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They Fight Crime! Mike, Wed 27th Feb, 4:02pm
He's a suicidal one-eyed romance novelist who knows the secret of the alien invasion. She's a man-hating winged politician with only herself to blame. They fight crime!
Hobbit name generator Mungo Gamgee-Took of Bywater, Wed 27th Feb, 3:33pm
Does exactly what it says on the tin... (1 comment...)
Is your computer too slow? jmg, Wed 20th Feb, 8:58am
Satire Wire
http://www.satirewire.comfrom ipe, Thu 14th Feb, 4:40am
It's keeping me amused at 4:30 in the morning.
Rowers' nude for thought Mike, Mon 11th Feb, 1:56pm
Here's where you're going wrong boys (and girls)
The Original Smoothy
../photos/2002/ltbeother.shtml?21from mcp, Fri 8th Feb, 12:43am
The Univeristy lightweight women's cox poses for the cameras...... And I need a new caption ;-) Suggestions?! (2 comments...)
Tampax sponsors ITV period drama RTT, Wed 6th Feb, 11:42am
Spoof news site. Kept me awake between lectures (sadly not during).
the law of the playground your mum, Fri 1st Feb, 2:08pm
Search an alphabetical list of playground insults. Some of these are inspired - there's got to be some T-shirt ideas in there somewhere... (1 comment...)
Gill and Vashka Dan Walker, Wed 30th Jan, 5:43am
Mad. Check out the photo report on the Trinity boys... (2 comments...)
English Grammer (sic) World Pedant, Fri 25th Jan, 6:39pm
Hilarious for no other reason that the fact that they have spelt 'Grammar' incorrectly all over the place.
The LMBC website
http://www.lmbc.netfrom mjb, Fri 25th Jan, 1:47pm
Laugh at the Maggie Scum.
Edit their Message Boards. (3 comments...)
Just a Tip
http://www.justatip.comfrom dw, Fri 25th Jan, 9:52am
Highly amusing. What mischief can we get up to now...... (1 comment...) ipe, Wed 23rd Jan, 3:24pm
Where else can you buy a Russian fighter jet for 150,000? The best site to spend your student loan. (3 comments...)
Big Brother III application form Simon Blackburn, Mon 21st Jan, 5:28pm
Available until Feb 8th, the details - and the mind-boggling form - for Big Brother III.

Now where's that camcorder?
Not really a link, more of a plug... Superstar DJ (ahem...), Sun 20th Jan, 11:09am
...Cambridge University Radio has just started going out live on 1350 medium wave. For those of you unlucky to be outside our broadcast area, there's always the classic RealAudio way of listening via the website. Enjoy :) (4 comments...)
How long have you got? ccsi, Thu 17th Jan, 9:11pm
Find out when you'll fall off your perch.

I will apparently kick the bucket on May 17 2058, aged 81. Most likely of cancer or heart disease. (although a 5% homicide chance!) (11 comments...)
Every Rule You'll Ever Need
http://www.everyrule.comfrom Simon, Thu 17th Jan, 1:49pm
A useful little site for settling arguments - nb the 'Shotgun' rules and the massive list of drinking game rules.

I've asked them to add the bumps. (4 comments...)
Wrote. Yesterday's News, Today.
http://www.wrote.orgfrom Mike, Thu 17th Jan, 9:18am
Amused me a lot. Now can anyone out there tell me what "Oterque quarterque beati quis onte ora patrum, Trojae sub moenibus altis" means when translated into English? (7 comments...)
STI@home RTT, Sun 13th Jan, 2:46pm
Remember the SETI@home rush we had a while ago? Well, this is the next step. Rather appropriate for rowers, I feel....
Bushwhacked! dw229, Wed 9th Jan, 10:45am
Quite old now, but a classic realaudio file, courtesy of Chris Morris.

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