The Club's Results

Champion of the Thames Eights Head, May Term 2005

4th women's VIII (Women's Lower Div. Mays)

Coxed by: B. A. Kirmani

2nd 4th VIII and "most interesting start" and "maddest cox" prizes!
Time: 6:50
yey! we won...... the prize for the best start. And to be honest not much counts after that!

Baz won maddest coxing or something like that. tehehe! (Dami)
Well done, girls. Enjoy the 'champs'... Thanks to all subs.

To all those who weren't at the prize giving: The crew won 'most interesting start' and Baz, in a stunning creme ensemble, 'comedy coxing'.

They started then easied outside the Plough to produce party poppers... Ditton was taken in flight... Baz had both arms outstreched and was batting them vigorously... allegedly because he wanted to demonstrate strokes were to be taken in the raging headwind.

Impressive is the fact that despite the race emphasis having been decidedly in favour of the comic aspect of Champs Head, the crew was still faster than Tit Hall II and Vet School and only 7 seconds behind Newnham IV.

Congratulations! (Pia)

1. Heh heh heh...
2. Too much champagne?
3. Photographing the loot