First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

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The smoke hammer
http://www.thesmokehammer.comfrom snowball, Tue 4th Feb, 2:28pm
If you want the latest on the state of the nation...
Your ideal job Can can dancer, Mon 3rd Feb, 3:29pm
The Lightweight Nation! RTT, Sun 2nd Feb, 5:30pm
You can create nations of your own too, and decide government policy etc. (1 comment...)
Mr T's website mjb, Fri 31st Jan, 9:49pm
if MC Peck was Mr. T, the website might look a bit like this ...
You British amuse us Dubya, Tue 28th Jan, 11:15pm
hehehehehe (1 comment...)

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