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Web Site News
Message board > Web Site News | 23 to 72 of 91 |
27th Sep '06 | Website downtime | by bjg |
Fortunately for Phil and me, our new carpet is coming tomorrow morning. Unfortunately for you, the valued website user, that means that we'll have to disconnect the server while it is being laid. According to the works department, this will be 'mid to late morning'. We therefore hope that the website will be back by the afternoon. (1 reply...) | ||
24th Sep '06 | Website back online | by bjg |
Many apologies for the lack of website over the last week and a bit. Hopefully all problems are now sorted, and work productivity will now reach the low levels to which we are accustomed. | ||
25th Feb '06 | Bumps testing | by mcp |
I've got to do some testing of the Bumps stuff, so please ignore new results for the afternoon. | ||
18th Feb '06 | Site login changes | by mcp |
We've just installed a number of changes 'under the bonnet' of how the members' login works. Have tested it as thoroughly as I can so please email straightaway if there is anything at all which doesn't seem to work as normal. Thank you. | ||
20th Jan '06 | Email lists broken | by mcp |
There is currently a problem with the site's groups feature - any mail sent to them is returned undelivered. This is something we are aware of and are hoping will be sorted asap. (2 replies...) | ||
3rd Nov '05 | Website & email problems | by mcp |
Please be aware that the website is not able to deliver email to groups - and has a few other problems - at the moment. This is due to a complicated technical glitch on Trinity's computer network. The web server is not able to access the internet, despite the fact inbound web requests are getting in ok. This has been raised with the Trinity computing officers who will hopefully let us know today what they can do and when. (2 replies...) | ||
13th May '05 | Election Manifestos | by mcp |
Mark has received one manifesto for Sunday week's elections - from Andy Wong - so far. This is now added to the Committee -> Elections page and others will be added as soon as they are received. (2 replies...) | ||
2nd Mar '05 | Gallery picture quality | by mcp |
I've decided to increase the quality setting of pictures in the photo gallery. Until now many pictures have been looking a bit blurry and have 'artefacts' of the JPEG format compression. This means that the images will take about 30% longer to download on slower connections, but I think is worth it. The site is currently regenerating all the standard size images with the new setting. Note that, because of the special settings applied to pictures on this website, if you want to see these improvements for photos you've already looked at you will need to empty your browser's cache. (In Internet Explorer go to Tools->Internet Options and under Temporary Internet Files on the first tab click Delete Files....) That said, note you don't need to do anything to see the new higher quality for pictures added from now on. (1 reply...) | ||
17th Jan '05 | Annual Record | by mcp |
I have put up Dan's College Annual Record account of last year. This and several from recent years are under Club -> Annual Record. Unfortunately we're missing Andrew's from the year before - I hope to get hold of it sometime this term. (4 replies...) | ||
14th Jun '04 | Finding new pictures | by mcp |
I've changed the gallery front page so that it shows all pictures added in the last fortnight. With so many pictures being added to the photo gallery in several places at once I thought it had become difficult to find all the new ones! I am thinking of expanding this so that you can navigate through the pictures in the order in which they have been added using the arrows. (btw, also personal bumps aggregate info has been fixed. Thanks to everyone who alerted us to this.) (8 replies...) | ||
12th Jun '04 | Crew List Changes | by mcp |
I'd just like to alert everyone to the way that crew lists with subs etc can be entered against particular days of something like the bumps. If you want your bumps stats and list of races etc to accurately reflect what you have done, then do go into Results->Enter Results and set it up! Once into May Bumps, you click 'Edit Crew'. Underneath the main crew list there is a 'New' button with instructions to click it if the crew changed for any of the races. Making these changes should be easy but Iain and I would be perfectly happy to answer questions / queries or do it for you if send an email. | ||
1st Jun '04 | AGM Minutes | by ipe |
The AGM minutes are now online. Apologies for the delay. My exams are now almost over so the rest of the Committee minutes should follow in the near future. (1 reply...) | ||
8th May '04 | Kit Order | by ipe |
The new kit order is now also available online. The kit order system has been developed beyond what was available last term, so that you may now view and edit your order at any time after it has been placed, until the order deadline. Please let me know if there are any problems. | ||
27th Apr '04 | Long links problem fixed | by mcp |
I have finally worked out a problem with trying to submit long links to the message board. Sorry to everyone who has found this annoying until now. Better late than never. (4 replies...) | ||
23rd Mar '04 | WeHoRR | by ipe |
I've added a small clip of the women in action at the WEHORR. It is in WMV format, here. | ||
22nd Feb '04 | Pictures | by mcp |
The gallery has had lots of new pictures added today. Matt has done a great job of uploading all the JET photos from Mich term, and I indexed a handfull of pictures I had lying about from Lent Term 1998. Also, just a reminder that anyone is able to update crew lists. The results section's crew lists - set up under Results -> Enter Results - tell the gallery who is in each photo, so do update the crew lists if you can fill in any gaps. | ||
11th Feb '04 | Everything back on-line | by ipe |
The University Computing service have been informed of the situation and have cleared the website of all allegations of rule breaking, so the College computer service have allowed everything to go back to normal. This means all email lists and groups will now function as before, and, hopefully, there will be no more disconnections. | ||
6th Feb '04 | Website Downtime | by ipe |
Due to issues with the University and College computing rules, the boat club mail list system is suspended. PLease do not use the group addresses until I have had a chance to stop this function. THey will be inoperable for the forseeable future. | ||
17th Jan '04 | Website Downtime | by ipe |
Tomorrow morning I shall be turning off the server for a period of time while a new hard drive is fitted. During this time no email addresses will work, nor obviously will the website itself. Hopefully it will be up and running again tomorrow afternoon. | ||
10th Jan '04 | Kit Order | by ipe |
The kit order is now available online, in the Members section. Please report any problems to me. | ||
31st Dec '03 | Website down | by mcp |
Our website (and the CUCBC site which runs through the same machine) has been down since 1am last night when the computer's power supply broke down. Sorry for any inconvenience! Up and running properly again now. (Thanks to the porters for letting Dan Walker and I in to sort it out...) | ||
19th Dec '03 | Bumps Charts | by ipe |
The website should now have complete bumps charts, for Lents and Mays, going back to 1992. These may be found in the Results section. This also means the statistics on the section on Cambridge Clubs should now all be accurate, as they are all generated from the same results database. (4 replies...) | ||
2nd Oct '03 | Pictures | by mcp |
A load of old pictures have been added to the gallery - have uploaded half of the 2002 May Bumps JET photographic photos. These are pictures that have not been on the website before. (Better late than never.) Pictures of lower crews will be added once I've found out crew lists for them. I've also started some of the preliminary work required to import the old gallery photos into the new system - so there is a good chance this will start happening sometime in the fairly near future. (13 replies...) | ||
16th Oct '03 | Website Update | by IPE |
Finally, I've completed a new section on college and town clubs in Cambridge. This has bumps stats, pictures and other information on all the colleges and most of the town clubs. The Mays data will be unreliable until the results database is fully updated, which should soon be the case. Also, I would like to appeal for information/anecdotes/random abuse that you think should be included for each of the colleges. Hopefully the section can continue to develop for some time. Furthermore, I've put online the Guide to Coxing recently written by Andrew Fisher. There are also lots of minor alterations to out-of-date pages, hopefully everything is now up-to-date. Please let me know if there are any errors or dead links anywhere. (2 replies...) | ||
12th Mar '03 | MSN contact info | by mcp |
By popular request I have tweaked the members directory to optionally include MSN contact identifiers. As with the ICQ feature, you can publish your MSN email address when editing your personal info. (5 replies...) | ||
24th Sep '03 | Update | by mcp |
Am fixing an issue involving official crew lists... whilst I do this, aspects of the results & crews sections will most likely stop working temporarily and no one will be able to update the site with any results or crews. Apologies for any inconvenience! (1 reply...) | ||
23rd Sep '03 | History of First Trinity | by mcp |
In 1908, Walter William Rouse Ball, a mathematics lecturer and fellow of Trinity College, compiled a short history of First Trinity Boat Club. Both the Trinity College Library and the University Library hold copies. I looked it up when researching the club's crest and having found it interesting thought it might be nice to have it online. And so here it is (in the Club->History section). I realise not everyone will find themselves inclined to read it, but there are at least a few comedy stories worth looking up - e.g. the 4th VIII's exploits 1850-57. The top of page contents summary is something I have added - suggestions for improvement would be welcomed, as would typing mistakes. The book's final chapter contains data and crew lists for the winners of various races; this will be appended in due course. (2 replies...) | ||
24th Jun '03 | New credits | by mcp |
In preparation for handing over day to day running to Ian over the next few weeks, there is a new site credits page ;-) It's actually quite cool - found bits of the 1997 website that are still here word for word. There is also an 80 (!) long list of the members who have written race reports or submitted pictures so far... | ||
19th Jun '03 | 2nd May VIII Song | by mjb |
The widely-acclaimed rip-off of Pulp's "Common People," as performed by the 2nd May VIII at the 2003 Mays' Dinner, has been transferred to a web-friendly interface and has been added to the 'songs' page in the club traditions section of the website. You can go here to view the masterpiece and download the cheesy midi backing track. | ||
12th Jun '03 | New Photo Gallery | by mcp |
After a sad absence for the last year, we have a new photo gallery. :-) There is still a lot to do to bring over the archive of old pictures into it, but hopefully it will do the business for the Mays! Any problems or suggestions gratefully received, particularly since it and the members' photo upload page have been put together just since last Sat; there are, no doubt, all kinds of things which don't work! Ta! (6 replies...) | ||
16th Jun '03 | One minute gun | by mcp |
Ever seen one of the starting cannons firing? If not - now's your chance. I've put up a little video clip of the one minute gun... (There is also a little link to it from within the bumps section.) I think that sometimes, particularly for the start when it's wet, he fires two or even the three at once, to allow for mis-fires. However, for the four minute and one minute guns the usual thing seems to be to use just one. On the soundtrack you can also hear the Senior Umpire, Pete Convey - taken aback by the sound of it even after all these years! ;-) | ||
23rd May '03 | The Weather | by mcp |
I have done a small update of the general info page, including a brief weather forecast. It's experimental at the moment, but it would be possible to put a little weather icon next to the flag on the front page, for example, which could link straight to it if people said it might be useful. (6 replies...) | ||
9th Jun '03 | WAP results back on line | by boffin |
I am planning to repeat the wap results service for the May Bumps - this is just a quick note to announce that the WAP site has been updated and is ready for action! The address is On Nokia phones, you go to Services then Go to Address and type it in. Maybe someone could enter some instructions for other makes of phones? (3 replies...) | ||
29th May '03 | Cat and Buns etc | by mcp |
The origins and significance of the club's two-shield emblem strike me as interesting - particularly since we use that and the Cat and Buns on their own interchangeably. When I put together the logo for this website I did a little bit of research - and have written it up for a page in the Club section. (6 replies...) | ||
27th Feb '03 | Machine Failure | by mcp |
At 1:15 last night the boatclub's server suffered a motherboard failure. However, we are back up and running with a reserve machine.... Roll on day 3!!!! (Fingers crossed this one will hold out....) (2 replies...) | ||
9th Dec '02 | Annual Record '01 - '02 | by mcp |
Every year the outgoing overall club Captain writes an account of the year's results for the college's Annual Record. The reports since 1995 are here on the website and are now joined by John Earl's story of the highs and lows of last year. | ||
1st Oct '02 | Web server down | by jpd |
The web server will be down while I find it a new home, as I am moving out of college. Hopefully this will be for less than an hour, but it might not be online again until tomorrow. (1 reply...) | ||
18th May '02 | Elections | by mcp |
Andrew Fisher has decided to stand for Men's Captain, this means that there are now two contested positions (Men's and Overall captain) so everyone has to come and vote!!
The new manifesto is on the elctions page, although a scan isn't because I haven't got hold of it yet! See everyone tomorrow. | ||
17th May '02 | Election Manifestos | by mcp |
I have added the manifestos received by Anna so far to the Committee -> Elections page.
There may be one or two errors at the moment - haven't had long to rigorously check all the automatic text conversion. | ||
9th May '02 | Elections | by mcp |
The deadline for election manifestos is next Wednesday - anyone considering standing might like to see last year's manifestos which are under 'Committee->Elections'. | ||
2nd May '02 | 1st and 3rd in Dublin | by mcp |
The club recently organised a trip to train for a week on Blessington Lake in Ireland and row in Trinity Regatta on the Liffe in Dublin.
Sally has written a little bit about the experience and JPD has sent me some pictures. Various other pictures have been promised - watch this space! (2 replies...) | ||
28th Apr '02 | Last Lents pictures | by mcp |
Our thanks must go to Richard for so many brilliant pictures of the Lent bumps. Sorry they've taken so long - that's my fault!
This latest additions takes the number of pictures from the Lents to a staggering 350! I have also added the club's results from the Head of the River race, and would like to add bits from the small boats races. I do need help in keeping the website up to date with interesting things - if you ever have pictures or race results or reports, please just drop me a quick email. | ||
8th Mar '02 | JET photos | by mcp |
I hijacked the JET proofs for long enough to add them to the photo gallery. Hope no one minds too much!
These pictures may be purchased and framed by heading down to the boathouse, where jmg has left the various order forms and proofs. | ||
2nd Mar '02 | More pictures of bumping | by mcp |
Many thanks to Rich Spencer for coming up to take lots of great pictures. Unlikely last year he is not working for John Thompson so we get to see them all. Some good ones of our crews - currently just from Thursday.
They've been added to the Gallery. | ||
28th Feb '02 | Pictures of bumping | by mcp |
Bit of a measly collection, at this stage, unfortunately - but there are 4 pictures in the gallery of the Lents now, of the 2nd women bumping Caius on their first day. | ||
25th Feb '02 | GOR and pictures | by mcp |
I have done an update of our Getting on Race Results and pictures from the day of the Pembroke Regatta.
Unfortunately I was too busy supporting crews to take any pictures of action - and many of my pictures didn't come out well because of the awkward light early in the day :-( The ones of Guy are good though. | ||
7th Feb '02 | Downing Cocktails | by mcp |
There was a HUGE First and Third contingent at Downing on Sunday night.... It was a great night.
Anna's given me a few quite sober looking pictures (well, mostly)... - thank you Anna, but if anyone sees Mr Walker, remind him to let me have his pictures for a bit and there'll be some more ;-) I've also uploaded our College Annual Record report of last year. (2 replies...) | ||
9th Feb '02 | CUCBC Flag | by mcp |
The attempts by our website to get the CUCBC flag when the CUCBC website isn't working were causing the frontpage to not load.
I have removed the flag altogether for now, and will sort out a better system for when I reinstate it. Apologies. | ||
7th Feb '02 | The Justice | by mcp |
Headcase (this year's lightweight men's president) and Mr Talbott (one of our lightweight triallists) have helped in writing up December's meeting and some other items of Justice paraphernalia.
The Justice is a really fun social event held from time to time - at which people are stood up 'in court' for various 'crimes' they may have committed over the preceding term. | ||
3rd Feb '02 | New results and pictures | by mcp |
Our Newnham Short Course results are here on our website, as well as a link to the official results. To see them go to "Results" on the menu.
Thanks to people lending me their photos, there are some new pictures too - from Saturday's races and formal halls this term (thanks to Catherine and Anna) and three or four from the Fairbairns Dinner experience - which can be found at the bottom of the list of dinner photos here. If you ever have any pictures that you think others might like to see, simply email me. |
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