First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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First and Third Trinity

Message Board

Welcome to the club message board, for announcements, discussion, quotes, opinion polls and more... If you are feeling lost read the introduction. For a list of the last fortnight's posts go here.

News topics

These topics are those which provide the news stories on the front page and on the main "Welcome" menu. Members can submit news items and add comments or queries.

Club News & Notices (261 posts - 128 news items)
Last post by JSB - Sat 17th May 2014, 11:06am

Racing News (1301 posts - 138 news items)
Last post by Richard - Sat 15th Jun 2024, 5:00pm

Official public topics

These topics are viewable by anyone and logged on members may post.

Web Site News (200 posts - 91 news items)
Last post by JSB - Tue 25th Oct 2011, 10:14pm

General Discussion (1720 posts)
General discussion about anything even only vaguely club or rowing related
Last post by mjb93 - Sun 31st Mar 2013, 7:23am

Banter (206 posts)
Last post by Mark - Sat 23rd Jan 2010, 6:14pm

Web Links (1466 posts - 374 links)
Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!
Last post by Neil T - Tue 4th Feb 2014, 7:53am

Members' Opinion Polls (2441 posts)
Last post by Thomas - Thu 5th Mar 2015, 7:00pm

Pictures (226 posts - 123 pictures)
Last post by Alexander Watson - Sun 19th May 2024, 7:37pm

Racing messages (1 posts)
Say good luck or congratulations without having to resort to a race report
Last post by Simon - Fri 30th Nov 2007, 10:03am

Other topics

Comedy Catches (40 posts - 12 links)
Links to photos of tragic timing and other comedy rowing
Last post by Mathmo - Mon 7th Nov 2005, 10:44pm

Crosswords and other puzzles (153 posts)
For discussion of all forms of mental gymnastics, especially that baffling final clue
Last post by Neil T - Thu 12th Mar 2009, 8:43pm

Wooden boats (9 posts)
Last post by Erica - Tue 27th Mar 2007, 8:59pm

LARD! (0 posts)
This is the shopping list.
Topic created Sun 21st Jun, 11:05am by Julia Attwood

time of day of last 4 weeks' posts busiest posters of last 4 weeks busiest posters of last 4 weeks
Posting habits since 29-06-24.   0 posts by 0 members
left: posts by time of day, middle: members' leaderboard, right: student leaderboard

13 public topics, 7 member-only topics, 7 group topics

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