The Club's Results

Pembroke Regatta, Lent Term 2001

2nd men's VIII (2nd division)

Coxed by: Becca North

Raced 3 rounds: Lost to Emmanuel II in the semi finals
2nd round
Men's 2nd division, Second Round (meadow)
Although the win was by a fairly decent margin, it was agreed that the standard of rowing was quite poor, and didn't approach the control of the row in Friday's Robinson Head. [by the webmaster]
3rd round
Won against LMBC II (1/2 a length)
After a quick malt loaf lunch ATBH we were back in action. They had a very quick start, and soon were about half a length up to us, but our focus remained in our own boat and we started to come back at them. Coming into the railway bridge we were about level, there was a bit of a blade clash and we pulled ahead to win by about half a length - a hard but very satisfying race. [by the webmaster]
Semi finals
Lost to Emmanuel II
After the action with Maggie we were cold, wet and tired, but off the start with Emma we had some of our best rowing of the day. Unfortunately though they pulled away and won the race. Overall the day's racing was useful to identify our strengths and weaknesses to provide a focus for next week's bumps preparation. (Chris)