The 2nd women's IV's first race is against Emme II on Tuesday (2.30pm) and the 1st men, racing in the Light IVs, competition start on Wednesday.

The 'Light IVs' is a small but prestigious division for IVs without a cox. The boats are instead steered by one of the crew via a special swivelling footplate. This is no mean feat on the narrow and twisty Cam...
7th Sep '04Head of the Charles 2004by SJB
Black Prince, the club for First and Third alumni, have had three entries accepted into the Head of the Charles Regatta 2004. There are two "Club" 4+ crews as well as a crew in the men's "Championship" 4+ event. The races are on the weekend of 23 and 24 October. (7 replies...)
19th Jun '04May Bumps Round upby DJH
The womens club had an outstanding set of bumps. Without a doubt they fielded the strongest squad we have had in a long time. The 3rd Women finished the week up 3, and were unlucky not to blade when Caius III hit Robinson II in front of them. No such problems for the 2nd Womens VIII who finished the week up 6 to earn their blades. A very good performance from the 1st Womens VIII as well saw them finish up 2 as sandwich boat in the 1st division, bumping Queens and Peterhouse in the process.

The mens club did not have such a good time of it, however there were a number of good performances for them as well. The fellows VIII did very well, despite finishing down 4 for the week, they managed to row over twice holding off Downing V to retain a permanent place on the river for our 6th VIII and hence the 6th VIII headship. The 5th boat did well and finished up 2 for the week, unlucky to have crews bump out in front but never threatened from behind. They did manage to take the 5th boat headship from Maggie. The 4th boat continued a fairly poor run of form to get hit every day this year. The 3rd boat promised much but unfortunately failed to deliver until the last day and finished down 2 for the week. A few more outings together and I think they could have performed very well. The 2nd Mens VIII are truly the outstanding performers for the mens club though, finishing 2nd in the 2nd division and 2nd highest 2nd VIII on the river just behind Caius. Given the number of triallists returning to Caius this is a huge achievement. Meanwhile the 1st Mens VIII had an interesting week, finishing level in the end. They were disappointingly bumped by Queens on day 2, but managed to reverse that result on day 3 and very nearly had the bump on Maggie on day 4 too - but were unfortunately undone by the robinson crew two in front. (1 reply...)
8th Jun '04May bumps resultsby ipe
The May Bumps are finally here. Keep watching this thread for updates from the towpath throughout the week. (31 replies...)
8th May '04Concept 2 Sprint Relayby ipe
In Friday night's Concept 2 Sprint relay all participating crews from First and Third performed well.

The women's boat club entered two VIIIs, which came an impressive 2nd and 5th in their division.

The men also entered two VIIIs. The 1st VIII won the 1st division, a good sign for the coming term, and the 2nd VIII won the Lower division, beating several 1st boats and, more importantly, three crews from Maggie.

More information can be found in the results section.
1st May '04Head of the Cam Resultsby ipe
Several First and Third crews took part in the Head of the Cam, with the 1st Women victorious in the 'Women's Other Mays' event.

See the results section for details.
23rd Apr '04Success in Small Boatsby ipe
This week saw several entries from First and Third meet with success, in the CUCBC Small Boats Regatta.

Particular mention must go to Andrew Lea-Cox, who won the Maiden Sculls event, and to Alex Summers, who won the Colquhouns.

See the results section for more details.
30th Mar '04Filfth Despondentby jmg
Our very own JPD was in action for Goldie at the weekend, losing out to a more powerful Isis crew but holding on well through the middle of the race and coming back slightly towards the end to a margin of a length and a half in Isis' favour.

The blue boat went down by perhaps two thirds of a length after Oxford's very rapid start, but some aggressive steering and equally agressive bladework on the middlesex bend gave Cambridge a lead which only ever extended. By the end it was a comfortable win for Cambridge, but a dramatic race nonetheless.
18th Feb '04Lent Bumps Results 2004by ipe
The FaT mobile results service is back up and running ready for th 2004 Lent Bumps - see instructions for use here (44 replies...)
21st Mar '04Filfth triumphantby ccsi
4 FaT members were in action today in the women's and lightweights' boat races. Alas, all four finished on the losing side as Oxford again proved stronger in all five races. All the races with the exception of the Women's Blue Boat (the only one without FaT representation) were very close but in truth no Cambridge crew looked like winning. (6 replies...)
1st Mar '04Lent Bumps round upby DJH
First and Third entered 5 mens and 2 womens VIIIs into the Lent bumps this year.

While our 5th Mens VIII did not quite manage to get on, our 2nd womens VIII proved themselves to be quite a bit quicker than in recent years as one of the fastest of the 10 crews to get on. However they then failed to make the most of bumps by hitting the crews in front of them by the motorway bridge or just after on every day. While I am sure they were disappointed not to have the opportunity to race the whole course, they will still enjoy their blades none the less.

Our 4th Men also proved early speculation to be correct as they were faster than all crews around them. They have now cemented the 4th Mens VIII as the highest on the river, and likely to be the only 4th VIII with a guaranteed slot in next years races.

The 3rd Mens VIII had a bit more of a tough time of it, despite closing on the crew in front on the first day they were caught around grassy corner. This put them on a slippery slope and they were hit each day. However the final bump was a slightly dubious technical bump awarded after carnage in front, despite them reopening the margin on the crew behind to almost a length.

The 2nd Mens VIII have had a tough term, with an accident just before the Head of the Nene preventing them from racing in BP2 and denying them crucial water time. However for an inexperienced crew, they did very well to remain the 4th highest 2nd VIII on the river. They were only bumped once by a very large, if somewhat unrefined, CCAT crew.

The Womens 1st VIII was one of the strongest womens crews we have fielded for a while. Sadly they just missed out on capitalising on this on both day 1 and day 2 chasing a fairly quick Pembroke crew, coached by none other than our own RTT! On the 3rd day Pembroke hit a Queens crew on the slide downwards, thus denying our women the chance to correct the narrow misses on the previous two days. However Saturday the crew proved just how fast they were by bumping Queens just past the motorway bridge. So although a little disappointing, not a bad result for the women, and definitely something to build on for next term.

The Lent VIII was starting 2nd on the river and had Caius in front and Downing behind. What little pre-bumps indicators there were suggested that these were the three fastest crews in the division, but no one was quite sure in what order they would finish. Nerves were running high on day 1, particularly given that the Lent VIII was such an inexperienced crew. However once that gun went the crew rapidly settled into the racing mode we had trained for. This proved sufficient to open a large gap on Downing behind but unfortunately we failed to close on Caius in front. This proved the theme of the week, although an attempt on Friday to gear up and back our early race power resulted in an entertaining finish. We had again failed to hit Caius and blew at Ditton and while we had about a four length lead over Downing their race plan was slightly different. However despite them achieving overlap somewhere near Peters Posts we managed to pull away and cross the line with a small margin of clear water. We raced slightly more conservatively on Saturday and consequently showed Downing their true place cruising home several lengths clear. Overall quite a satisfying result, leaving it all to play for again next year!
20th Feb '04Getting On Raceby JS
W2 Got on! Didn't see the race, don't know their time, but they got on, say no more.
M5 unfortunately missed out on a place, as the joint 7th fastest non qualifying crew, but did well, beating a handful of 3rd crews.
11th Jun '03May Bumps Resultsby mcp
Watch this space for news from river - the results within moments via textmessages from the towpath. Any club member can post - here are the instructions. (15 replies...)
8th Feb '04Head of the Neneby DJH
Not a bad result. Theres still plenty of speed to get out of this crew, but it is coming.
31st Jan '04Newnham Short Courseby ipe
The Men's First VIII won Newnham Short Course convincingly, 11 seconds ahead of second-place Tit Hall and an encouraging 33 seconds ahead of Caius, who they chase in bumps.

It was also a good day for the women, who put in an excellent performance to finish third, only 15 seconds behind the current Head boat of Caius.
19th Dec '03CUBC Trial Eightsby ipe
First and Third oarsman Jonathon Davies was selected at 6 in the 'Roses' trial eight, which beat 'Guns' by 3 3/4 lengths in a time of 18m 39s. Full details can be found on the Boat Race website here.
5th Dec '03Fairbairns ipe
Black Prince stole the show in Senior Fairbairns, winning the Men's Invitational VIIIs, Women's Invitational VIIIs, and also the Men's and Women's Invitational IVs.

First and Third also put in excellent performances, with the 3rd fastest college men's VIII, the joint 4th fastest women's IV, and the Second VIII winning the Lower VIIIs division.

Full FaT results can be found in the results sections, and complete results are available from race organisers Jesus College.
4th Dec '03Novice Fairbairnsby ipe
The results of the Novice Fairbairns have been published, the full set of times available at Results for First and Third crews can be found here

Once again the Novice women performed exceptionally well, realising the promise of earlier in the term by finishing as the top women's boat.

Congratulations to all who took part.
30th Nov '03FaT Novices Row Fastby mjb
Some fast FaT Novice crews raced in the Clare Novices. The 1st women's boat proved themselves the fastest crew around and were very unlucky not to make the final; the second boat won the plate competition. The men's first boat had an unfortunate crabbing incident which led to them encountering the bank whilst comfortably leading CCAT A and the second men dispatched Caius A and Corpus A before falling to a strong Clare A crew.
Full results and race reports are available in the Results section.
It's all looking rather rosy for Fairbairns.
27th Nov '03Clare Novice Regattaby ipe
The next three days see another chance for the novices of First and Third to show the rest of Cambridge who's best. Come and support them at the following times:

2nd Women - First round (against Sidney Sussex C)
3rd Women - First round (against Trinity Hall B)

2nd and 3rd Women - Second round

2nd and 3rd Women - Quarter Final

1st Women - First round (against Fitzwilliam A)

1st Men - First round (against CCAT)
2nd Men - First round (against Caius A)

3rd Men - Quarter Final

1st Women - Second round

1st and 2nd Men - Second round

1st Men, 2nd Men and 1st Women - Quarter Final

ALL CREWS - Semi Final


Please could as many people as possible head down to the river to support.
Full details of the draw can be found on the Clare Website.
16th Nov '03FaT Women Rockby mjb
In the Winter Head race, the First And Third Ladies IV came first in the 'Student Senior' category and second in ARA S4 behind UEA.
The 1st Novices followed this up by being the fastest college novices, coming second to Westminster (who've had a little bit longer rowing) and beating Maggie into 3rd place by 30s. The 2nd and 3rd Novices came 4th and 5th with about 2s separating them.

In the men's events, the 1st Novices came second behind Magdalene, whilst the seniors were 4th best Cam college, despite rowing the race with macon blades.

Fuller details of the days racing can be found in the results section (1 reply...)
12th Nov '03Intra-FaT Erg Challengeby ccsi
The inaugural Intra-Club Ergo challenge took place today with teams from the 3 IVs and an VIII from the novices. The Light IV won with 12:08.6 while the 2nd IV gave spirited opposition with 12:18.3. The pre-race favourites (1st IV) were hampered by the absence of an oarsman despite the efforts of Byrne who volunteered to make up by going 3 times. Special mention should be made for Chris Mycroft who pulled out a spectacular 1:24.7 and for Captain Dan who won the overall average award with 1:27.0 and 1:30.1. (3 replies...)
10th Nov '03Intra-FaT Erg Challengeby ccsi
4 Teams comprising the Light IV, 1st IV, 2nd IV and four from this year's novices will race in a format similar to Queen's Ergo competition.

Each team is to complete 8 * 500m so each competitor must race twice.

I reckon it will be bloody close... (9 replies...)
6th Nov '03Uni IVsby djh
The second coxed IV took out the second division of Uni IVs in some style this afternoon. The winning margin was approximately 14.5s. It looked a very comfortable and relaxed row with a good push for the line, but they were never really stretched and always looked in command. A good and well deserved result for a good crew. (4 replies...)
5th Nov '03Queens' Ergsby IPE
Congratulations to the novices taking part in Queens' ergs, and due credit to the lbcs. The novice women produced a dominant display from start to finish to win the event, just reward for their hard work this term.

More details to follow shortly in the Results section.
4th Nov '03University IVsby mcp
The club's men's IVs have suffered disappointment this afternoon, with the 1st (coxless), 2nd and 4th IVs all losing to their opponents in the University IVs.

More details are sure to follow under Results in due course. The women's IV was knocked out yesterday, but the men's 3rd IV remain strong contenders in the lower coxed IVs event and will race tomorrow at about 2.50pm.

Meanwhile, there is happier news from Queens' - the news is that the 1st novice women's squad have beaten all the other crews in their heat by a clear 24 seconds... fingers crossed for the final! It's due to run at 10pm.
3rd Nov '03Uni IVsby djh
Marshalling times, 1st race due to go off at 1400 each day. Marshalling
normally just above the railway bridge unless otherwise specified.


13.40 - 1st IV in M1, Baitsbite
14.40 - Light 4s and 3rd IV in M2


13.40 - 1st IV in M1, Baitsbite
14.30 - 2nd and 3rd IVs in M2


13.55 - 2nd and 3rd IVs in M2
15.00 - 1st IV in M1
15.30 - Light 4s
17th Jun '03May Term roundupby AHLF
First and Third was able to enter 7 men's and 3 women's crews into the May Bumps this year. Only Jesus managed as many and 8 of their 10 boats won spoons.

For the first time in a number of years, First and Third entered a Fellows' boat which rowed as the Men's 7th May VIII. On the first day they did not perform to the standards they had in training and were caught fairly swiftly by Peterhouse III. On the second day they were determined to make amends and they had a much better row. Unfortunately they were bumped again, this time by Emmanuel V but credit must go to them for a fine performance. On the final two days they rowed over comfortably ahead of St. Edmund's III and on Saturday they came well within a canvas of St. Catharine's V. It is wonderful to have Fellows' rowing for the Club. I hope they enjoyed it sufficiently to return next year.

The Grad VIII entered as the Men's 6th May VIII. They have worked hard, training together during the year, and their success was richly deserved. They bumped St. Catharine's IV, Caius V, Jesus V and Trinity Hall IV. I am delighted to award them their College blades.

The Men's 5th May VIII had a rather odd week. Starting immediately behind a Corpus III boat which did not turn up, they rowed past the station ahead to bump on the first day. On the second day, following an identical bump behind them, they were overbumped by LMBC V. The third day saw them chasing an absent Corpus III again whom they bumped for the second time. Sadly on the fourth day Corpus finally produced a very swift third boat and it bumped us back.

On the first day, after an encounter with Grassy corner, the Men's 4th May VIII were bumped by Trinity Hall III. They were subsequently bumped by Darwin II and overbumped by Christ's III. However, on the final day they salvaged their pride by rowing home comfortably ahead of Queen's III.

The Women's 3rd May VIII were formed only a few days before the GoR. Containing a number of Lent and May colours, great things were expected of them. They did not disappoint, making short work of Christ's II, Clare III, King's II and St. Edmund's. Despite the quality of the crew, bumping on all four days is still an achievement which the Club should applaud so I am very pleased to award them their College blades.

The Men's 3rd May VIII did well on the first day to escape from a strong Fitzwillilliam II who were desperately chasing the overbump. A pile-up on the second day saw a re-row with us being chased by a fast Magdalene II. Unfortunately they were too strong and we were bumped by the Plough. However, great credit must go to the crew for not giving up on the bumps. On Friday, they were again being chased by Fitz II and put in an awesome row to stay clear. On the final day they were rewarded with a bump on Downing III.

The Women's 2nd May VIII though very committed, were physically smaller than those around them so they were always going to have a difficult week. Their perfomances improved throughout the week, and although they were bumped by Darwin II, C lare Hall and Addenbroke's they showed great strength of character to row over on the fourth day despite four's seat getting stuck.

The 2nd May VIII started very high up thanks to a very fast crew last year. Defending the position was alwas going to be a challenge. On the first day, despite holding Emmanuel II to within a canvas from Grassy to the Railway bridge, they were unable to convert their advantage and were bumped by Peterhouse just before Morley's Holt. However, of all the performances I saw during the week, the row by this crew on Thursday was the best of them all. Wolfson were right on top of them halfway through Plough Reach. They were absolutely relentless and by the Railway bridge their bowball was level with our 7-man. However, thanks to some great pushes, a good line, and less than perfect coxing by the Wolfson boat we escaped. On Friday they were again chasing Emma II. They knew that this time there could be no mistake. Chased by LMBC II it was always going to be tough. Maggie closed quickly and were well inside a canvas coming into Grassy. However the Maggie cox steered for the bump too early. A great push in Plough Reach accompanied by the shouts from the massed FaT supporters in the Plough saw us take down Emma just before Ditton. On Saturday they put together another good row and Sidney Sussex were bumped on Grassy. This crew had worked very hard and was very committed and it richly deserved its rise up the table.

The Women's 1st May VIII were unlucky to be forced into a last minute substitution with Anna having to pull out through injury. However Sally kindly agreed to sub in and the crew rowed over on the first day. On the second day the crew put in a gutsy row and did well to hold off Darwin for so long. However, they finally succumbed by the Pink House. A row-over on Friday allowed us to chase CCAT on the final day whom we bumped just after Grassy.

I was a little worried about the May VIII at the start of term after losing 5 of the oarsmen in the Lent VIII. However, the return of two lightweight half-blues and one Granta colour combined with some hard training meant that we were ready to hold our own. However, whether we would be fast enough to bump was much less certain. Starting the on the first day behind a stacked St. Catharine's boat, we had little chance to bump. However the crew stayed comfortably ahead of Clare. Robinson held off Catz for just long enough to allow them to catch Jesus so we were chasing Catz again on the second day. Catz bumped Jesus, Queen's bumped Clare and on Thursday we were left to row over in glorious isolation at about 22. On the Friday we moved quickly on Jesus with Queen's never getting close. We got them just before Grassy. On the final day we were chasing Emmanuel. With 12 seconds to the gun Steph was horizontal on the stern canvas clinging on to the bung for dear life. However she kept us straight and another awesome row saw us hit Emma just after the railings. This is the first time the May VIII has gone up in 5 years - a fantastic achievement.

Congratulations to everyone on a great set of bumps. Many thanks to you all for such an enjoyable year. Best of luck to Dan and to next year's committee.
25th Feb '03Bumps mobile reportingby mcp
The Lent Bumps begin this week - no doubt with the usual overload of thrills and spills...

Message posts from members' mobiles will appear below - so it is one of the places to keep an eye on for up-to-the-minute information from the river. (80 replies...)
25th May '03Nines Regattaby jwe
Don't know all the results, but the 3rd men and 4th men each won their first round. Also the 2nd men won the plate after being DQ'd against Peterhouse for steering near the finish, having beaten them by a length. Amusingly Peterhouse went on to lose narrowly in the final, which makes our 2nd men the fastest M2 crew. Awesome work.
12th May '03Cam City Sprintsby mcp
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd men's VIIIs all won their categories at the City Rowing Club organised 500m sprint regatta on Sunday. The cream of the club's rowing talent also walked off with a leisurely win in the coxed IVs event.

Although the City Sprints is not the largest event of the term, the results reflect a good start to the term's training and bode well. Full details are to be found in the Results section - thank you to everyone for updating it.
23rd Apr '03Small Boats Regatta Winsby mjb
First and Third were well represented in this year's races.
Alex Summers won the Fairbairn Junior Sculls and the Bushe-Fox Freshman's Sculls, whilst in the Women's Pairs events the only entries came from First and Third; Sarah Cochrane and Aileen Dennis entered the Foster-Fairbairn Pairs and Sarah Taylor entered Magdelene Silver Pairs with Jess Evans of New Hall.
John Earl and Neil Talbott were unfortunately knocked out at the quarter-final stage of the men's Foster-Fairbairn Pairs by a Caius pair and Rebecca Palmer came second in the Women's Championship Sculls (Delafield Trophy). (12 replies...)
3rd Mar '03Lent Bumps round-upby AHLF
This term FaT were able to put out 5 men's VIIIs and 2 women's VIIIs.

The 5th Men's VIII and 2nd Women's VIII both put in very creditable performances in the Getting-on-Race, but sadly failed to qualify.

The 4th Men had a very good, though ultimately slightly annoying week. On the first day they bumped up from Head of the 4th division, after rowing over. They then bumped on their second and third days, leaving them on track for blades. They were closing down Sidney II ahead of them, but had a slight incident with the bank, and fell victim to the over-bump from Caius III. However, we are still one of only two clubs with a 4th boat on the river. LMBC IV was considerably below us and won spoons...

The 3rd Men showed themselves to be very competent early on in term. They always knew they were fast, and so it was no surprise when they bumped on the first 2 days inspite of Clare II's best efforts to block the river. On the third day they were left all alone, with the boats behind them impeded by Clare II and the boats in front of them all having bumped out. On the final day another piece of river-blocking from Clare II resulted in a technical row-over even though they had gained on Pembroke II.

The 2nd Men had perhaps the hardest job of all of our crews. Starting behing a very fast LMBC II crew and in front of a ludicrously lowly placed Peterhouse I, it was never going to be easy. They held Peterhouse at a canvas from before Grassy, but finally succumbed just round Ditton. On the second day they rowed over comfortably ahead of King's setting them up to chase a very slow Downing on the third day. Unfortunately disaster struck. They were blown by a gust of wind with 5 seconds to go, and went straight into the bank while King's rowed past. On the last day they closed on King's but it was never going to be enough to get them before they got Downing. Fate was not kind to the 2nd Men, but they can take comfort from the fact that they are without doubt the second best 2nd boat on the river.

The 1st Women had not really had a chance to prove themselves before the bumps. However they were very keen and met the challenge head-on. They put in a good row on the first day. Sidney bumped Catz behind them and they were never in any danger from the sandwich-boat. Ahead Girton were always just a bit too far away. On the second day the Sidney cox left his life-jacket at the boathouse, so Catz were awarded a technical bump. Again FaT rowed over comfortably, though with a little less determination than the first day. The third day was almost a carbon copy of the first with Sidney again bumping Catz. By this time the crew was getting a little bored of rowing over... The fourth day saw them chasing New Hall who were facing spoons. A very powerful effort from FaT saw New Hall bumped opposite the Plough. Sidney were nowhere. This is the first time in 5 years that FaT W1 have gone up in the Lents. Congratulations.

M1 have been looking fast all term. They won the Head to Head, Head of the Nene as S3, and Robinson Head. The question was never were they faster than the other crews, but were they faster by enough. An overhead crab on the first day when only 1/4 length off LMBC left us limping home holding Emma off with no difficulty, but unable to close on LMBC. On the second day they made ammends and hit LMBC just after Ditton. They were now chasing Caius who were Head. The plan on the 3rd day was to race the course at our own pace. It didn't work. The rowing was by no means the best they have produced and they never closed inside distance. They knew something special would be required on the final day. A tremendous start saw the gap from Caius down to 1/3 length around Grassy. Sadly it was just too much to ask, and FaT began to fade a little into the reach. At the same time Caius put in a huge push. They closed slightly at the end, but Caius finished comfortably ahead. It was a great effort by the fastest College boat on the Cam, but sadly not quite enough.

Well done to everyone. I had a great week, and I hope you enjoyed yourselves too. Things look good for the Mays...
7th Feb '03FaT win Robinson Head !by mjb
The Lent VIII won comfortably, beating Headship holders Caius by a margin of 1s and dispatching the rest of the field with ease.
The 2nd VIII lost out to a crew from LMBC, but beat no fewer than five first boats, finishing in a creditable 9th place; the 3rd VIII were the fastest 3rd VIII - beating a host of 2nd boats and finshed 16th overall. The 4th VIII came 30th, the only 4th boat to enter the race.
The Women's VIII finished 12th in their division.
Full results and race reports will soon be up in the Results section.
6th Feb '03Cuppers Kartingby sat
I don't have any more details now, but I'm sure a full race report will be posted when they get back. (1 reply...)
1st Feb '03HoNene - Won S3 8+by jwe
The men's first eight won S3 eights at the Head of the Nene, being fastest Cambridge college crew in 18:39 (2nd college was Downing with 19:06). They were only 5s slower than the fastest S2 crew and placed 5th overall.
27th Jan '03Fastest Head2Headby mcp
We had two crews competing in Saturday's Head2Head timetrial organised by Cambridge City Rowing Club.

The men's 1st VIII posted the fastest time of the day. Caius, starting Head in the Lent Bumps, went faster on the first leg of the two part race but were dispatched on the second to finish 10 seconds down overall.

The 2nd VIII finished well relative to other 2nd boats (beaten only by the matched crews of LMBC) and finished in the middle of the crews due to be racing around them in the 2nd division of the Lent Bumps.

The Results section has been updated with a summary of the full results.
2nd Dec '02Clare Novicesby mcp
Four of the club's new novice crews - comprising mostly first years - raced in the Clare Novice Regatta last week. There were some very good results, with three of the crews making their semi-finals! Thanks go to Matt and Helen for posting the details on the website - here.

Note that any club member can post results like this - if you do want to add your own comments about a race or help keep the site up to date like this simply go to Results -> Enter Results and follow the links! (If necessary events can be added to this page by going to Website -> Events.)
23rd Nov '02FaT WIN Emma Sprints by RJN
The 2nd VIII won Emma Sprints in style. The first race consisted of a small head start for our opposition (which bow 4 decided to ignore). We were winning too easily so we raced against them in IVs for msjority of the course. The second round saw us face some Emma Novices, similar tactics were used, although bow pair took on the 8 Emma novices for a good few strokes, and managed to hold them off. Our third race was a grudge match, as we took on the Pembroke boat that took out the other Trinity Crew. We beat them too. In the final we took on the might of Clare's mixed crew. It was a slightly closer race, but we still won easily. What can I say, we had the sticks of power on our side!
17th Nov '02Winter Head Resultsby mcp
Several 1st and 3rd crews raced in the Cambridge Winter Head on Saturday. Our results may be found here.

The 1st men's VIII, with their sights set on the Fairbairns, were 2nd fastest college behind Caius. The 1st novice men and both women's novice crews rowed - experiences which will be really useful for the Clare Novices and Novice Fairbairns.

The 1st women's IV also entered and, joined by some recent leavers (members of the 'old boys' club - Black Prince Boat Club), won Senior 3 VIIIs. (1 reply...)
7th Nov '02Men's 2nd 4 wins Uni IVsby AHLF
Congratulations to the Men's 2nd 4+ on their victory today, and on their winning the competition. Yet another indication that there are great things in store for us this year...

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