First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Rowing at University in Cambridge

The College and University Clubs

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There are approximately thirty colleges in Cambridge, each of which has its own boat club. In addition there exists a body called the Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs, which comprises the University clubs; (There used to be three university clubs) CUBC (openweight men), CUWBC(openweight and lightweight women) and CULRC (lightweight men). However these have now all merged into CUBC. This body is mainly responsible for managing college rowing on the Cam and running any University races, such as the Lent and May bumps. The University fields six crews; two openweight mens, two openweight womens, one lightweight mens and one lightweight womens. There are also spare pairs and IVs for those who do not quite make the cut for the main VIIIs. They all start with large squads at the beginning of Michaelmas term, consisting of a combination of previous trialists returning, new trialists, and those fresh from Summer development squads. These are whittled down slowly through a rigorous selection procedure, involving large amounts of seat racing and erg testing, before final crews are selected. The real focus of this training is the race against Oxford, with only a matter of minutes deciding the outcome of months of hard work, so the pressure to win is immense.

The three main races on which college clubs focus are the Fairbairn Cup and the Lent and May bumps. The Fairbairn Cup was started by, and is still organised by, Jesus college in the 1920's, which is rowed over a distance of 2.7 miles (4300m), with the winner decided by times. There are in fact two races, for Novices and Seniors, and the event is open not just to Cambridge colleges, but many other clubs at the discretion of the race organisers, such as Black Prince, the boat club for First and Third alumni, and Boar's Head, for Queen's alumni. To find out more about this race visit the official site. More prestigious than this race are the Lent and May bumps, in which well over a hundred crews compete over four or five days of racing, find out how they work in our bumps guide. Town clubs are not allowed to enter Lent or May bumps races. However, there are many other opportunities for colleges to compete against the town clubs, and crews from across Great Britain and beyond, including some internationally renowned events such as the Head of the River race and, for some exceptionally good crews, the Henley Royal Regatta.

This is the section of the Cam where the boathouses can be found:

Image-map of the Cam and the boathouses
The Cam with boathouses, click on the icons () for further details. View the full map here.

You can use this map to view the occupants of the various boathouses on the Cam, by clicking on the icons. Town clubs and those who do not have a fixed boathouse are grouped at the bottom of the page, or may be viewed by clicking the links on the map. To view the college lists alphabetically click here

Christ's College boathouse St. John's College boathouse Queens' College boathouse Caius boathouse Peterhouse boathouse Fitzwilliam College boathouse Trinity College boathouse St Catharine's College boathouse Goldie boathouse Jesus College boathouse Trinity Hall College boathouse Girton, Sidney Sussex, Corpus Christi and Wolfson Colleges' boathouse Clare boathouse Pembroke College boathouse Emmanuel boathouse Downing College boathouse Selwyn, Churchill and King's Colleges' boathouse Cambridge '99 boathouse Cantabrigian Rowing Club boathouse City of Cambridge Rowing Club boathouse Cambridgeshire Rowing Association boathouse

1. Christ's College boathouse

1. Christ's College Boat Club Christ's College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Dark blue with white stripes
Boat code: CCO
One of the oldest boathouses on the Cam (not everyone can afford a new one)
Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Alumni race as the Crustaceans.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2222
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 2 (2.0) 2 - 2 (2.0) 3 - 2 (2.8) 2 - 2 (2.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 19 15 23 17
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 9 - 19 (15.2) 10 - 15 (12.4) 15 - 23 (19.0) 9 - 17 (13.0)

2. St. John's College boathouse

1. Lady Margaret Boat Club Lady Margaret Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Red
Boat code: LMB
The Boathouse of the Red Scum.
Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

The Boat Club of St John's College is known as Lady Margaret. Confused? According to rumour, the name Lady Margaret was apparently adopted after the St John's Boat Club was banned from operating under that name. The truth is probably more to do with the club being named after their boat, as was custom in the formative years of college rowing, and that the St Johns boat club merged with LMBC, just as our three separate boat clubs combined to make First and Third. LMBC are the arch-rivals of First and Third, a rivalry best symbolised by the traditional stomp, a confrontation between the clubs that takes place every morning of the Lent and May Bumps.Alumni race as Lady Somerset Boat Club

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 3263
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 4 - 3 (3.2) 3 - 2 (2.4) 6 - 3 (4.5) 3 - 3 (3.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 1 3 1 3
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 1 - 2 (1.2) 3 - 7 (4.8) 1 - 3 (2.0) 3 - 6 (4.3)

2. Robinson College Boat Club Robinson College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Light blue, two vertical yellow stripes
Boat code: ROC
Shares a boat-house with Lady Margaret Boat Club.

Robinson share a boathouse with LMBC.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 1121
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 1 (1.6) 1 - 1 (1.0) 2 - 2 (2.0) 2 - 1 (1.3)
Current position of 1st VIII: 11 32 17 34
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 5 - 13 (9.0) 25 - 32 (27.8) 11 - 17 (14.8) 31 - 34 (32.3)

3. Queens' College boathouse

1. Queens' College Boat Club Queens' College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Green with a vertical white stripe
Boat code: QCC

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Responsible for one of the main Novice events, the Queen's erg competition. Queen's also have a club for alumni, the Boar's Head boat club.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2223
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 4 - 2 (2.8) 3 - 2 (2.8) 5 - 2 (3.3) 3 - 3 (3.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 13 14 15 13
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 10 - 16 (13.4) 13 - 17 (14.6) 10 - 15 (12.5) 12 - 16 (13.8)

2. Magdalene Boat Club Magdalene Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Pink with a vertical purple stripe
Boat code: MGD
Shares a boat-house with Queens' College Boat Club.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2143
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 3 - 2 (2.6) 2 - 1 (1.6) 6 - 4 (4.5) 3 - 2 (2.3)
Current position of 1st VIII: 2 23 2 14
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 2 - 14 (7.6) 23 - 29 (26.0) 2 - 3 (2.5) 14 - 21 (17.3)

4. Caius boathouse

1. Caius Boat Club Caius Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Black with a vertical light blue stripe
Boat code: CAI

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Statistically the dominant club on the Cam currently, although obviously not the best! Their alumni boat club is known as Gonville.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2234
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 3 - 2 (2.6) 4 - 2 (2.8) 4 - 3 (3.5) 5 - 4 (4.3)
Current position of 1st VIII: 3 2 3 1
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 1 - 3 (2.2) 2 - 13 (7.0) 1 - 3 (1.5) 1 - 4 (2.3)

5. Peterhouse boathouse

1. Peterhouse Boat Club Peterhouse Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Dark blue with two vertical white stripes
Boat code: PBC

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Alumni race as Cross Keys

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2132
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 2 (2.0) 2 - 1 (1.4) 3 - 2 (2.8) 3 - 1 (2.3)
Current position of 1st VIII: 14 18 10 21
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 11 - 16 (13.8) 16 - 23 (19.8) 5 - 10 (7.5) 18 - 21 (19.3)

2. Lucy Cavendish College Boat Club Lucy Cavendish College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Blue with a black tip
Boat code: LC
Shares a boat-house with Peterhouse Boat Club.

A college specifically for graduate women.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 1122
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 1 - 1 (1.0) 2 - 1 (1.4) 2 - 1 (1.3) 2 - 2 (2.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 41 25 49 24
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 41 - 50 (45.3) 21 - 26 (23.8) 49 - 64 (56.0) 22 - 26 (24.3)

3. Murray Edwards Boat Club Murray Edwards Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: White
Boat code: MEC
Shares a boat-house with Peterhouse Boat Club.

Formerly New Hall Boat Club.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: -1-2
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: - 2 - 1 (1.2) - 2 - 2 (2.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: - 24 - 26
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: - 12 - 24 (18.4) - 25 - 29 (27.0)

6. Fitzwilliam College boathouse

1. Fitzwilliam College Boat Club Fitzwilliam College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Grey
Boat code: FIT

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2132
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 2 (2.0) 2 - 1 (1.6) 3 - 3 (3.0) 3 - 2 (2.3)
Current position of 1st VIII: 16 17 16 15
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 16 - 19 (17.2) 12 - 17 (14.2) 16 - 25 (20.5) 8 - 15 (11.3)

2. St Edmunds College Boat Club St Edmunds College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Blue with one white and one light blue stripe
Boat code: ED
Shares a boat-house with Fitzwilliam College Boat Club.

One of the six Cambridge Graduate-only colleges. The home of several rowing Blues in recent years, on highly challenging courses.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 1111
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 1 (1.2) 1 - 1 (1.0) 2 - 1 (1.5) 2 - 1 (1.3)
Current position of 1st VIII: 36 42 34 38
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 25 - 36 (31.6) 36 - 42 (39.4) 26 - 34 (29.8) 38 - 42 (40.0)

7. Trinity College boathouse

1. First and Third Trinity Boat Club First and Third Trinity Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Dark blue
Boat code: FTT

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

The biggest and best club on the Cam. Look at our club section for more details.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2132
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 3 - 2 (2.6) 2 - 1 (1.6) 3 - 3 (3.0) 2 - 2 (2.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 10 9 19 10
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 4 - 10 (7.2) 6 - 12 (9.2) 9 - 19 (14.0) 9 - 14 (11.0)

2. Homerton College Boat Club Homerton College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: White with a vertical blue stripe
Boat code: HOM
Shares a boat-house with First and Third Trinity Boat Club.

Homerton share a boathouse with First and Third. It is a college for students of the PGCE (and apparently other things too now), and can be found almost as far away as Girton, on the road to Addenbrookes, hence the excellent fitness of their rowers. Great at formals.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 1113
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 1 (1.2) 2 - 1 (1.4) 2 - 1 (1.8) 3 - 2 (2.5)
Current position of 1st VIII: 25 16 26 18
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 24 - 32 (27.4) 16 - 20 (18.6) 24 - 28 (26.5) 17 - 21 (18.5)

8. St Catharine's College boathouse

1. St Catharine's College Boat Club St Catharine's College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Claret with a white Catherine Wheel
Boat code: SCC

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Organise Cardinals, a fancy dress regatta.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2233
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 3 - 2 (2.4) 2 - 2 (2.0) 3 - 3 (3.0) 3 - 3 (3.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 12 13 9 7
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 8 - 15 (11.6) 13 - 17 (15.4) 9 - 21 (15.0) 7 - 15 (11.5)

9. Goldie boathouse

1. Cambridge University Boat Club Cambridge University Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
The club's blades: Light Blue
Boat code: CUB

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

The Goldie boathouse is the home of the Cambridge University boat club. Although most of their water work is done elsewhere, this is still a fitness and administrative base for the Club. The building works visible currently are part of the redevelopement, which includes the construction of a rowing tank for indoor training on water. The other University clubs, CUWBC and CULRC, are based primarily at Ely. The boathouse itself is named after J.H.D. Goldie, of St Johns and CUBC, built using funds gathered for a memorial to his services for Cambridge rowing. The name is also used for the CUBC men's reserve boat.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: ----
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: - - - -
Current position of 1st VIII: - - - -
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: - - - -

10. Jesus College boathouse

1. Jesus College Boat Club Jesus College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Black with two vertical red stripes
Boat code: JEC

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Responsible for Fairbairns, everone's favourite event in Michaelmas term.Alumni race as the Disciples

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2254
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 3 - 2 (2.6) 3 - 2 (2.6) 5 - 4 (4.5) 4 - 4 (4.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 5 1 4 2
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 3 - 8 (5.4) 1 - 3 (1.8) 4 - 12 (8.5) 1 - 5 (2.5)

2. Newnham College Boat Club Newnham College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Black with a diagonal yellow-grey-yellow stripe.
Boat code: NNM
Shares a boat-house with Jesus College Boat Club.

Great cocktails. They organise the Newnham short course regatta.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: -2-4
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: - 4 - 2 (3.0) - 4 - 3 (3.5)
Current position of 1st VIII: - 7 - 8
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: - 1 - 7 (3.0) - 1 - 8 (3.5)

11. Trinity Hall College boathouse

1. Trinity Hall Boat Club Trinity Hall Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Black
Boat code: TRH

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2222
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 3 - 2 (2.2) 3 - 2 (2.4) 4 - 2 (2.8) 3 - 2 (2.8)
Current position of 1st VIII: 6 6 22 5
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 6 - 10 (7.6) 6 - 11 (8.2) 16 - 22 (19.0) 5 - 16 (10.3)

2. Vet School Boat Club Vet School Boat Club blade colours

The club's blades: Blue
Boat code: VS
Shares a boat-house with Trinity Hall Boat Club.

Just like Addenbrookes, this is the club for those studying at Vetinary School who wish to compete against colleges in events such as the bumps. They often row dressed as cows.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: ---1
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: - - - 1 - 1 (1.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: - - - 63
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: - - - 63 - 64 (63.5)

12. Girton, Sidney Sussex, Corpus Christi and Wolfson Colleges' boathouse

1. Girton College Boat Club Girton College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Green with white-red-white vertical stripes
Boat code: GIR

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

A college famous for being so far out of Cambridge it isn't even in the City of Cambridge but in its own village, but not so famous for its rowing.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 1122
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 1 (1.6) 2 - 1 (1.2) 2 - 2 (2.0) 2 - 2 (2.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 24 27 25 23
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 20 - 24 (21.6) 14 - 27 (20.8) 22 - 25 (23.5) 12 - 23 (17.3)

2. Sidney Sussex College Boat Club Sidney Sussex College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Dark blue with red stripes
Boat code: SID
Shares a boat-house with Girton College Boat Club.

Excellent cocktails on Suicide Sunday. Alumni race as Lord Protector Boat Club.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 1132
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 1 (1.2) 2 - 1 (1.6) 3 - 2 (2.3) 2 - 2 (2.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 31 12 32 16
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 23 - 31 (26.8) 12 - 23 (17.0) 27 - 35 (31.0) 16 - 28 (22.0)

3. Corpus Christi College Boat Club Corpus Christi College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Red with a vertical white stripe
Boat code: COR
Shares a boat-house with Girton College Boat Club.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 1122
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 1 (1.2) 2 - 1 (1.2) 4 - 2 (2.5) 2 - 2 (2.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 23 22 24 28
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 22 - 25 (23.4) 22 - 32 (26.8) 22 - 28 (24.8) 28 - 32 (30.5)

4. Wolfson College Boat Club Wolfson College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Blue with a vertical yellow stripe
Boat code: WOC
Shares a boat-house with Girton College Boat Club.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 1122
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 1 (1.6) 2 - 1 (1.2) 2 - 2 (2.0) 2 - 1 (1.5)
Current position of 1st VIII: 22 31 20 25
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 22 - 30 (25.0) 30 - 37 (33.0) 18 - 23 (20.8) 25 - 30 (27.0)

13. Clare boathouse

1. Clare Boat Club Clare Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Yellow
Boat code: CLA

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2234
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 3 - 2 (2.2) 3 - 2 (2.6) 4 - 3 (3.8) 4 - 4 (4.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 7 8 13 12
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 7 - 13 (10.2) 8 - 11 (8.8) 8 - 13 (10.0) 10 - 15 (12.5)

2. Clare Hall Boat Club Clare Hall Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Yellow with one red and one black vertical stripe
Boat code: CLH
Shares a boat-house with Clare Boat Club.

A graduate college, set up in 1966 with very strong links to Clare.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 1112
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 1 - 1 (1.0) 1 - 1 (1.0) 2 - 1 (1.3) 2 - 1 (1.3)
Current position of 1st VIII: 44 40 37 53
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 42 - 45 (43.0) 40 - 50 (46.6) 37 - 47 (43.0) 49 - 56 (52.8)

14. Pembroke College boathouse

1. Pembroke College Boat Club Pembroke College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Light blue with dark blue stripes
Boat code: PEM

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2233
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 3 - 2 (2.6) 3 - 2 (2.2) 4 - 3 (3.5) 4 - 3 (3.3)
Current position of 1st VIII: 9 11 8 9
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 2 - 9 (4.8) 6 - 11 (7.6) 4 - 8 (6.0) 4 - 9 (6.8)

2. Darwin College Boat Club Darwin College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Dark blue with vertical red, light blue and yellow stripes
Boat code: DAW
Shares a boat-house with Pembroke College Boat Club.

Yet another college for post-grads.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 1122
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 1 (1.4) 2 - 1 (1.4) 3 - 2 (2.3) 3 - 2 (2.3)
Current position of 1st VIII: 34 21 40 31
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 26 - 34 (29.0) 16 - 21 (18.2) 32 - 40 (35.3) 20 - 31 (25.3)

15. Emmanuel boathouse

1. Emmanuel Boat Club Emmanuel Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Dark blue with two diagonal pink stripes
Boat code: EMM

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2344
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 3 - 2 (2.6) 4 - 3 (3.2) 4 - 4 (4.0) 4 - 4 (4.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 8 5 6 4
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 8 - 17 (13.4) 2 - 5 (3.6) 5 - 6 (5.5) 3 - 5 (3.8)

2. ARBC ARBC blade colours
Club Website
The club's blades: Black with a yellow tip
Boat code: CCA
Shares a boat-house with Emmanuel Boat Club.

ARBC (formerly CCAT) is the rowing club of ARU, the other university in Cambridge.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: -1--
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 1 - 1 (1.0) 1 - 1 (1.0) 1 - 1 (1.0) 1 - 1 (1.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: - 45 - -
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 53 - 53 (53.0) 45 - 54 (50.3) 61 - 63 (62.0) 56 - 56 (56.0)

3. Hughes Hall Boat Club Hughes Hall Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: White with one dark blue and one light blue vertical stripe
Boat code: HUH
Shares a boat-house with Emmanuel Boat Club.

Another Grad college, they use space in the Emma boathouse.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 1121
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 1 (1.6) 2 - 1 (1.4) 2 - 2 (2.0) 3 - 1 (1.8)
Current position of 1st VIII: 26 30 14 32
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 23 - 29 (25.6) 28 - 31 (30.0) 14 - 19 (16.3) 32 - 41 (37.5)

16. Downing College boathouse

1. Downing College Boat Club Downing College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Purple
Boat code: DOW
Reknowned for its dodgy foundations, after it flooded while still under construction.
Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2232
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 3 - 2 (2.4) 3 - 2 (2.2) 5 - 2 (3.3) 3 - 2 (2.5)
Current position of 1st VIII: 4 4 7 11
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 3 - 5 (4.0) 1 - 5 (3.2) 4 - 9 (6.8) 6 - 11 (8.3)

17. Selwyn, Churchill and King's Colleges' boathouse

1. Selwyn College Boat Club Selwyn College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: White with one yellow and one red vertical stripe
Boat code: SEL

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2132
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 3 - 2 (2.2) 1 - 1 (1.0) 3 - 2 (2.8) 2 - 1 (1.3)
Current position of 1st VIII: 17 19 11 22
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 17 - 21 (19.8) 19 - 25 (22.2) 11 - 17 (14.5) 22 - 29 (25.5)

2. Churchill College Boat Club Churchill College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Pink
Boat code: CHU
Shares a boat-house with Selwyn College Boat Club.

Easy to spot, they row in a bright pink boat. Tasteful.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 2133
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 4 - 2 (2.8) 3 - 1 (1.8) 4 - 3 (3.3) 3 - 2 (2.5)
Current position of 1st VIII: 21 10 21 6
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 18 - 21 (19.4) 7 - 11 (9.6) 20 - 25 (22.5) 6 - 10 (7.5)

3. King's College Boat Club King's College Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
College Website
The club's blades: Dark Purple
Boat code: KCB
Shares a boat-house with Selwyn College Boat Club.

Sponsored by Cadbury's, the lucky people.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: 1122
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 2 - 1 (1.4) 2 - 1 (1.6) 3 - 2 (2.3) 2 - 2 (2.0)
Current position of 1st VIII: 15 20 5 19
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 9 - 15 (11.2) 18 - 22 (20.0) 4 - 10 (6.8) 16 - 20 (18.3)

18. Cambridge '99 boathouse

1. Cambridge '99 Boat Club Cambridge '99 Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
The club's blades: Light blue with a yellow tip
Boat code: CNN

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

A town club.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: ----
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: - - - -
Current position of 1st VIII: - - - -
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: - - - -

19. Cantabrigian Rowing Club boathouse

1. Cantabrigian Rowing Club Cantabrigian Rowing Club blade colours
Club Website
The club's blades: Dark blue with a vertical white stripe
Boat code: CAB

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

A town club.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: ----
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: - - - -
Current position of 1st VIII: - - - -
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: - - - -

2. Addenbrookes Boat Club Addenbrookes Boat Club blade colours

The club's blades: Blue
Boat code: AD
Shares a boat-house with Cantabrigian Rowing Club.

A boat club for all medical students at Addenbookes who do not wish to row for their colleges, but who still want to row in bumps, usually wearing surgical gowns and masks.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: -1--
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: 1 - 1 (1.0) 1 - 1 (1.0) - -
Current position of 1st VIII: - 44 - -
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: 51 - 53 (52.0) 44 - 44 (44.0) - -

20. City of Cambridge Rowing Club boathouse

1. City of Cambridge Rowing Club City of Cambridge Rowing Club blade colours
Club Website
The club's blades: Blue with yellow-red-yellow stripes
Boat code: CAM

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

A town club.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: ----
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: - - - -
Current position of 1st VIII: - - - -
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: - - - -

21. Cambridgeshire Rowing Association boathouse

1. Champion of the Thames Boat Club Champion of the Thames Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
The club's blades: Orange
Boat code: CHA

Click to view enlarged photo in the gallery.

Many people are surprised that this is a Cam club, but despite its name it is indeed one of the Cambridge town clubs. It had used the current name since 1995, as a result of sponsorship from the Champion of the Thames public house, on Kings Street, which is itself named after an oarsman who in 1860, having won a race on the Thames, moved to Cambridge and had all correspondence addressed to 'The Champion of the Thames, Kings Street, Cambridge.' They also use Emma and Clare boathouses for storage.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: ----
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: - - - -
Current position of 1st VIII: - - - -
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: - - - -

2. Rob Roy Boat Club Rob Roy Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
The club's blades: Red with white corner
Boat code: ROB
Shares a boat-house with Champion of the Thames Boat Club.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: ----
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: - - - -
Current position of 1st VIII: - - - -
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: - - - -

3. X-Press Boat Club X-Press Boat Club blade colours
Club Website
The club's blades: Black with white stripes
Boat code: XPR
Shares a boat-house with Champion of the Thames Boat Club.

Formerly the boat club of the Free Press Public House, now it is associated with The Cambridge Blue, after the landlord switched pubs. The name was supposed to change to the Cambridge Blue boat club, but this was blocked after objections were raised by the University.

Lent bumps May bumps
Men Women Men Women
Current number of crews: ----
Most - Least (Average) during last 5 years: - - - -
Current position of 1st VIII: - - - -
Highest - Lowest (Average) over last 5 years: - - - -

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