The Club's Results

Novice Fairbairn Cup 2004

A 2700m timed head race on the Cam for Cambridge College novice VIIIs
Thu 2nd December

The official results published by the organisers, Jesus College Boat Club, can be found here. At the bottom of this page there is a summary of the results of college crews and a link to Cambridge weather. Club members, please go here to add (or correct) results, crews or race reports.

1st men's novice VIII, 1st division

3rd of all novice men's VIIIs
Time: 10:05
To a man, we agreed that we'd done our best sustained rowing of the term -- our 33 rating off the start felt slower and more composed than previous outings at 26, and never once did we drop below 30. Yet to lose by seven seconds to LMBC over a ten-minute course left us all with the sinking feeling that we might, after all, have had that extra 1% in the tank. A disappointment, to be sure, but also a strong result to build on.

On a brighter note, bow Aldous Bertram provided pure comedy by coxing the row home. He relentlessly berated other boats for their blades of "foul off-strawberry" or "vulgar lilac." He also cleverly navigated us into the Fen Ditton Parish Ditch with well-timed demands for "secret pressure." And I'm certain none of the crews within earshot will ever forget his stirring rendition of Silent Night, delivered with his cox box at full volume and his voice box at full falsetto.

P.S. I think we showed a certain navigationally challenged cox at a college-to-remain-nameless who the real rowers are. (James)
A video of the start can be found here. (BJ)

1. Another one from the...
2. Starting
3. Jim a bit over-enthu...

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2nd men's novice VIII, 2nd division

12th, 3rd 2nd VIII
Time: 10:43
Great row, guys!

As always, our start fired and we swiftly closed on Trinity Hall ahead of us: rating high and pulling together. It felt like we could catch them by King's. Then, ten strokes out of the road bridge, disaster struck as Matt (stroke) fell off his seat. After rowing with six for a while - and toying with seven round the corner - he finally got it fixed, but our momentum was gone.

From here, the rate dropped and dropped up to Chesterton footbridge, as the crew tired. Coming out - "Halfway!" - we put on a big push over about thirty strokes, and held it there. Realising we were closing again on the Hall, and spurred on by our bank party, a huge roar then erupted from the heart of the boat; Tim:

"Let's DESTROY them!!"

Firing on all cylinders, we put the rate back up and came level with them approaching the railway bridge. They took the inside of the corner but it didn't delay us long - and spurred on by our success, we roared away down Long Reach to the finish. The crew were thoroughly exhausted, but happy. Bring on the bumps! (Alex)
A video of the start can be found here. (BJ)

1. Starting
2. Nice and tidy
3. Everyone checking th...

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3rd men's novice VIII, 2nd division

29th, 2nd 3rd VIII, beat their Red Scum equivalent!!!
Time: 11:36
A row to be proud of combined power & control. Shame queens came out of nowhere, but they'll go back to nowhere soon. Good work beating the maggie scum. (ed)
A video of the start can be found here. (BJ)

1. Together from the start
2. Waiting to go home
3. A happy crew

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4th men's novice VIII, 2nd division

40th, 1st 4th VIII... beat the Maggie Scum!!
Time: 11:58
Another solid row from the 4ths - despatching no less than 5 other first men's VIIIs. It was also satisfying to be able to put the reds in their place by 19 seconds.

With no training time lost on technicalities such as 'winding it up' or 'race pace' we were able to storm off to about 26 from the start and hold it there for the entire course. Raph handled the corners brilliantly and Ramsey set up an admirably long stroke.

A rather lumbering Pembroke III gave us some problems as we tried to overtake them (definitely not 'ram them') nail bitingly close before Chesterton but otherwise everything went as according to the non-existent race plan. An enormous push to the finish really summed up what the 4ths were made of, and I wish them all a well deserved break this Christmas.

Well done, boys! (Dan)
A video of the start can be found here. (BJ)

1. Starting
2. Plenty of splash

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1st women's novice VIII, 1st division

6th of all novice women's VIIIs
Time: 12:09
Well done, girls and Ruth!

Well... unfortunately it wasn't quite pay-back time for Jesus, but seeing that we only came 11th in Queens ergs this goes to show that Technique Does Matter!!!

Welcome to the senior squad... see you all for Lents!

xx (Pia)
A video of the start can be found here. (BJ)

1. Open wide!
2. Clair checks out the...
3. Pre-race crew shot!

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3rd women's novice VIII, 2nd division

37, 4th 3rd VIII... beat 4 1st crews and 12 2nd crews!
Time: 13:36
As ordered by their cox, the crew beat at least one 1st crew and a couple of 2nd crews. I think if I had realised the slight deviation between what Jesus had promoted as the Finish and what turned out to be the finish Selwyn also would have had it coming. But who cares now... amazing result, girlies! I think we can be duly proud of this row!!

Thanks to all eight of you for what has been a truly worthwhile addition to my boatie schedule... I wouldn't have wanted to novice cox with any other crew in the world...

I love you, girls *sob*

xx (Pia)
A video of the crew coming past the P&E can be found here. (BJ)

1. Gooooooo!!!
2. We can do it!
3. Looking good :)

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2nd women's novice VIII, 2nd division

49th, 14th 2nd VIII
Time: 14:29
Well done, girls... well done, Dilini. Only the truly great rowers-slash-coxes of our time become senior rowers in their first outing...!! (Pia)
A video of the start can be found here. (BJ)

1. Isn't he sweet?
2. Who's the imposter a...

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Selected Results

Men's VIIIs

Position Crew                  Time
1        LMBC I                09:58
2        Christ's I            10:00
3        First & Third I       10:05
4        Jesus I               10:08
5        Pembroke I            10:13
6        Robinson I            10:21
7        Queens' I             10:31
8        LMBC II               10:32
9        Caius I               10:34
10       Emmanuel II           10:36
11       Selwyn I              10:41
12       First & Third II      10:43
13       Queens' II            10:43
14       Fitzwilliam           10:55
15       CCAT                  10:55
16       Emmanuel I            11:01
17       Caius II              11:03
18       Downing I             11:04
19       St Catharine's I      11:11
20       Leys School I         11:12
21       Queens' III           11:16
22       Peterhouse I          11:20
23       Leys School II (IV+)  11:20
24       Churchill I           11:22
25       Robinson II           11:29
26       Corpus Christi I      11:30
27       King's I              11:35
28       Clare                 11:36
29       First & Third III     11:36
30       Trinity Hall I        11:38
31       Sidney Sussex I       11:40
32       Christ's II           11:40
33       Clare Hall            11:41
34       LMBC III              11:42
35       Jesus II              11:42
36       Homerton I            11:44
37       Pembroke II (M)       11:49
38       Trinity Hall II       11:49
39       Magdalene II          11:52
40       First & Third IV      11:58
41       Peterhouse II         11:58
42       Darwin                11:59
43       King's II             12:00
44       Downing II            12:02
45       Magdalene I           12:02
46       Selwyn III            12:04
47       Caius III             12:08
48       Girton                12:08
49       Wolfson III           12:16
50       LMBC IV               12:17
51       Sidney Sussex II      12:18
52       Emmanuel III          12:19
53       Selwyn II             12:32
54       Wolfson I             12:34
55       Trinity Hall III      12:40
56       Sidney Sussex III     12:40
57       St. Edmund's          12:41
58       St. Catharine's II    12:42
59       Caius IV              12:44
60       Churchill II          12:48
61       Robinson III          12:49
62       Jesus III             12:49
63       Wolfson II            12:53
64       Queens' IV            13:07
65       Magdalene III         13:12
66       Corpus Christi II     13:17
67       Wolfson IV            13:35
68       Christ's III          13:54
69       Queens' V             14:09
70       Pembroke III          14:15
71       Homerton II           14:21
72       LMBC V                14:38
73       Sidney Sussex IV      14:59

Women's VIIIs

1        LMBC I                11:27
2        Jesus I               11:49
3        Homerton I            12:01
4        Newnham I             12:02
5        Leys School IV (IV+)  12:02
6        Emmanuel I            12:03
7        First & Third I       12:09
8        Girton I              12:13
9        Caius I               12:22
10       Churchill             12:24
11       Queens' I             12:30
12       Newnham II            12:36
13       Hughes Hall           12:41
14       LMBC II               12:41
15       Magdalene I           12:44
16       Fitzwilliam II        12:46
17       Queens' II            12:47
18       Fitzwilliam I         12:47
19       Queens' IV            12:50
20       LMBC III              12:51
21       St. Catharine's I     12:51
22       Queens' III           12:52
23       Jesus II              12:52
24       New Hall I            12:56
25       Clare I               12:58
26       Christ's              12:59
27       CCAT I                13:01
28       CCAT II               13:06
29       Corpus Christi I      13:07
30       King's                13:12
31       Peterhouse            13:13
32       Downing               13:16
33       Jesus III             13:19
34       Pembroke I            13:25
35       Caius II              13:27
36       Trinity Hall I        13:29
37       Selwyn                13:35
38       First & Third III     13:36
39       Pembroke III          13:41
40       Pembroke II           13:41
41       Churchill II          13:44
42       Robinson              13:48
43       LMBC IV               13:51
44       Sidney Sussex I       13:55
45       New Hall II           14:00
46       St Catharine's II     14:02
47       Clare II              14:08
48       Downing II            14:13
49       Caius III             14:21
50       First & Third II      14:29
51       Darwin                14:39
52       Trinity Hall II       14:44
53       Newnham IV            14:58
54       Magdalene II          15:10
55       Homerton II           15:20
56       Newnham III           15:26
57       Sidney Sussex II      15:36
58       Leys School III (8x+) 15:38
59       Caius IV              15:54
60       Wolfson               15:56
61       Magdalene III         16:04
NOTE: The results for the women's division have now been corrected: the Race Numbers are now fully accurate, and the times for Girton I, Hughes Hall and Magdelene III have been corrected.

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Cambridge weather: text

1. The joys of marshall...