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by In my single scull - Sat 25th May 2002, 7:06am
You should talk to Austin Lamacroft (spelling?): I was doing a long erg and he put on one of his CD's - the dance mix sampling "Working 9 to 5" was pretty bad, but the one using parts of "Jeu le Taxi" totally finished me off!!
by Anna - Thu 23rd May 2002, 3:40pm
1st and 3rd needs cheese! Saturday Night, the Macarena and anything by Steps, these make a bop what it is. You know I'm right.

The formula is something like this:

Rower + Alcohol + post bumps high/low = Insatiable urge to dance.

Also, COME TO THE DINNER cos it'll be fab.
by dw - Wed 15th May 2002, 11:28pm
It's that time again....the KSS is doing the Bop mix. What songs do people want? Put them up here and I'll do my best...
by Simon - Thu 7th Feb 2002, 5:24pm
no, but... said: Are you saying you would?
I know you wouldn't...
by no, but... - Thu 7th Feb 2002, 2:06pm
Simon said: He's not exactly complaining though.
Are you saying you would?

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