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16th May '072007-2008 Manifestosby bjg
The manifestos that have been received are now available on the elections page.

There are as yet no candidates for the posts of Women's Captain, Secretary and Junior Treasurer. These are all vital positions for the running of the club, so if you have not stood for a position but have the necessary skills then please strongly consider standing.

This year's elections will be held this Sunday 20 May at 7pm in the Winstanley Lecture Theatre.
by BJ - Fri 18th May 2007, 9:24pm
There is now a candidate and manifesto for JT, well worth the wait.

We're still missing candidates for two of the big three (four) positions, and time is running out if you want your name on one of those boards... If no one stands for Women's Captain then you may end up with me or Coker, and no one wants that.
by Chief Whip - Fri 18th May 2007, 9:48pm
I understand that Tom Rose is considering standing for Women's Captain.
by Tom C - Sat 19th May 2007, 1:34am
an interesting use of "or", i'd be fuckin solid.
by BJ - Sat 19th May 2007, 10:35am
There is now a secretary's manifesto up and the possibility of more in the pipeline. Coker's 'fuckin solid' women's captaincy is still on.
by ELT - Sat 19th May 2007, 8:48pm
Although I commend your efficiency in recycling last year's manifesto, Bryn, I think Martin's decription is now slightly out of date!
by BJ - Sun 20th May 2007, 9:30am
Just insert the word 'third' where appropriate.

There are also a couple more manifestos. There could be more (for JT, secretary and women's captain only) right up to the elections, so keep checking.

As a reminder, elections are tonight at 7pm in the Winstanley Lecture Theatre.
by BJ - Sun 20th May 2007, 10:06am
I think we're probably now up to a full complement of manifestos.
by Neil T - Sun 20th May 2007, 9:36pm
As a reminder, elections are tonight at 7pm in the Winstanley Lecture Theatre.
10:30pm and no results? Curious. The elections shouldn't take more than half an hour, after all...
by dw229 - Sun 20th May 2007, 10:43pm
I think they were all too drunk to put them up.
by Very nearly RONed - Sun 20th May 2007, 11:06pm
Captain + Mens Captain: Ming Chee Chung
Womens Captain: Harriet Booker
Secretary: Magnus Jones
Coxing Captain: Emma Leadbetter
KSS: Hannah Jackson
JT: Charles Franklin
Webmaster: Bryn Garrod
WLBC's Elected.
MLBC's Elected.

I hope thats all correct.
by Lyns - Mon 21st May 2007, 10:22am
dw229 said: I think they were all too drunk to put them up.
by Sec. - Mon 21st May 2007, 11:11am
Lyns said: Correct.
Incorrect. The results were all up well within two hours of the end of the meeting. Fortunately some of us remained (almost entirely) sober despite Champs RC's best efforts.