The Club's Results
Mich Term 2000
Cambridge Winter Head (College VIIIs) - Mountain subbing for MP: 4th fastest college VIII
Fairbairn Cup (Senior VIIIs): 7th of 44 men's VIIIs
Cambridge Winter Head: 7th of about 14 or 15 women's college 1st VIIIs
Fairbairn Cup (Senior VIIIs): 18th of 31 women's VIIIs
Cambridge Winter Head - composite with BPBC: 23rd of 45 college men's VIIIs
Cambridge Winter Head: 6th or 7th fastest novice boat - crashed on Grassy with a broken rudder string
Cambridge Winter Head - Trial Crew: Fastest men's novice VIII
Clare Novice Regatta (1st division): Raced 5 rounds: Won (about 5 lengths) against First and Third B in the final
Novice Fairbairn Cup: 2nd to Jesus I
Fairbairn Cup (Lower VIIIs): 35th of 44 mens VIIIs
Cambridge Winter Head - Women's novice VIII A: 4th of 8 women's novice times
Clare Novice Regatta (1st division) - Women's novice VIII A: Raced 5 rounds: Lost (4 lengths) to LMBC in the final
Novice Fairbairn Cup - Women's novice VIII A: 2nd place to LMBC
Fairbairn Cup (Lower VIIIs) - Women's novice VIII A: Best ever performance by 1st and 3rd women's novices in Fairbairns!
Cambridge Winter Head - Trial crew: Beat 5 of 8 1st novice crews - some strengthened by senior rowers
Clare Novice Regatta (1st division): Raced 5 rounds: Lost (5 or 6 lengths) to First and Third in the final
Novice Fairbairn Cup: 4th overall; fastest 2nd VIII by 42 seconds
Fairbairn Cup (Lower VIIIs): 40th of 44 men's VIIIs
Clare Novice Regatta (2nd division) - Women's novice VIII B: Won against Clare B in the 1st round and Lost to Selwyn C in the 2nd round
Novice Fairbairn Cup - Women's novice VIII B: 36th of 60 crews
Cambridge Winter Head - Trial crew: Beat 5 of 8 1st novice crews!
Clare Novice Regatta (2nd division): Raced 4 rounds: Won against Queens B (2 lengths) but disqualified in the semi finals
Novice Fairbairn Cup: 9th overall; 2nd to 1st & 3rd II in the 2nd VIIIs competition
Cambridge Winter Head - Trial crew: Sub 15 mins rowing 'all six' for most of the course - a fine achievement
Clare Novice Regatta (2nd division): Raced 3 rounds: Lost (2 lengths) to Clare B in the 2nd round
Novice Fairbairn Cup: 41st of 70 men's crews; fastest 4th VIII
Clare Novice Regatta (2nd division): Lost (easily) against Queens B in the 1st round
Novice Fairbairn Cup: 45th of 70 men's crews
Cambridge Winter Head (Senior3 VIIIs): 4th of 5 in S3
Fairbairn Cup (Senior VIIIs): 13th of 44 men's VIIIs
Cambridge Autumn Head: 4th of 5 coxless IVs, 3rd of 4 college entries
Head of the River IVs: Event cancelled
University IVs (Light IVs): Event cancelled
Head of the River IVs: Event cancelled
University IVs (1st division): Event cancelled
Fairbairn Cup - IVs - 2nd men's Fairbairn IV: 2nd of 12 men's IVs
Cambridge Rowing Triathlon - Cambridge Triathalon IV: 6th of 30 finishers, 3rd of 5 men's coxed IVs - after a nasty crash!
Bedford Autumn Fours Head (Senior3 IV+) - Women's A IV: 21st of 31 women's coxed IVs
Bedford Autumn Fours Head (Senior4 IV+) - Women's A IV: 19th of 31 women's coxed IVs, 4th of 5 S4 entries
Head of the River IVs - Women's A IV: Event cancelled
University IVs (1st division) - Women's A IV: Event cancelled
Fairbairn Cup - IVs - 1st women's Fairbairn IV: 2nd of 13 women's IVs
Fairbairn Cup - IVs - 1st men's Fairbairn IV: 6th of 12 men's IVs
Cambridge Autumn Head - Women's B IV: 5th of 10 women's IVs, 3rd of 7 college entries
University IVs (2nd division) - Women's B IV: Event cancelled
Cambridge Autumn Head (Senior4 IV+): 8th of 11 S4 coxed IVs, 16th of 20 college coxed IVs
University IVs (2nd division): Event cancelled
Cambridge Autumn Head (Senior3 IV+): They weren't beaten by any women. 5th of 7 in S3 4+, 17 of 24 college standard crews
Cambridge Rowing Triathlon - Iain the Boatman: 5th of 30 finishers, beat 1st and 3rd!
Cambridge Small Boats Head - Coxless Pair A, Walker/Talbott: 8th of 11 men's coxless pairs
Cambridge Small Boats Head - Coxless Pair B, Taylor/Peck: 7th of 11 men's coxless pairs
Cambridge Small Boats Head - Coxless Pair C, Thorne/Earl: 4th of 11 men's coxless pairs
Cambridge Small Boats Head - Coxless Pair D, Blackburn/Rose: 5th of 11 men's coxless pairs