The Club's Results

May Term 2002

3rd men's VIII

Head of the Cam (Lower VIIIs)

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Cam Sprints (College lower VIIIs), NT for RP

1st round
Beat CCAT comfortably, despite spacking at the start. (Think 'Buffaloes' rather than 'Gazelles'.) [by the webmaster]
Quarter finals
Beat First and Third V
Slightly cruelly the 5th boat had to content with the 3rd boat, who, it turned out, were on a bit of a mission. This was mainly a success for the Lower Boats Captains ability to select crews! To be fair, 5 looked very solid and have improved alot this term. They remain committed and enthusiastic and are a pleasure to coach. [by the webmaster]
Won College Lower VIIIs by beating Sidney B
FaT 3 had a fantastic start and so did Sidney Sussex. Then we began to pull away and things looked even better. THEN (after some aggressive coxing by Chris) things looked brilliant as SS spakked straight into the side. No problems! A win, and Pots for the 3rd VIII! (Dan)

1. Near the start
2. At the start vs. CCAT
3. Down to the start

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Cambridge 99's Regatta (3rd division), guy subbing for holland

Semi finals
Beat Downing III (2 lengths)
A good row to the railway bridge where they were a length up, but the pace seemed to sag a bit after that (though they continued to extend their lead). [by the webmaster]
Lost to Darwin I (1/2 length)
Again a good row to the railway bridge, looking reasonably neat, about a half length down coming into the railway bridge so should have been in with a chance of winning (they had the inside station) but somehow failed to get on top of the situation. (Dubya)
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May Bumps

Bumped Jesus III
Things were pretty even off the start, but once we strode and pushed into the motorway bridge we started to catch up with Jesus III, bumping them by First Post Corner. (Matt C)
A good race. We did not make an optimum start with Peterhouse II gaining half a length and Jesus III pulling away. By the time we strode things were more how we expected with Peterhouse losing a substantial distance to us. The whistle started to be blown at the Motorway Bridge and Jesus III were rowed down at First Post Corner with Peterhouse at least 3-4 lengths behind us.

Fitz II tomorrow, who have been bumped and were in a pack Jesus were gaining on. Bring them on! (Michael)
Bumped Fitzwilliam II
Managed to get them before 1st Post corner, good solid row. (E.P. Peacock)
Bumped Sidney Sussex II
Wicked race. we wound to 46, strode down to 39 comfortably held it there and had them by first post. Bring on Girton! (Daniel)
We gathered that Sidney II were a fast crew, but would crack under pressure. A good fast start winding to 46 had the desired effect and they reluctantly conceded halfway between the motorway bridge and 1st post corner. (E.P. Peacock)
We thought Sidney II would be in a different league to the previous two boats. They had entered several races and did well. We overestimated them. With the fastest start I've ever made in a boat we had taken a quarter of length from them before we had finished our wind and a bump followed several lengths before First Post Corner.

Looking forward to tomorrow. Girton II fancy their chances against a slow Selwyn II ahead of us, but if we manage a start half as good as today that will be academic. (Michael)
Our best race yet, my best ever. With reference to the rating of 39 I am proud to report that we also had some cover. (Rob)
Rowed over
Not as good a start as friday, but still not bad and had only half a length or so on girton coming into first post corner and then they bumped the muppets in front of them. anyway due to our proximity to their tail we had to stop before we plowed into them. this enabled the sidney crew behind to close to within a length or so before we took off again after the overbump. not sure why but we didnt quite row as well as we had been and although we closed to about 2 lengths off we couldnt finish it. (Dan)
We had to easy in the gut when Girton bumped out in front of us. It is hard to quantify the delay this caused but Sidney II who started behind us and were well back got quite close. It think we lost a length or two and so without a delay we would have had a good chance of overbumping Downing III. However, in the event we were not quick enough. (Rob)
when we stopped in the gut, sidney really gained on us and the previously unlikely prospect of being bumped seemed about to happen. we made a scrappy restart, but the rest of the race was difficult and demoralising. (E.P. Peacock)

1. Bumping in First Pos...
2. Entering the Gut
3. Goodson congratulates

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