First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

Message board > Web Links 71 to 75 of 374
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Dangerous coxing Andy, Fri 16th Mar, 9:12am
It's a hard life being a cox.

Also, am slightly displeased at the appearance of a certain Peter Brandt video on youtube... (3 comments...)
Cracknell enters Coast to Coast Jane, Thu 15th Mar, 11:21am
Cracknell reckons he's tough enough to crack NZ... (5 comments...)
W1 bump Emma Neil Copland, Wed 14th Mar, 11:37am
Video taken on my camera from grassy. (1 comment...)
FaT W1 rowing over head Jane, Tue 13th Mar, 9:25pm
Listen carefully at 12 seconds in for some classic Iain
Grape Plasma dw229, Sun 11th Mar, 8:57pm
Something all Physics geeks will appreciate!

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