The Club's Results

May Bumps 2002

6th men's VIII

Coxed by: Andy Wong

Bumped by Emmanuel IV
It was always going to be a tall order having seen the size of the Emma rugby team boat. We got off to a decent enough start, making up ground on Sidney Sussex III who soon bumped LMBC VI. However all along the run to the motorway bridge it was clear that the Emma crew were gaining on us. We kept them at bay for quite some time until just after the bridge when there was no option but to concede.
Oh Well!! We'll get them back tomorrow!! (Michael)
Bumped by Jesus VI
It was always going to be tough facing another rugby boat, this one was fresh from an over bump in the lower division. Are task was not helped by having to push down to the start due our cox having rowed in M6! Today was actually a lot better race than yesterday, the start was cleaner and we pulled away a littlle from the Caius crew, they then gained on us and there followed a rather long battle with us pulling out a little only to be pegged back. Eventually they got us on first post corner, which was actually quite good given we started at the lough!
Oh well, we'll just have to see what we can do as the sandwich boat tomorrow!!!........ (Michael)
Bumped by St. Catharine's IV
Yet again the sixth eight were involved in a tough battle only to be bumped after a long race. Rowing from the head of the division the crew morale was rather low as we knew that our best option was to row over in M6 and go straight back to the start for M5 without a break, nonetheless we were prepared to give it a go. We made good ground off the start and pulled away from a surprisingly strong Catz IV crew who fought back. We continued to jostle with them past the Plough gaining a bit on Plough reach, but alas the Catz crew seemed to corner better than us turning into the Reach and eventually managed to bump just in the reach. A dissapointment for us all, especially given that at one stage it seemed we had them beaten. (Michael)
Rowed over
Today was the day to do something to avoid the dreaded spoons, and that we did (though not without a hiccup along the way). Our task today was to chase the Catz crew who had caught us in the Reach yesterday and at the same time avoid a rather weak Jesus VI. We set off and were soon informed that we were slowly gaining on Catz this gradual gain was met by a gradual pulling away from the Jesus boat, however this was never going to be a quick race... We hit the reach with about 3/4 of a length to gain on Catz and continued to wear away at them. When we went under the railway bridge the gap was still closing and at one point got to around 1/4 of a length. Then disaster struck, our man at 7 came off his seat and soon caught a mammoth crab, at that point we could see that the bump was not to be. There followed a bizarre chain of events which saw us hit the bank at the P&E, see Jesus approach fast and finally get back into a stride which saw us row comfortably over........

At least we avoided the dreaded spoons!!!!! (Michael)
I bank partied this race and it was amazing to watch, was a very good row which very nearly got the crew ahead. however i doubt philip gales crab affected the result. (E.P. Peacock)

1. Passing the plough
2. From the motorway br...
3. Approaching first po...