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General discussion about anything even only vaguely club or rowing related

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Missing Words by RTT - Fri 17th Oct 2003, 12:32pm
Given that HIGNFY is starting again tonight, I thought we could have our own round on the website. So, suggestions please for what might be hidden under the stars:

Another must have *************************, just so he can whip it out in meetings.

Oh and I guess our guest publication ought to be that unmissable monthly magazine known as Regatta (though this is not from said magazine). (3 replies...)
Mich 03 Lard Discussion by JT - Mon 13th Oct 2003, 9:05am
After a bit of moaning from the Women's IV this morning, I have decided to revive the Lard message thread(s). Any comments, suggestions, etc. are welcome, but be warned that I may not ncessarily take any notice of what you write.
To forestall one potential whinge, I intend to soon put up a prices list. (9 replies...)
Coxing standard by Dubya - Mon 6th Oct 2003, 11:13am
The email about starting up soc-rowing-coxes again mentions people making requests for coxes to sub into outings should state what "standard" of cox they require. It occurs to me that there is currently no way to quantify this apart from the very inadequate "first boat", "second boat", "third boat" etc which mean different and often random things from college to college and from year to year.

I wonder if we could set up a coxing standards group. We'd get a bunch of reasonable coxes together and make up a coxing standard test for a bunch of classes. I'm thinking along these lines.

Class I. New coxes. Test for this class should require demonstration of COMPLETE knowledge of relevant rules of the river.

Class II. Skilled lower boats cox. Test for this class should require demonstrated ability to steer safely and communicate with other river users (eg observe an outing). Maybe a written or practical test on basic rowing technique from cox's perspective.

Class III. Skilled college cox. Test for this class should require demonstrated ability to cox safely in racing conditions including some bumps experience, plus requirements for previous classes.

Class IV. University level. Should be granted automatically to coxes who get university colors, (upon demonstration of Class II knowledge on the Cam ;). But should also be available to college coxes with substantial off-Cam racing, and pass a test involving coxing a crew of some reasonable standard and getting a pass from that crew. (tbd)

Class V. Really good people. (8 replies...)
Chideock by Julia Gog - Tue 5th Aug 2003, 9:42am
Does anyone have Cass Chideock's current E-mail/real-mail address? If so, can you drop it to me at

Your best ever outing by Simon - Fri 20th Jun 2003, 9:13am
As it's quiet on the boards...
I've just had a really productive and constructive outing in the 2-, which made me start to wonder what was my best outing (nb not race) ever. Haven't made my mind up yet, but thought I'd set up a thread in case anyone else felt like doing some reminiscing as well. (10 replies...)
Small Boats' Races by Interested - Tue 22nd Apr 2003, 4:52pm
Who were the crews who raced in the Foster-Fairbairn Pairs, Fairbairn Junior Sculls, Bushe-Fox Freshmen's Sculls and Women's Championship Sculls today? (1 replies...)
Secretary Manifesto(s) by Acting Secretary - Tue 22nd Apr 2003, 3:28pm
My Manifesto:

I will sort out a cheap dinner, and generally run the club, as well as doing all the other things a secretary should do.

Matt Byrne

"It's a one man, one vote system. And I'm that man." (3 replies...)
Committee cooperation by "webmaster" - Wed 16th Apr 2003, 2:36pm
It is becoming amusing... we've had the men's captain coxing the women's 1st VIII and the women's captain coxing the men, and now the webmaster organising the training camp social event, the JT in charge of race entries, kernigit running the training camp... whatever next?! (3 replies...)
May Term Lard Requests by JT - Sat 12th Apr 2003, 8:49am
It's that time of the year again - the JT is off to buy even more lard for your consumption.
As he has exams, the lard cupboard will not be re-stocked again until the middle of May, so you have until Tuesday to get those requests in.
BP II by esther (never coxing again) - Fri 28th Mar 2003, 2:12pm
Am I being really blonde and stupid or does BPII's stern sit really low in the water? Now i'm not suggesting you have fat chuffer coxes but is this true or have I felt safe in the coxes seat for too long?

example (doubt it will work: am very dense)
/frames/photos/2002/lent2002m2.shtml?3 (7 replies...)

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