First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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General discussion about anything even only vaguely club or rowing related

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Contacts by Andy - Fri 29th Jul 2005, 11:33am
I sent an email to the list this morning, and I haven't yet received it. Can anyone who is also a member of said list confirm that it isn't working please. Cheers. (17 replies...)
HRR qualifiers by Dubya - Thu 23rd Jun 2005, 5:35pm
Good luck, Tom! (and to the eight too if they are actually racing) (2 replies...)
Bumps videos by Martin - Wed 22nd Jun 2005, 3:09pm
I've archived a few videos from Fergus. At some point will work out where these things should really go, for now there are here:
1st men's practice start
2nd men
2nd men's practice start
Starting cannons
The Downing / FaT / Queens m1 sandwich
1st women's practice start (2 replies...)
Bumps Starts for W1, M2, M1 by Bryn - Tue 21st Jun 2005, 6:25pm
Marshalling opposite the Plough on Friday gave me the opportunity to take some videos of practice starts for the FaT crews in the top Mays divisions. They are here:


When I get some more webspace I might put up a video of the Arrows VIII for comedy value...
Bow tie? by Martin - Tue 14th Jun 2005, 9:34pm
Have discovered I have a spare FaT bow tie. Anyone currently rowing want one? Needs a little bit of a clean and perhaps an iron (can you iron silk?), but is essentially fit for purpose. (9 replies...)

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