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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: Where will you be on Boat Race day? 

Where will you be on Boat Race day?
Last year I watched the Boat Race on television, which had the advantage of me being able to see the whole race (although sadly not the Goldie/Isis race), but the disadvantage of missing out on the brilliant atmosphere on the bank. This year, ITV have the television rights, so I'll probably head down to London. What will everyone else be doing?

On Boat Race day, I will be...
On the bank at Hammersmith watching the action live  32%
In a pub along the course  9%
Watching on the big screens  15%
In the launch  0%
Listening on the radio  6%
Watching on television  56%
Supporting Cambridge  94%
Supporting Oxford  0%
Wearing an item of Cambridge Blue clothing  29%
Drunk  26%
Revising :(  15%
Not watching the boat race, I have better things to do with my time  0%
Total: 34 members' votes
by Dubya - Sun 20th Mar 2005, 6:29pm
Where are, "watching on the internet", "trying to write a thesis", or "wearing some brand new worryingly fluorescent cambridge blue cycling kit"? Not sure yet which one will apply...
by Amelia - Sun 20th Mar 2005, 6:47pm
Well, writing a thesis probably comes under 'revising' more than anything else, and you can definitely tick the 'wearing cambridge blue clothing' box. :)
by Should have arranged to come back 2 weeks earlier - Sun 20th Mar 2005, 10:33pm
Dubya said: Where are, "watching on the internet", "trying to write a thesis", or "wearing some brand new worryingly fluorescent cambridge blue cycling kit"? Not sure yet which one will apply...
And where's the option for "waking up in the middle of the night, and spending a lot of cash on a 20 minute phone call from Australia to Hammersmith to receive a running commentary"?
by Simon - Mon 21st Mar 2005, 7:30am
Where's "shaking a collection tin for the RNLI's lifeboat at Chiswick", (something which other people are welcome to help with if you're interested)?
by Many years spent shaking a collecting tin - Mon 21st Mar 2005, 9:24am
Isn't shaking a collection tin illegal? ;-) I think officially you're just supposed to stand there and wait for people to offer you money...
by After 23 terms, finally a buftie..... - Mon 21st Mar 2005, 7:29pm
Amelia said: ... and you can definitely tick the 'wearing cambridge blue clothing' box. :)
I've heard descriptions of the new cycling kit - I'm not sure he can... ;)
by For the price of a local call - Mon 21st Mar 2005, 11:35pm
Should have arranged to come back 2 weeks earlier said: spending a lot of cash on a 20 minute phone call
Looks like you might need this though they may not have international broadcast rights.
I personally think that the change to ITV isn't the end of the world but the loss of coverage on 5Live/World Service is a bummer - despite being there I listened to it on 5Live last year and the commentary was top notch.