The Club's Results

Robinson Head, Lent Term 2005

5th men's VIII (Lower VIIIs)

Coxed by: Damilola Dauda

55th overall, only 5th VIII
Time: 11:26
I think in hindsight pulling in for a breather halfway up the reach was probably a mistake. There were also a broken footplate, a broken seat and an overhead-crab to contend with. Having said that, the rowing was pretty good bar the catastrophies, if a little rushed. (BJ)
This was an eventful race, to say the least. The guys recovered well from a series of crabs and footplate/ seat incidents, but inevitably their time was effected by the minimal time spent with all VIII rowing.
There were some very good pushes, especially towards the end, and consistently good effort from everyone from start to finish. Looking promising for bumps. (jo)
apologies for my dodgy coxing... i wasn't too sure i could complete the course in one go. But now i've got that out my system bring on the bumps!
and i must mention that maggie V, who were supposed to be chasing us, wimped out (Dami)

1. Putting in some work...
2. Stern pair seem to b...