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by Rupert - Fri 12th Dec 2003, 12:44am
Where's her hand?
In her lap.
by dw229 - Wed 10th Dec 2003, 1:27pm
Is it just me that finds this photo highly amusing :)

Where's her hand?
by Sitting in the same boat - Wed 19th Nov 2003, 2:47pm
Not a full overhead yet but he came damn close in one of our practice courses for the Uni IV's and also in the IV's Head.
by mjb - Tue 18th Nov 2003, 10:58pm
Simon said: Just wondering: has the new captain caught the start of year ceremonial crab yet?
I don't think so, but it can only be a matter of time ...
Then again, maybe he's saving it up for the big occasion ?
by Simon - Tue 18th Nov 2003, 6:31pm
Just wondering: has the new captain caught the start of year ceremonial crab yet?
by Dubya - Mon 14th Oct 2002, 8:55am
old git said: Don't know when the viva is yet... and will be keeping that to myself until I pass the thing. And no, am not rowing IVs - need to rehabilitate first.
By cycling of course. up to a ride yet?
by old git - Tue 8th Oct 2002, 3:10pm
RTT said: So when do we start calling you "Doc"?
Don't know when the viva is yet... and will be keeping that to myself until I pass the thing. And no, am not rowing IVs - need to rehabilitate first.
by RTT - Tue 8th Oct 2002, 11:21am
old git said: Regular website visitors may be interested/astonished/horrified to learn that I submitted a thesis yesterday.
So when do we start calling you "Doc"?
by young whippersnapper - Tue 8th Oct 2002, 10:44am
Congratulations, O venerable ancient one.
Will you be trialling for the fours as well ?
by old git - Tue 8th Oct 2002, 8:15am
Regular website visitors may be interested/astonished/horrified to learn that I submitted a thesis yesterday. All being well, my time at college looks set to end, just short of 10 years after first setting foot in the place!

And yes, I hope I might trial for the Fairbairn VIII...
by Done it all before - Wed 26th Jun 2002, 3:58pm
Graduating said: Does anybody have any instructions on what to do with these things?
Don't worry, you get shown before you go to the Senate House, and they tidy you up for the cameras.
by dw - Wed 26th Jun 2002, 2:37pm
The elastic object with two white bits on goes around your neck. The tie does too. And the hood does too...errr.

by Graduating - Wed 26th Jun 2002, 1:54pm
I've just picked up my three mystery items from Ryder and Amies. One of them seems to be a bow-tie, another I think is a hood, though it must be for people with very pointy heads and I've no idea which way up it goes. The other thing could be a garter for a leg of large girth. Or maybe not. Does anybody have any instructions on what to do with these things?
by Somebody who is really good and definitely not the worst player of the day - Tue 25th Jun 2002, 4:14pm
errant webmaster said: ...I guess he would be happy to hear any corrections... Neil?
Yes indeed. I definitely faced two balls, and made an excellent connection with the first before being tremendously unlucky to fall to the second - clearly some ball tampering methinks.
by Bill Frindell - Tue 25th Jun 2002, 4:10pm
Dan, I apologise. The scorecard was incomplete and I could not remember whether it was you or Sarah that had been run out. I will amend this in the final version. Congratulations also on the champagne moment. (Any other comments or corrections welcome; match report on its way.)
by errant webmaster - Tue 25th Jun 2002, 12:25pm
Not out I say said: Right. Who was scoring at the cricket and who typed in the score card?
I believe the score card isn't quite finished - I'm not sure Neil intended that it be online yet, so some mistakes are thereby my fault. That said, I guess he would be happy to hear any corrections... Neil?
by Not out I say - Tue 25th Jun 2002, 11:32am
Right. Who was scoring at the cricket and who typed in the score card?

Very disappointed to see that my innings now ends with "run out" - I was standing by the other stumps when the ball was thrown in.
by Simon - Sun 16th Jun 2002, 4:57pm
mjb said: In 1999, FaT II were immediately behind Catz I.
Indeed. We had two row-overs behind Catz 1 on the Friday and Saturday evenings. On Friday, we didn't row particularly well and rowed over on station. On the Saturday, the crew was effectively down to 7 rowers from before Ditton as I was suffering from food poisoning which I'd picked up from Bella Pasta the night before. Despite this, we still rowed over on station with Catz. Of all the "What if..."s that suround bumps, this one - "What if I'd been healthy?" is the one that still hurts the most.
So yes, it is the 1999 2nd VIII's fault, but in turn, we blame Bella Pasta.
by mjb - Sun 16th Jun 2002, 3:58pm
smug said: what?!?
In 1999, FaT II were immediately behind Catz I.
If we'd bumped you then, you wouldn't have been in a position to bump us yesterday
by smug - Sun 16th Jun 2002, 11:53am
mjb said: And it's apparently all the fault of FaT II for failing to bump ahead of Catz back in '99

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