The Club's Results

Cambridge Winter Head, Mich Term 2018

1st men's VIII (College VIIIs)

Coxed by: Kerem Ergene
Coached by: Forbes Anderson, Steve Harris,

3rd in College VIIIs, 6th overall
Time: 8:22
The night before at crew nandoes we briefly discussed the standard race plan of "go hard off the start, row at a high rate and take a push off every landmark we can name" - surprisingly this is exactly what happened.

After a lacklustre paddle down (having to stop after 3 strokes because of marshalling did not help) we were determined to prove ourselves during the race. We hit around 38 off the start, and then settled to a relaxed but a very committed 34/35 which we kept for the rest of the race. The boat speed sagged slightly around Ditton but we brought it back up coming into the Reach, and took consecutive pushes from there to come into the finish absolutely spent. I was slightly scared that the UCL A crew behind us were going to apply us some pressure but instead they chose to rapidly disappear into the background, and we ended up beating them by ~40 seconds.

Overall a very solid row with the best result in Winter Head since we held headship, but looking at the footage of us rowing (thanks Forbes), there is still obvious room for improvement and we'll be looking to beat the colleges who beat us today at Fairbairns. 

(D. Lee)
An impressive time, which is partially a testament to strong mental commitment and having a 30r20 average above 8K. A gutsy race but with lots of technical improvements still to come. This suggests a lot of free speed can come aboard before Fairbairn's. Not the prettiest row, but clearly faster than a large number of prettier rows. And considering we didn't even have Jedge in the boat, I reckon we're going to take it to Pembroke (both Cambridge and Oxford), Emma, Oriel, and Downing at Fairbairn's this year. (Forbes)