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So this is why we go so fast... apparently male, Thu 19th Apr, 7:50pm
...the college's female rowers look like men.
Chocolate training RTT, Mon 16th Apr, 9:04pm
If the reported heart rate increases are true, maybe we should start doing all UT2 training in the lard cupboard?
CUBC at the HoRR dw229, Mon 2nd Apr, 12:47pm
Stroke is hanging at the catch. Unforgivable. He'd better sort it out by next weekend... (3 comments...)
Google Maps - NY to Dublin Mike, Fri 30th Mar, 10:46am
Rich and Dan's next potential challenge? Check out step 23... (1 comment...)
Doctor Who? RTT, Fri 23rd Mar, 5:31pm
I have just discovered the Doctor Who was at some point in the past / future a member of FaT. The trousers are unmistakeable. (1 comment...)
CUBC to enter the eights head Simon, Wed 21st Mar, 9:24pm
One rowing headline away from the Cam this week is CUBC's decision to enter the eights head which this year is the weekend before the Boat Race.
An interesting approach to tapering, but maybe JPD can comment on whether in previous years (CUBC have held their penultimate week camp in Nottingham for the past 15 years) the crews have spent the weekend before doing a 5k on the Trent.
My guess is that this may have been linked to the cutting of funding to triallists who refused to join the GB squad for winter training in Reading. Maybe this is an attempt to point out to GB Rowing that they're just as good as Leander.
Another thought is that last year's wash up suggested they couldn't cope with either the Tideway itself or the pressure of a busy race day. (3 comments...)
Dangerous coxing Andy, Fri 16th Mar, 9:12am
It's a hard life being a cox.

Also, am slightly displeased at the appearance of a certain Peter Brandt video on youtube... (3 comments...)
Cracknell enters Coast to Coast Jane, Thu 15th Mar, 11:21am
Cracknell reckons he's tough enough to crack NZ... (5 comments...)
W1 bump Emma Neil Copland, Wed 14th Mar, 11:37am
Video taken on my camera from grassy. (1 comment...)
FaT W1 rowing over head Jane, Tue 13th Mar, 9:25pm
Listen carefully at 12 seconds in for some classic Iain

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