The Club's Results

Bedford Head, Lent Term 2023

1st men's VIII (Open Eights (Band 3))

Coxed by: Connor Wood

12th Overall, 2nd in Band 3
Time: 5:12
In-between the races, Bomber lengthened the gearing. We had been having a whale of a time watching div 3 (including the fabulous M2 and W1), calling out "Yeah [wrong college]!" at any other Cambridge crew, and seeing him adjusting the blades when we arrived back was rather a nasty shock. 
Nonetheless, we departed, with a heavy row down to the start. The race felt much better to me (no rate 41, but still 38 for a while off the start), with much more of a sense of consistent pushing coming through the boat. I liked the wind-up to the finish (the rate only went up 1 with 500m to go). Csongi liked his wind-up to the finish. Bomber thought that we should have gone higher.

Thanks to data analysis from our Chief Data Analyst Krisztian Hunter, it can be said that we took one stroke more in the second race, going two seconds faster, on longer blades. 

I'm pleased with how we made a change between races, but we were just too slow overall. There's a lot of missed drive at the moment.
(Thomas Frith)