The Club's Results

Cambridge Winter Head, Mich Term 2007

Men's IV+ 'B' (Student Senior IVs)

Coxed by: Cynthia Chi Hill

1st in Student Senior IVs
Time: 9:17
The start was decent, and we got the rating up to 34SPM. We took 20 before we settled the rating and pressure to race pace (though the settle felt a bit like a continuation of the first 20 strokes). Coming around the corners was not bad, and we could see FaT A in front of us. The 10s on the straights helped pull the rhythm together, and the 10 at grassy was by far the best one. We could hear Phil yelling that we were 3 seconds up on the other 4+ around the Plough Reach.
Our rating slipped down to 32 a few times, but there was enough of a strong rhythm established that the boys were able to get it back up to 34 each time I called it up. We walked up on and through Clare's 4+ easily, coming off Ditton Corner, and had a good 20 at the halfway point. Most of the focus coming down the Long Reach was moving up on FaT A. Length on the recovery and swinging the backs into the bows seemed to be the most key calls, as this allowed us to have some really smooth stretches. The technique was a bit sloppy at times, but we were still moving well, and 34 felt really smooth.
The wind-up was a bit lacking, as it was the only thing we hadn't worked on. The last few strokes, the set was a bit off because we were directly in the wash of FaT A. By the time we crossed the finish line, we had eaten up most of the open water between us. (Cynthia)

1. sprinting
2. moving up
3. finished