The Club's Results

Lent Bumps Getting-on Race 2006

5th men's VIII

Coxed by: Emma Salgård Cunha

Got on - only 5th VIII in the Lent Bumps
A very tidy and committed row at an efficient 30+. Fingers crossed that we had the raw power to back it up - we'll find out later tonight! (BJ)
Nice one guys! This certainly felt like the best row I've ever been a part of (barring a scary line round grassy corner, but let's not mention that again). Seems we beat Christ's IV by at least 10 places- and quite right too considering we were faster than their entire VIII when rowing in sixes.

So it looks like blades for M5 this year! No, really... (Charles)
Well rowed guys! :-D :-D :-D

Martin tells me you are the first FaT 5th VIII in the Lents for five years. Nice one. (Albert)
Here's the data! The men's races were reduced from 5 divisions to 4 in 1998, we've had 5 VIIIs only twice since then. (Martin)
And (courtesy of the book, cheers Martin) you have to go back to 1984 to find a 5th Lent VIII before the 1995 one on the website. (Richard)
Getting on Race felt like the best piece of rowing I ever had. I agree with Charlie - we should go for the blades! (Mat)

1. Nearing the finish
2. On the Reach
3. Still tidy on the Reach