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by Rupert - Mon 7th Mar 2005, 7:28pm
Where are the photos of the dinner/bop?!?! Surely someone must have had a camera?!
by Andy - Fri 4th Mar 2005, 11:58pm
Good luck in the WeHORR, hopefully the women will hit Newnham, and we'll get Caius and all will be well :-)
by Anna Mc - Fri 4th Mar 2005, 9:15pm
Andy - sadly not coming up tomorrow as am rowing in WeHoRR and suspect it may kill me either through exhaustion or cold. I shall be there in spirit though - vodka preferably.
by Mike - Fri 4th Mar 2005, 7:18pm
sarah said: does the definition of uberblades allow for any sort of 'gaining more than 4 places in 4 bumps'?
That's been possible ever since bumps was introduced. I think Chris's definition of uber-blades was only meant to include five bumps on five different days. Any up 'more than 4' would need a different name; perhaps fat-blades?
by Stripey 4 - Fri 4th Mar 2005, 6:28pm
sarah said:
oh yeah, and is someone going to explain the first womens kit? looks vile on the photos... I must be getting old...
Vile? How dare you?! *We* think we look proper sexy in it!

It's specially imported from New Zealand, designed expressly to blind and daze/confuse any opposition. Clearly it works a treat...
by sarah - Fri 4th Mar 2005, 5:58pm
(the only crew still in with a shout of uber-blades)
does the definition of uberblades allow for any sort of 'gaining more than 4 places in 4 bumps'? (ie if W1 manage to bump newnham tomorrow they'll have gone up 6?) what's that, a megablade?

oh yeah, and is someone going to explain the first womens kit? looks vile on the photos... I must be getting old...
by Andy - Fri 4th Mar 2005, 5:53pm
I know, it's fantastic, innit. Are you going to come down to Cambridge tomorrow Anna?
by Anna Mc - Fri 4th Mar 2005, 5:51pm
I've just confused my office by screaming very loudly.

Well done W1 - you are beyond great. This is so amazine and you overbumped the green monsters.

Churchill yesterday, Girton today, absolutely brilliant.
by Mike - Fri 4th Mar 2005, 4:15pm
Well done W1! Is this the highest position ever for FaT women?
by Mike - Fri 4th Mar 2005, 3:02pm
Bored said: has any crew ever managed an "uber-blade" by bumping on 5 consecutive days
Watch out for Caius W2 tomorrow. They have bumped on all four days so far (the only crew still in with a shout of uber-blades) and chase Catz W2 tomorrow (who failed to bump Wolfson W1 today). Pretty good chances there, unless Wolfson and Catz conspire to mess it up.
by Dubya - Thu 3rd Mar 2005, 8:58pm
Tom C said: What've people got against Churchill?
Look at the first women, Lent term 2002. And while you're at it, Thursday of Lent term 2001.
by Tom C - Thu 3rd Mar 2005, 6:10pm
Anna Mc said: Well done W1 for bumping Churchill. I'm guessing that was a particularly sweet bump.
What've people got against Churchill?
by mjb - Thu 3rd Mar 2005, 5:27pm
Dubya said: Here's hoping the girls will get the overbump tomorrow...
Or the double overbump (on LMBC ...)
by Dubya - Thu 3rd Mar 2005, 5:25pm
Here's hoping the girls will get the overbump tomorrow...
by Anna Mc - Thu 3rd Mar 2005, 4:24pm
Well done W1 for bumping Churchill. I'm guessing that was a particularly sweet bump.

Good luck to everyone racing in the next two days.

RAH RAH 1st & 3rd.
by Anything to do with being short - Thu 3rd Mar 2005, 9:33am
I was pushing off: we should have been fined, as the bung was dropped early. Fisher was right there to adjudicate.

Incidendally (spelling?) I told Pete that we should be fined, but someone (don't know who, but a third party) radioed through that the chain had caught on something under the water and the fine should be reduced.....
by Simon - Thu 3rd Mar 2005, 9:09am
I think fining people for dropping the bung discourages them from doing it which is good as it encourages people to make sure they have a competent bank party pushing them off. Let's face it, there are plenty of times where we've seen crews start off at stupid angles because the push off has gone wrong and the cox hasn't dropped the bung. In these situations dropping the bung would gain an advantage (or remove a disadvantage) but as it wouldn't necessarily be an obvious quantifiable one, you can't change the result of the race. Thus you fine the crew instead. And you also fine them when the bung is dropped accidently with no attempt to seek advantage, just in the same way that you penalise accidental errors in rugby in a lesser way than deliberate errors.
by It wasn't my fault! - Thu 3rd Mar 2005, 1:12am
In fairness, we REALLY did not gain any advantage from dropping the bung. 2 and 4 were rowing light pressure and 5 and 7 weren't rowing at all for the draw strokes... On Friday, we plan to row with 8 rowers who a) WILL NOT COME OFF THEIR SEATS and b) WILL ROW WITH FEET STRAPPED IN THE BOAT!
by Simon - Wed 2nd Mar 2005, 11:35pm
Far away but still cheering you on said: Since when has this been a fining offence?
Ages and ages... it's a fine if you drop it and don't gain advantage, and then it's at the Umpire's discretion to change the result of a race if s/he thinks a crew gains advantage.
by Far away but still cheering you on - Wed 2nd Mar 2005, 10:02pm
I notice that M3 got a fine for dropping the bung. Since when has this been a fining offence? Given their descriptions of the start, they certainly didn't gain any advantage, so I don't understand why the fine has been given. Can anybody more up to date on the rules enlighten me?

By the way, Ra Ra First and Third. Good luck to all crews.

(1st men - It's traditional to hit Caius on Day 2 to go head, and then spend the rest of the week about 6 inches ahead of them! I look forward to reading the reports)

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