First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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From an old message board BJ, Thu 26th Apr, 3:35pm
He just seems to have got the club wrong... (1 comment...)
So this is why we go so fast... apparently male, Thu 19th Apr, 7:50pm
...the college's female rowers look like men.
Chocolate training RTT, Mon 16th Apr, 9:04pm
If the reported heart rate increases are true, maybe we should start doing all UT2 training in the lard cupboard?
FaT memorabilia on eBay Sam Z, Wed 11th Apr, 4:08pm
Apparantly FaT 10th May VIII won blades in 1970... (30 comments...)
CUBC at the HoRR dw229, Sun 1st Apr, 12:49am
Stroke is hanging at the catch. Unforgivable. He'd better sort it out by next weekend... (3 comments...)

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