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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: Who should trial lightweights next year? 

Who should trial lightweights next year?
Andrew Lewis  38%
Will Laffan  44%
Richard Fletcher  44%
Martin Yarr  18%
John Kiely  28%
Philipp Preiss  41%
Lorry Carr  28%
Sam Lings  21%
Mohammad Dehabadi  18%
Tom O'Neill  23%
Seb Pancratz  44%
Christian Mertes  21%
Adam Blacklay  21%
James Strawson  23%
Tom Coker  26%
Hannah Jackson  15%
Fran Rawlins  59%
Julia Summers  51%
Rachel Croft  18%
Joanna Heath  18%
Amy Hewer  15%
Lilie Weaver  49%
Toby Garnett  38%
Total: 39 members' votes
by Weighs more than 72.5kg - Sun 20th May 2007, 10:56pm
I thought there was a weight limit for lightweights? I would clearly be well outside that weight limit.
by very much NOT a lightweight - Mon 21st May 2007, 8:30am
Hmm, not sure I could lose 15kg and still be anything more than a skeleton. Maybe trialling for the lightweight men would be less of a challenge to get down to weight...
by lorry - Wed 23rd May 2007, 8:51am
is this a poll to see who we want rid of next year? or who we think will do well representing the university...
by hanging around for a while longer, it seems.. - Wed 23rd May 2007, 2:21pm
you'll never get rid of me, mwahaha..
by martin - Wed 23rd May 2007, 4:13pm
Maybe this poll should have been called 'Who shouldn't trial lightweights next year?'
by dw229 - Wed 23rd May 2007, 8:55pm
I like the way we expect Toby to do a Darley. Like anyone could...
by Martin P - Wed 23rd May 2007, 9:09pm
There's a bug in this website. It doesn't allow you to select no one. Clearly Martin anticipated this... Toby gets my vote!
by Sam Z - Fri 25th May 2007, 9:13pm
Question. Is a university boat club president allowed to not trial?
by Martin - Fri 25th May 2007, 11:05pm
Yes, like if they wanted to spend a year actually doing some work (or something less controversial)
by George Blessley & Dave White (CULRC pres and vp) - Mon 4th Jun 2007, 3:41pm
In an email encouraging people to do dev squad and trial: ... "There are some extremely capable athletes who have discredited CULRC and preferred to stay within their College crew. Conversely, Oxford have had a good few years and thus attract people like you; unless you come forward with resolve and help make this club strong again, then it will be difficult to break this cycle. It is up to people like you to make the difference." ...

I feel dreadful. I never realised I "discredited CULRC" by choosing to not freeze my b***s off in Ely for 6 months. Mind you, I suppose you could argue that I was not in the 'extremely capable' category, thankfully. What a relief. If you are, though, it seems you have been told!
by needlessly stirring - Mon 4th Jun 2007, 3:55pm
Martinio said: I suppose you could argue that I was not in the 'extremely capable' category
or the lightweight category...
by sh**eweight - Mon 4th Jun 2007, 4:35pm
needlessly stirring said: or the lightweight category...
Possibly true. I don't even know! But I'll have you know, Goodson, that I was recorded at 11st 8lb for my Headship blade - about 73.5 kg. Is this lightweight?
by Tom C - Mon 4th Jun 2007, 4:41pm
sh**eweight said: about 73.5 kg. Is this lightweight?
If you drank up and wore a blazer, then yes.
by Midget - Tue 5th Jun 2007, 3:00pm
sh**eweight said: I was recorded at 11st 8lb for my Headship blade - about 73.5 kg. Is this lightweight?
Even I managed to drink up to more than that for the weigh in! The blazer is worth a good few lbs...
by Ely lover - Tue 5th Jun 2007, 4:02pm
I feel dreadful. I never realised I "discredited CULRC" by choosing to not freeze my b***s off in Ely for 6 months. ...If you are, though, it seems you have been told!
I think perhaps this is what they're talking about when they talk about people 'discrediting' CULRC.
by Ran to Ely once (it was sh*t) - Tue 5th Jun 2007, 7:45pm
Surely ''discredited CULRC'' is a contradiction in itself
by RTT - Tue 5th Jun 2007, 8:48pm
If CULRC still row in the mornings, there is no point in rowing for them. Having both rowed and coached for them, I can say categorically that people row better in the afternoons, and it is much easier to coach them as they are actually awake. It is also easier to see them, and they won't be so cold. Do brainless land training in the mornings, and row in the afternoons like CUBC. It also makes driving to Ely more practical as there are no ridiculous queues on the way home, which is much better for squad bonding than using the train (bring back the Love Bus!).

As for Martin's comment about freezing, almost all lightweights don't wear or eat enough, which is why they get cold. It has nothing to do with Ely itself. The best option is to get good enough at rowing that you are in the stern, and thus not affected by NZ / Eton microclimates.