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The Stomp by Anna - Thu 13th Jun 2002, 8:04am
The Stomp, come to it. Please. I know it means getting up early but you can go back to bed and it's really poor that we're outnumbered by a bunch of tree hugging muppets when there's so many of us.

Tomorrow and Saturday are our chances to make it up so get your arses out of bed and get stomping.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen and GOOD LUCK to all our crews today.
by Simon - Tue 11th May 2004, 11:01pm
Delighted to say that the stomp came up in conversation today at lunch with the national Umpires Working Party. Stuart Potter, a former member of First and Third, who amongst over things was the sole GB Umpire at Sydney 2000, said that he'd never heard of it and didn't think it existed when he was at College in the c1960s. Something I've just read in The Eagle would concur with this (would link to it but link too long).
Do we have any idea precisely how old the Stomp is?
by mjb - Tue 11th May 2004, 11:21pm
Would it be in the captain's book somewhere ?
by Dubya - Tue 11th May 2004, 11:47pm
None of the guys from the 67 era who came to the biennial dinner last time had done it. However Rob Foster did stomp (circa 87), I think.
by Dubya - Tue 11th May 2004, 11:47pm
Rob Foster is also famously un-keen on the red-brick colleges
by Andy - Wed 12th May 2004, 1:27am
I though everyone disliked Maggie...
by Andy - Wed 12th May 2004, 1:28am
Doh! Didn't read the *brick*, I'll be quiet now...
by Martin - Wed 12th May 2004, 8:49am
Simon said: Something I've just read in The Eagle would concur with this (would link to it but link too long)
Could you try it again, Simon, should work now I think. If not, email me the link for me to work out why.
by Simon - Wed 12th May 2004, 2:19pm
Here's the link to the Eagle.
by Martin - Wed 12th May 2004, 9:49pm
Martin, stop pretending to be me. It's worst than that programme where people have cosmetic surgery to look like famous people...
by Martin - Thu 13th May 2004, 11:10am
Martin said: Martin, stop pretending to be me. It's worst than that programme where people have cosmetic surgery to look like famous people...
Yeah, sorry. I meant to write 'from Simon' or something like that, but I was in too much of a rush and forgot.
by Chris - Fri 14th May 2004, 3:25pm
The Stomp came into being sometime in the 1990s, prehaps after Mark defaced the bumping tree. I suspect it came out of the older tradition of a stomp after the BC dinner.
by Jo - Thu 10th Jun 2004, 7:56am
Please can we have a bigger turn-out to stomp tomorrow? We were significantly outnumbered today. I know some people have outings or exams, so thats fair enough, but if its a case of not being able to be bothered....
by Ingers - Thu 10th Jun 2004, 1:55pm
You can blame me for the lack of 1st viii Stompers as my job forces us to have outings at that time. Sorry.

[we'll all be there on Saturday]
by Chris - Thu 10th Jun 2004, 2:02pm
As I've said before the stomp, in its current form, is about 10 years old. In days gone by, the people at the dinner would simply go next door on the Saturday night and cause suitable carnage.
by Needs sleep - Thu 10th Jun 2004, 2:40pm
Given that I don't have anything that needs doing between 8.30 and 11, I'd much rather get my breakfast elsewhere at 11ish and get 3 more hours in bed.
Especially when needing recovery after long hard races.
by dw229 - Thu 10th Jun 2004, 2:48pm
Why don't we move Stomp till 8:30am? We'd still have time to get breakfast in Hall and get that all important extra 30mins in bed. Getting up at 7:50am to meet some Maggie boys doesn't appeal that much...especially as no-one's ever going to invite me to breakfast. :)
by Tom C - Thu 10th Jun 2004, 3:00pm
Why not 11.30? Should just about allow people to get to the river in time for the 1 olcock divison.
A lot of people think it might be fun in principle but noone wants to get up at 8 if they don't have something to do at 9.
by mjb - Thu 10th Jun 2004, 6:24pm
Can't have it too late, as we need to get it out of the way before the tourists get let in ...
by Martin - Tue 15th Jun 2004, 12:59pm
Chris said: As I've said before the stomp, in its current form, is about 10 years old. In days gone by, the people at the dinner would simply go next door on the Saturday night and cause suitable carnage.
Asif Qasim has posted a website comment with the following:

"I hear there are queries about when the stomp came into being. Sadly I was coached at school by an LMBC May colour who recalled the Stomps of the early late 70s and early 80s. Stomp attendance was compulsory for all those rowing in the Lents or Mays in the early 90s. The '67 crew say that it was not around in their era so perhaps it appeared with flares and free-love."