First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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General discussion about anything even only vaguely club or rowing related

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Lottery funding by Moneybags - Thu 15th Dec 2005, 11:51am
This might be of interest to some of you:

The government are conducting a survey to determine how the lottery money spent on arts, heritage and sports should be split between these three areas. The link to the survey's on the right hand side.
Beeramids by Martin - Fri 7th Oct 2005, 12:16pm
Until now our infamous beeramid has been the largest example of such an erection to be found on the internet. However, after all these years our efforts have finally been outdone... (sent by an anonymous reader)

Incidentally, beeramid even has an entry in the Wikipedia. (7 replies...)
JL t-shirts by Erica - Sat 24th Sep 2005, 5:25pm
Has anyone else seen the JL t-shirts that say "ROW FOR PEDRO" on the front and "Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills... feathering skills... catching skills... jumpies skills" on the back?

See the JL page .

Two (or three) queries:

1. Why Pedro? Is this really random or am I missing something? Is it a quote?

2. What are jumpies?

(3. Should I buy one, for $15, or would this jinx my relationship?!?) (7 replies...)
Relative boat speeds by speedy gonzales - Mon 19th Sep 2005, 11:04pm
I was wondering if anyone knows of a reliable table comparing some kind of average boat speed/gold medal times, or anything really to give an idea of relative boat speeds across ALL the different classes. It's very hard to find any info on non-olympic classes, e.g coxed fours, and how they compare, speed wise to other boats. And/or can people offer opinions on this? Is a women's coxed four, for example going to be faster or slower than a women's pair? Women's eights and men's singles? (6 replies...)
Contacts by Andy - Fri 29th Jul 2005, 11:33am
I sent an email to the list this morning, and I haven't yet received it. Can anyone who is also a member of said list confirm that it isn't working please. Cheers. (17 replies...)

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