The Club's Results

Bedford Head

Time comparison

All the Bedford Head results in our archive are listed in time order. Note that for most events the conditions (weather and stream) affect results significantly so it is only for interest.

The crews from Lent Term 2018 are shaded - locate 1st Women's VIII (Women's Eights (Band 2))

  1. 1st men's VIII, Lent Term 2023 (Open Eights (Band 3)): 5:12   12th Overall, 2nd in Band 3
  2. 1st men's VIII, Lent Term 2023 (Open Eights (Band 2)): 5:14   14th Overall, 4th in Band 2
  3. 2nd men's VIII, Lent Term 2023 (Open Eights (Band 4)): 5:39   36th Overall, 5th in Band 4A
  4. 2nd men's VIII, Lent Term 2023 (Open Eights Band 4B): 5:41   38th Overall, 7th in Band 4B
  5. 1st women's VIII, Lent Term 2023 (Women's Eights (Band 2)): 5:57   6th overall, 3rd in Band 2
  6. 1st men's VIII, Lent Term 2000: 5:58   5th overall, top Cambridge College
  7. 1st women's VIII, Lent Term 2023 (Women's Eights (Band 3)): 5:59   2nd in Band 3
  8. 1st men's VIII, Lent Term 1998 (College VIIIs): 6:01   Winners of College VIIIs; 6th overall
  9. 1st men's VIII, Lent Term 2019 (Open Eights (Band 3)): 6:06   Fastest in Category
  10. 1st men's VIII, Lent Term 2019 (Open Eights (Band 2)): 6:06   4th, (+00:12) to Downing M1
  11. 1st men's VIII, Lent Term 1999: 6:11   17th overall, 2nd Cambridge College
  12. 2nd men's VIII, Lent Term 2008 (S3): 6:14   3rd in S3, 3rd fastest college crew
  13. 1st men's VIII, Lent Term 2018 (Open Eights (Band 2)): 6:22   3rd (+00:20) to Downing M1
  14. 1st Men's VIII, Lent Term 2018 (Open Eights (Band 3)): 6:27   2nd (+00:08) to Jesus M2
  15. 2nd men's VIII, Lent Term 2019 (Open Eights (Band 3)): 6:32   3rd, (+00:26) to First and Third M1
  16. 2nd men's VIII, Lent Term 2018 (Open Eights (Band 4)): 6:38   4th (+00:19) to Jesus M2
  17. 1st men's VIII, Lent Term 2022 (College VIIIs): 6:39   7th
  18. 2nd men's VIII, Lent Term 2018 (Open Eights (Band 3)): 6:40   2nd (+00:05) to Jesus M3
  19. 1st men's VIII, Lent Term 2022 (Open Eights (Band 3)): 6:43   8th
  20. 2nd men's VIII, Lent Term 2019 (Open Eights (Band 4)): 6:45   7th, (+00:28) to Queen's M1
  21. 3rd men's VIII, Lent Term 2018 (Open Eights (Band 4)): 6:54   5th (+00:19) to Jesus M3
  22. M2(a), M2(a), Lent Term 2022 (College VIIIs): 6:58   5th
  23. 1st women's VIII, Lent Term 2019 (Women's Eights (Band 2)): 7:00   2nd, (+00:02) to Jesus W1
  24. M2(a), Lent Term 2022 (Open Eights (Band 4)): 7:03   8th
  25. 1st women's VIII, Lent Term 2018 (Women's Eights (Band 1)): 7:26   8th (+00:31) to Jesus W1
  26. 1st Women's VIII, Lent Term 2018 (Women's Eights (Band 2)): 7:29   2nd (+00:06) to City of Oxford RC
  27. 1st women's VIII, Lent Term 2022 (College VIIIs): 7:35   5th
  28. 2nd women's VIII, Lent Term 2018 (Women's Eights (Band 2)): 7:50   8th (+00:27) to City of Oxford RC

Crews with no recorded time