The Club's Results

Cambridge Winter Head, Mich Term 2006

A timed head race over 2300m, from the Motorway bridge to the Pike & Eel
Sat 11th November

The official results published by the organisers, Cantabrigan Rowing Club, can be found here. At the bottom of this page there is a summary of the results of college crews and a link to Cambridge weather. Club members, please go here to add (or correct) results, crews or race reports.

1st women's IV, Student Senior IVs

did not race
We decided to turn back around Chesterton, as Cath was having problems with some kind of leg cramps. We left her upside down on trestles in the boat bay, so hopefully we'll be able to take her out next week. (Magnus)
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1st men's VIII, Student Senior VIIIs

2nd in Men's Students Seniors, 5th Overall
Time: 8:54
Result shows we might not be so far off the pace as we'd perhaps feared, which gives us a good base to work on between now and Fairbairns. We (and Mr Darley on the bank) felt the rating off the start was a tad comfortable, though as it turns out we made it to the first timing point fastest bar one crew. Being slightly less refined in the windy conditions on the reach meant we gave most of this advantage back. (Andy)
A slightly disappointing row, lacking the aggression of last year, although the slow time is due partly to a nasty head wind in the second half. I'd like to think that the 1k times are more representative when comparing crews in different divisions, apparently it was calmer in the morning.

It's encouraging that we weren't soundly beaten, as in the autumn head, and this must be our smallest margin of defeat in this race for a number of years. But the likes of Jesus will be a lot better than the opposition here, so the foot won't be coming off the gas in the next couple of weeks, not even slightly. (Tom C)

1. Sorry, cox missing o...
2. Catch it, guys!
3. On the way to the start

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2nd men's VIII, Student Novice VIIIs

11th in Student Novices, 65th overall
Time: 10:06
Caius II were 30 seconds faster than us...
But we were rowing in a bathtub.
They've been in that crew for 5 weeks, we have for 5 minutes.
The wind picked up a fair amount by the afternoon.

Ah well, can always make excuses, but it was a good row apart from the wind and a crab 5 strokes from the line, committed power and consistent rhythm. (Lorry)

1. Finishing the race, ...
2. Just crossing the li...
3. More exciting crab a...

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1st women's VIII, Student Senior VIIIs

5th in Women's Student Seniors, 113rd Overall
Time: 10:56
We did really rather a good burst on the way up, so I expected this race to go quite well. Unfortunately, upon turning around at the lock, we somehow went into an oh-dear-we're-racing mentality, and lost the rhythm which had almost been coming together. We nearly got it back through the Gut and in the first half of the reach, but lost the opportunity to overtake another crew in the second half by panicking slightly as we came close to them, allowing them to push back away from us under the Railway Bridge and into the finish. On the plus side, we coped quite well with the headwind and put in some good pushes out of the corners.

The fact that we were only 9s behind the winners of this category (Emma) with a fairly dismal row, however, is really quite encouraging. (Erica)
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1st men's novice VIII, Student Beginner VIIIs

10th in Student Beginners, 133th Overall
Time: 11:15
it was our very first race and a really good experience; some of the rowers felt we finished the race with far too much energy to spare, and in a way thats encouraging, now what we gotta do is work on pacing it nicely so next time we get an amazing time! well done guys, you made it fun to cox because the boat was going fast :) (Jij)
According to PJs calculations we were 10th in our divison but what I think is much more important is how we compared to the other Cambridge crews (who cares about ICL). We were only beaten by 4 other crews (Queen's, Jesus, Caius and Selwyn) but left 8 crews behind us (inc. our own 2nd boat). We were only 33 seconds (PJ's got it wrong here) behind the fastest college boat which means we only need to catch up about 4.5 seconds per person (as mentioned Jij is just dead steering weight).

So guys as long as coach Pancratz keeps those stupid-amount-of-Ks-ergs coming and we (now with different blades) put that pressure down in time on the water we are going to be right up there for Fairbairns. Go NM1!! (S.C. Mertes)

1. Splash!
2. Down First Post Reach
3. Strong finishes

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2nd men's novice VIII, Student Beginner VIIIs

15th in Student Beginners, 175th Overall
Time: 12:02
Pressuring Caius nth boat all the way down to the start was fun, with some excellent coxing by Emma. Lads looked good and it wasn't even that cold.

The rolling start was delayed slightly because of said Caius boat spakking about on first post reach, but went well once the marshal allowed us to go. Heads were up, blade work in the water fairly pleasing.

Corners were excellent - bow four and cox working very well with good power laid down by stern four. Legs push down Plough Reach picked the rating back up after Grassy (24ish), and similarly after Ditton.

I was impressed by the commitment on The Reach given the work already laid down. Forearms were starting to go (I told you!) leading to sloppier squaring/ bladework. That said, we only had two crabs in the race and both times the crew recomposed within five strokes.

I think they were the second fastest second novice crew after Queens', beating Magdalene first novices and comfortably thrashing other seconds. Definitely have it them to row as a first boat, with two lengths to find in the catches and suspension before Clare Novices. Bring it. (Dan)

1. At the finish
2. The 2nd novice men
3. Coming forward

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1st women's novice VIII, Student Beginner VIIIs

4th in Women's Student Beginners, 231st Overall
Time: 14:23

Well done awesome start to our boatie careers :) And seeing as we haven't got the times through yet, we are still undefeated on the water! I think we did really well, we rowed good and Sarah did some great coxing. Go us! (Charley)
The claim that you're better than me clearly isn't a reference to your grammar: you rowed well, not good. (BJ)
I bank partied the girls for their first chance to prove themselves on the water, after the heady heights of Queens' Ergs success. With some awesome lines from Sarah and tidy, powerful rowing from the crew, they closed on Magdalene (men!) ahead for the whole race. A good result (beaten only by Selwyn in the college stakes), and there's certainly a lot more to come from this crew. (Erica)

1. Near the catch
2. On the Reach
3. Turning onto Plough ...

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<h3><a name="selectedresults">Selected Results</a></h3><h4>Student Men's VIIIs</h4><p><pre><b>Event Pos. Overall P. Crew 1000m Time Final Time</b> 1 / Sen 3 Emmanuel BC 03:09 08:52 <b> 2=/ Sen 5= First and Third Trinity BC 03:08 08:54</b> 2=/ Sen 5= Pembroke College BC (Cam) 03:13 08:54 4=/ Sen 9= Kings College BC (Cam) 03:11 08:58 4=/ Sen 9= Lady Margaret BC 03:13 08:58 6 / Sen 11 Christ's College BC 03:15 09:00 7 / Sen 12 Clare BC 03:15 09:05 8 / Sen 13 Caius BC 03:15 09:09 9 / Sen 17 Imperial College BC 03:19 09:14 10 / Sen 19 Trinity Hall BC 03:20 09:18 11 / Sen 21 St Georges Hosp Med Sch BC 03:25 09:21 1 / Nov 22 Churchill College BC 03:20 09:22 2 / Nov 26 Fitzwilliam College BC 03:19 09:26 12 / Sen 27 RUMS BC 03:29 09:27 13 / Sen 28= Magdalene College BC (Cam) 03:16 09:30 14 / Sen 32= Caius BC 03:19 09:35 3 / Nov 32= Imperial College Sch of Med BC 03:20 09:35 15 / Sen 35= Homerton College BC 03:26 09:36 4 / Nov 39 University of East Anglia 03:25 09:39 16 / Sen 40 Bedford Sch 03:30 09:44 5 / Nov 41= Selwyn College BC 03:23 09:45 6 / Nov 43 Westminster Sch BC 03:25 09:46 17 / Sen 45= Pembroke College BC (Cam) 03:31 09:51 18 / Sen 48 Sidney Sussex College BC 03:28 09:53 19 / Sen 51= Darwin College BC 03:34 09:56 7=/ Nov 51= Eton College BC 03:32 09:56 7=/ Nov 51= Somerville College BC 03:35 09:56 20 / Sen 55= Wolfson College BC 03:35 09:57 21 / Sen 58 Corpus Christi RC 03:35 10:00 9 / Nov 59= Girton College BC 03:33 10:03 1 / Beg 59= Imperial College BC 03:35 10:03 10 / Nov 62= Emmanuel BC 03:30 10:04 <b>11 / Nov 65 First and Third Trinity BC 03:35 10:06</b> 22 / Sen 75= Somerville College BC 03:47 10:19 23 / Sen 77= Kings College BC (Cam) 03:34 10:23 2 / Beg 80= Imperial College BC 03:53 10:24 12 / Nov 82= Kings College London BC 03:44 10:25 3 / Beg 100 Queens' College BC 03:57 10:42 4 / Beg 101= Jesus College BC 04:05 10:47 5 / Beg 111 Caius BC 03:55 10:54 6 / Beg 114= Imperial College BC 04:00 10:57 7 / Beg 120 Selwyn College BC 03:59 10:59 8 / Beg 123= Westminster Sch BC 03:59 11:03 9 / Beg 131 Imperial College BC 04:05 11:11 <b>10 / Beg 133= First and Third Trinity BC 04:09 11:15</b> 11 / Beg 141= Westminster Sch BC 03:59 11:19 12 / Beg 148= Queens' College BC 04:06 11:25 13 / Beg 151 Peterhouse BC 04:11 11:30 13 / Nov 153= Imperial College Sch of Med BC 04:00 11:32 14 / Beg 169 Kings College London BC 04:22 11:50 <b>15 / Beg 175= First and Third Trinity BC 04:15 12:02</b> 16 / Beg 182= University of East Anglia 04:27 12:07 17 / Beg 190 Magdalene College BC (Cam) 04:22 12:12 18 / Beg 194= St Georges Hosp Med Sch BC 04:17 12:16 19 / Beg 211= Magdalene College BC (Cam) 04:41 12:52 20 / Beg 213 Caius BC 04:30 12:56 21 / Beg 218= Caius BC 04:47 13:08 22 / Beg 228 Magdalene College BC (Cam) 05:16 14:12</pre></p><h4>Student Women's VIIIs</h4><p><pre><b>Event Pos. Overall P. Crew 1000m Time Final Time</b> 1 / Sen 101= Emmanuel BC 03:52 10:47 2 / Sen 105= University of East Anglia 03:54 10:50 3=/ Sen 108= Downing College BC 03:56 10:52 3=/ Sen 108= Caius BC 03:53 10:52 <b> 5 / Sen 113 First and Third Trinity BC 03:56 10:56</b> 1 / Nov 123= Churchill College BC 03:59 11:03 6=/ Sen 125= Pembroke College BC (Cam) 03:55 11:04 6=/ Sen 125= St Georges Hosp Med Sch BC 04:04 11:04 2 / Nov 129 Girton College BC 04:00 11:08 3 / Nov 133= Clare BC 04:04 11:15 4 / Nov 136= Emmanuel BC 04:10 11:16 5 / Nov 143 Balliol College BC 04:12 11:21 6 / Nov 146= CCAT BC 04:02 11:24 8 / Sen 150 Clare BC 04:08 11:28 9 / Sen 152 Selwyn College BC 04:09 11:31 7 / Nov 153= RUMS BC 04:24 11:32 10 / Sen 160 Pembroke College BC (Cam) 04:05 11:37 8 / Nov 163 Kings College London BC 04:11 11:42 11 / Sen 164= Caius BC 04:11 11:44 9 / Nov 194= Christ's College BC 04:26 12:16 10 / Nov 203 Clare BC 04:33 12:32 11 / Nov 206 Kings College London BC 04:30 12:37 12 / Sen 207= Trinity Hall BC 04:21 12:39 12 / Nov 207= Darwin College BC 04:24 12:39 1=/ Beg 215= St Georges Hosp Med Sch BC 04:54 12:58 1=/ Beg 215= Selwyn College BC 04:41 12:58 3 / Beg 220 Selwyn College BC 04:54 13:09 <b> 4 / Beg 231 First and Third Trinity BC 05:24 14:23</b> 5 / Beg 232 Kings College London BC 06:06 14:42 6 / Beg 233 Kings College London BC 05:37 14:58 7 / Beg 234 Magdalene College BC (Cam) 06:13 15:05 8 / Beg 237 Caius BC 07:10 15:40 9 / Beg 238 Kings College London BC 06:09 16:21</pre></p><h4>Student Men's IVs</h4><p><pre><b>Event Pos. Overall P. Crew 1000m Time Final Time</b> 1 / Sen 41= Kings College BC (Cam) 03:27 09:45 2 / Sen 77= Queens' College BC 03:46 10:23 1 / Nov 77= Clare BC 03:47 10:23 3 / Sen 90 Robinson College BC 03:44 10:36 4 / Sen 97 Corpus Christi RC 03:51 10:40 2 / Nov 98= Bedford Sch 03:55 10:41 5 / Sen 107 Kings College London BC 03:51 10:51 6=/ Sen 114= Eton College BC 04:06 10:57 6=/ Sen 114= Peterhouse BC 03:50 10:57 3 / Nov 114= Kings College London BC 03:49 10:57 4 / Nov 118= Selwyn College BC 03:59 10:58 5 / Nov 121 Eton College BC 04:07 11:00 6 / Nov 125= St Catharine's College BC 03:55 11:04 8 / Sen 136= Wolfson College BC 04:00 11:16 7 / Nov 139 Peterhouse BC 04:04 11:17 8 / Nov 140 Queens' College BC 04:02 11:18 9 / Nov 156 Robinson College BC 04:03 11:33 10 / Nov 167= Eton College BC 04:41 11:48 11 / Nov 185= Kings College London BC 04:13 12:09 12 / Nov 191 Westminster Sch BC 04:17 12:13</pre></p><h4>Student Women's IVs</h4><p><pre><b>Event Pos. Overall P. Crew 1000m Time Final Time</b> 1 / Sen 153= Lady Margaret BC 04:10 11:32 2 / Sen 157 Newnham College BC 04:08 11:34 3 / Sen 164= Homerton College BC 04:18 11:44 1 / Nov 170 Jesus College BC 04:15 11:51 4 / Sen 175= Selwyn College BC 04:15 12:02 2 / Nov 175= University of East Anglia 04:20 12:02 5 / Sen 181 Kings College London BC 04:25 12:06 6 / Sen 198 Robinson College BC 04:20 12:23 7 / Sen 199= Newnham College BC 04:20 12:24 3 / Nov 192= Churchill College BC 04:18 12:14 4 / Nov 204 Queens' College BC 04:26 12:33 5 / Nov 209 Fitzwilliam College BC 04:29 12:45 6 / Nov 227 Kings College London BC 05:07 14:01 7 / Nov 230 Kings College London BC 05:04 14:20</pre></p><div align="right"><font size="-1"><a href="#top">^ top</a></font></div><hr>
Cambridge weather: text

1. Dr Holland rowing wi...
2. 'Pimp my blades'