The Club's Results

Pembroke Regatta, Lent Term 2007

A side-by-side knock out regatta on the reach, over 1100m
Sat 17th February

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1st men's VIII, 1st division

1st round
Beat Wolfson (easily)
I've guessed at what the margins looked like from the 5 seat... If anyone with a clearer view cares to correct me then please do so! (BJ)
Okay (Andy)
2nd round
Beat Emmanuel (a length and a half)
Emma had a blistering start, and we were almost instantly a third of a length down. But we kept at it, and by the Railway Bridge we were almost a length up, which we then stretched out to the finish. (Phil)
Okay-poor (Andy)
Quarter finals
Beat Clare (about a length after blade clashing)
Poor-poor does not do this justice. We didn't think it was great at the time, but our rows in the semi-final and the final really put this into perspective.

I should say though that Clare were quick, much quicker than we expected, and should do well in bumps. (BJ)
Poor-poor (Andy)
Beat Jesus (a length)
There's a lot more speed to come when this boy stops being ill. Maybe I shouldn't have rowed, but couldn't have found a sub without skanking the lower boats, and I really wanted to win this. Pleasingly we were faster in every section of the race, only 2 seats down after the bend and sealed it 20 strokes after the bridge. Very happy at the finish, but it doesn't make up for uni 4s in any way. (Tom C)
I think this was probably one of the best races I've ever done, and was the moment when I truely started to believe we could and should take the headship. We were all pretty tired coming into our 5th race of the day, but were fired up and really went for it. Wound to the mid-high forties, held it at about 41 for the first minute and then strode to 38 for the rest of the course. Andy clocked us at 3:29.

However, the best bit for me were the message boards. Some guy, we think from Downing (surprisingly enough), had been mouthing off about how bad we were, and when we were through to the final posted a message that he was going down to watch us get spanked. Almost the next message was him declaring the result, but that he'd seen enough to be sure that we'd still get bumped by Jesus. Top stuff. (Phil)
A final pre-bumps win, always nice, now its time to get focused on the real thing (Will L)
To be fair, I would rate this one okay-good: we did work pretty hard! A long day at the river (arrived at 6:45am, left at 6:15pm...!), but ultimately a satisfying conclusion. (BJ)
Okay (Andy)

1. TCS poster boys

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1st women's VIII, 1st division

1st round
Beat Peterhouse by 1 length
Quite possibly our worst rowing ever. Terrible first stroke led to us never really finding our rhythm, but somehow we managed to spack our way past them and into the next round. (Jane)
Yea, awful. (Lyns)
2nd round
Beat Catz by several lengths
Good start, and a nice rhythm. Much closer to what we should be looking for. (Lyns)
Much better. Some stern words after the first race followed by proper pre-race preparation meant we nailed the first stroke and never let up after that. Left Catz wallowing in our wake well before the railway bridge. (Jane)
3rd round
Beat Emma by a length
I think it was on the way up to this one that we got the comments 'Oooo who's that?? - They look relatively well sat'. Made me smile. As did the result of this one. Needed to be a little stronger mentally as we went under the bridge, but otherwise good. (Lyns)
A pretty tough race, but a good'un. Another pretty good start, despite the marshals thinking it was funny to sound the hooter at the same time as they asked us if we were ready. We were well up by the railway bridge, panicked a bit when they came back at us on their corner, but pulled away nicely towards the finish. Properly knackering though! (Jane)
Semi finals
Beat Caius by a length or two...
Finally exorcised the demons! Another good start and a solid row with some good rhythm. Especially pleasing to win by this much without having to unleash any killer pushes. (Jane)
Lost to Jesus by 1 length
A real shame. Still, we know we have some more work to do, and we have the time to do it. (Lyns)
Damn. After building up to this race all day, it was pretty gutting not to win. Nothing particularly bad on our part, they just went faster. (Jane)

1. Beating Catz

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2nd men's VIII, 2nd division

1st round
Beat LMBC II By 1 and a half lengths
Well, we beat the scum, but our hearts weren't really in it all the way, effectively stopping putting power down once a length up. Much to learn, but hey, we beat them! (Lorry)
Confident win, shocking start, but they had a worse one. (Martin's First and Thirdiness)
Beat Pembroke II by 2 and a half lengths
Sweet rowing, best start of the day and we just didn't really want to stride, going over the course rating at least 36 we just wanted it too much, a pleasing end to a good days racing! (Lorry)
Completely awesome, best row of the day, beautifully chunky, and good power all the way to the finish line.

Favourite quote of the day:

"Another Length!!" every 10 strokes from dear Seb. (Martin's First and Thirdiness)
Great result today guys, that final was the best we've rowed all term. The commitment never dropped for a second. One week til bumps so lets just keep our focus and translate everything from today forward into our first race.

(I have race recordings for Churchill and Emmanuel if anyone wants to relive the experience.) (Emma)
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2nd women's VIII, 2nd division

1st round
Beat Selwyn II easily
Despite the worst start we have ever done (and possibly the worst rhythm as well) we never really had any trouble. Good to get the nerves out of the way before we meet any tougher crews this afternoon. (Harriet)
2nd round
beat newhall II easily
We'd beaten them before the race even started, thanks to their annoying-beyond-belief bank party who incensed us so much that the poor girls actually in the boat never stood a chance. (Though it would have helped them if they'd actually learnt to row at some point.) (Harriet)
Quarter finals
lost to Emma III by a length
Ironically, this was the best row of the day. Our start was together, and the "power" call actually produced a rate change. Sadly, Emma took half a length off the start and we never managed to get it back. Their fresh legs just wouldn't let us catch up, despite the pressure that was being put down all through the boat. A disappointment for today then, but much to look forward to on Friday and next week. Watch this space... (Harriet)
Lots of good things to take away from today, despite the loss. Heads up girls. Bumps here we come. (Jo)
Lots of things to work on before Bumps though as well. We were improving from race to race today, but nevertheless we didn't row as impressively as last week, and thus I think it's just logical that we didn't win the thing today. Let's work hard and improve for Bumps! (Ulrike)
We rowed well. Best row of the day. It looked and felt nice and controlled from the bow seat. I still can't understand how we beat Emma II by 14 seconds in Robison Head, our W3 beat Emma IV by a length today and we lost to Emma III by a length despite our good row. Maybe I am just over-analyzing... Still, good work everyone! (Julijana)
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3rd men's VIII, 3rd division

1st round
Beat Churchill III by a country mile
Hmmmm... possibly the recorded 'winning margins' are a little arrogant, but I do think we have a lot of positives from the days racing.

I expected Churchill III to be slower than us, and they were. Interestingly our first three draw strokes had a lot of patience and power despite stressful conditions - side by side race from stationary, plus truly incompetent marshals (who vastly improved over the day/ were quickly replaced).

I should have wound it down under the railway bridge, but was too busy trying to play with possible rhythms. Unfortunately, we never found one. (Dan)
A good solid row. Quite panicked but the opposition never troubled us. Good for the confidence going into the next round. (Dan Newton)
2nd round
Beat Jesus III with bells on
A blistering practice start on the way down, well done boys! Jij really hit the 'aaaaaaand STRIDE!' call at the right time, and there was a decent sustainable rhythm by stroke 15.

Didn't quite carry over to the actual race, which was partly my fault - I felt a few extra pips on the first race wouldn't hurt after such a good practice start.

Nevertheless, there was enough of a platform for us to gently ease ahead using the inside of the Reach. They seemed fairly composed and were looking for an early monster push into the Railway Bridge - their corner. Felt it was best to nip that in the bud, so Jij pushed us even earlier, and effectively killed them off in the first half.

A very dominant row; powerful and intelligent. If we can nail the rhythm under pressure and with those two extra pips we're sorted. Its all on the fast hands, good separation and controlled slide. Honest. Oh, and loads of power. (Dan)
Probably the toughest round. Took a bit off the start and extended that going down the reach. Excellent tactics when we matched and beat their push at us a few hundred metres from the railway bridge. That finished them off and we rowed away quite frantically but at least fairly quickly too. (Dan Newton)
Semi finals
Beat Queens III with our eyes shut
Had improved each race and this one was no different. We were still a little frantic but less so than the opposition. Towards the end we even got some signs of control coming up the slide. (Dan Newton)
Eyes shut is a good way of putting this race. Lots of individual rowing, with heads down as tiredness set in.

A truly awful first draw stroke on stroke side (no names... this time...) let to a panic in strokes 2 and 3 and a rather messy wind. Luckily it was enough to beat Queens III, who seemed to give up as soon as we were a seat up.

Main things to take from this are how much one's head affects one's rowing. If the eyes are down, its definitely going to be rubbish at our level. (Dan)
The awful draw stroke was mine... unfortunately... fortunately it didn't cost us this time, something for me to work on though. (Thomas)
Crushed LMBC III into dust
Immensely satisfying. Quote of the day goes to Pilot Neil : 'GUYS LMBC ARE THE SPAWN OF THE DEVIL. CRUSH THEM'

Our start was faster and a good 7 pips lower than theirs. They caught a crab which was a shame as we would have dominated without it. Got a few lengths clear and never looked back.

More importantly never took our feet off the gas and had a cheeky 'up two' coming up to the line to send out a strong signal for bumps. It's business time. (Dan Newton)
Well done, we failed our public mission, keeping warm, but we did succeed in our secret mission, winning Pembroke Regatta. I particularly liked this result; 6 lengths is nice, especially against the old rivals and the people chasing us in Bumps.

GET IN! Let's have an amazing Lents; proper FaT rowing! (Jij)
Much better mental attitude here - not totally unsurprising given it was against LMBC in a final.

Very powerful start killed them almost immediately. Given a slight lack of crew fitness and pieces for more than 600m I was interested to see what would happen as we got tired. Catches went after 300m, but rhythm was still bearable. After 700m Jij took it up two for the finish. There was a good commitment, and lots of promise for the Bumps.

Bring it. (Dan)

2. Prep for battle: Pil...
3. Technical spack

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3rd women's VIII, 3rd division

1st round
Beat Selwyn 3 by at least 4 lengths
I was so so so so so so so so excited by this - I knew you could do it, but it was whether you guys had the faith in yourselves and wanted it enough...and YOU DID!!!! Yay! (Lyns)
A fairly decent start, but ended up spacking around a bit at a too high rating, although we pulled away at the start and never looked back. A good learning experience! (Charley)
why oh why are there positive comments on this race?? LYNS???? in all honesty we looked wank, we randomly stopped after the bridge and generally had no consistant rhythm down the boat. All this race showed was that the Selwyn girls should never be allowed in a boat again. Luckily we got another go...... (nics)
Quarter finals
Beat Emma IV by 1 length
After the first win, I knew you'd want another - but it would be harder against Emma. Still, you did it. Absolutely awesome work girls. (Lyns)
Much much better! A generally more controlled and committed race, felt pretty relaxed, and even though they took off faster they tired by the railway bridge and we were able to push off them and win fairly comfortably. Bodes well for Bumps (fingers crossed!) :) (Charley)
Semi finals
Lost to Pembroke III by 2 lengths
Shame, but you lost to the eventual winners who absolutely whipped the other finalists by about 5 lengths or something amusing. Good rowing and commitment today, but still plenty to work on. Don't lose that drive and keep the feeling of winning in your mind, and use it in next week's training so that you can get on next Fri and show everyone else just how amazing FaT W3 are. (Lyns)
Not quite as good as round 2 - not helped by my awesome knee failure/crab combo coming under the bridge - but still not too bad. I think we put our all into this one, and whilst it's obviously dissappointing to lose we have a lot of positives to take away from today and some solid high-rating race experience. Now we just have to put in the hard work this week and really focus on getting on... (Charley)
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