First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Is Fatboy Slim a DJ? Simon, Thu 29th Nov, 11:08am
A cox's worst nightmare Mark, Fri 23rd Nov, 8:26pm
You can even see the strokeman thrown right out! (3 comments...)
Something else at which to beat Oxford Simon, Mon 19th Nov, 9:44am
Why? I'll tell you why. Seriously tempted, Sun 18th Nov, 8:55pm
#1 Really? Can't say I've noticed.
#2 I'm glad their bops are as disgusting as ours.
#3 I don't make very much of it. (1 comment...)
Cambridge Rowing Messageboards BJ, Wed 17th Oct, 1:14pm
Now in a new location.
Baconsalt Simon, Mon 1st Oct, 8:33pm
FaT memorabilia on eBay Sam Z, Sat 29th Sep, 3:43pm
Apparantly FaT 10th May VIII won blades in 1970... (30 comments...)
BBC News Rachel, Tue 25th Sep, 9:57am
Rowing is really good for us - no more excuses that you've caught something from it! (2 comments...)
Old FaT kit Dubya, Mon 17th Sep, 9:41pm
Am getting rid of these kit items, mostly FaT stuff that might be useful to someone, make me an offer by email in the next week or so, or they'll probably go to Africa... (6 comments...)
Google maps Simon, Tue 3rd Jul, 9:14pm
Look carefully at the airports that are on the site of Cambridge airport (2 comments...)
Cracknell is a big wuss Rich, Thu 21st Jun, 9:45pm
James shows that while he might have made it across the Atlantic, he can't fight for toffee and hits like a girl. The main event is about 4 minutes in.

I reckon that Fogle fella pulled him across anyway... (5 comments...)
FaT women cause carnage martin, Tue 19th Jun, 8:33pm
I love women's rowing
Water sports martin, Mon 18th Jun, 4:42pm
Andy shows Tom how it should be done
Outdoor guider guide to rowing Dubya, Fri 15th Jun, 8:46pm
Hmm, plagiarism, perhaps?
Planarity jpd, Tue 12th Jun, 12:32pm
Good practice for whoever updates the incest chart.
Roads4Bikes jmg, Fri 8th Jun, 8:31am
Apparently when some mindless local authority drone puts green paint on the pavement, this will now become compulsory for cyclists. (2 comments...)
Monopoly - Here and Now Mike, Fri 11th May, 11:52am
Everyone loves to skew a web-based popularity contest. Monopoly is currently running a poll to determine which cities should occupy which spaces on their new board; first place takes the Mayfair spot, and so on downwards. Cambridge is currently Bond Street - it should clearly be higher. (4 comments...)
My Football Club BJ, Wed 9th May, 10:01pm
Should we be thinking about a more democratic approach to crew selection? (1 comment...)
Pain... Lactic acid..! Emma, Thu 3rd May, 8:41pm
The rowing is nothing special but just listen to that soundtrack.
From an old message board BJ, Thu 26th Apr, 4:02pm
He just seems to have got the club wrong... (1 comment...)

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